12° Nicosia,
25 June, 2024


Displaying results 421-450 of 1596 matches for query 2019.

421. 150% increase in foreign direct investment - 600% increase in the technology sector

Cyprus is ranked 18 among other countries in attracting foreign direct investment, as reported in the seventh edition of the Greenfield FDI Performance Index of the FDI Intelligence for 2021, going up by 50 places compared to 2020....

422. More than €370m earmarked for rural and mountain communities€370m-earmarked-for-rural-and-mountain-communities

"The government supports rural areas and their residents", Cyprus’ Transport Minister, Yiannis Karousos said on Sunday evening, stressing that in 2019 the government adopted the National Strategy for the Development of Mountain Communities, for the first time since the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus....

423. 30.5 tons of waste collected by volunteers island-wide in 3 years

A total of 30.5 tons of garbage, mainly plastic, were collected in a course of three years from volunteers all over Cyprus in a campaign titled #potavristou, which means roughly translated "move and help"....

424. Poland, Spain & Italy are a favorite for working migrants

The median age in the 27 European Union countries is projected to mark an increase of 4.5 years between 2019 and 2050 to reach 48.2 years....

425. €835 million in tourism revenue in the first half of 2022€835-million-in-tourism-revenue-in-the-first-half-of-2022

Tourism revenue reached €835.7 million in the first half of 2022, showing a large increase compared to the corresponding period of 2021, while in relation to the first half of 2019, the record year for Cypriot tourism, there is a decrease of 16.7%....

426. Cyprus is below the EU average on high speed internet coverage

In 2021, 41% of households in Cyprus enjoyed high-speed internet coverage through fixed very high capacity networks (VHCN) compared with 70% on average in the EU, according to data released by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union....

427. Sleepy Greek port becomes US arms hub

But the sleepy port of Alexandroupoli in northeastern Greece has taken on a central role in increasing the US military presence in Eastern Europe to contain Russian aggression. That flow has angered not only Russia but also neighboring Turkey, underlining how war in Ukraine is reshaping Europe’s economic and diplomatic relationships....

428. Finland's PM partying video causes backlash

The Finnish Prime Minister, Sanna Marin, is facing a backlash after being seen partying in a leaked video....

429. Scientists warn of dire effects as Mediterranean heats up

While vacationers might enjoy the Mediterranean Sea’s summer warmth, climate scientists are warning of dire consequences for its marine life as it burns up in a series of severe heat waves....

430. Deadly spiritual ceremony suspect arrested in Cyprus

A man has been extradited to Cyprus where he was wanted in connection with the death of a woman in 2019 when things went terribly wrong in an Ayahuasca ceremony in Larnaca...

431. Cyprus still in the mix as EU probes Greek spyware

Cypriot Deputy Attorney General Savvas Angelides has fired back at allegations over a conflict of interest in an alleged cover-up involving Israeli-made malware, as Nicosia and other EU capitals have been feeling pressure to come clean following rumors of widespread unlawful surveillance...

432. Cypriot MEP spills the beans in spying scandal

Cypriot MEP Demetris Papadakis is warning authorities on his native island to stay away from cover-up attempts and instead 'fully investigate' allegations of espionage and wiretapping by politicians and police using illegal malware...

433. Tourist traffic in Cyprus at 75% of 2019, says Deputy Minister of Tourism

Tourist traffic in Cyprus, so far, has reached 75% of 2019, Deputy Minister of Tourism Savvas Perdios said on Thursday, adding that many more tourists from other markets such as Germany, Switzerland, France and Greece choose Cyprus as their destination....

434. Death no longer as it seems after scientists 'revive' dead pigs

Scientists announced Wednesday they have restored blood flow and cell function throughout the bodies of pigs that were dead for an hour, in a breakthrough experts say could mean we need to update the definition of death itself....

435. Three scenarios for Turkish provocations in the East Med

Preparations are done and the Turkish drilling rig Abdul Hamid Khan is ready to sail to its destination, according to informed sources, but the location is yet to be announced. ...

436. Cyprus tourism rebounds despite lack of Russian tourists

Beside sparkling Mediterranean waters at the Cypriot resort town of Ayia Napa, the bars are bouncing with foam dance parties as tourist numbers rebound following two tough years of the pandemic....

437. Cyprus-Chevron's Aphrodite tactics irk Israel

A gas field dispute between Cyprus and Israel over a tiny portion, with which the island nation hopes to buy out its neighbor, went in deep water this week after Nicosia and Chevron preannounced plans for Aphrodite despite a decade-long unresolved issue still pending between the two nations...

438. EU survey: Bribery still rife in health services

At least one out of eight people who visited a health service in Greece recently had to make an under-the-table payment, known as a “fakelaki,” or “small envelope,” according to recent data....

439. Why heat waves are increasingly hitting Europe

Record high temperatures in many Western European countries, with record highs in Britain, France, Germany and elsewhere, as well as persistent prolonged heat in the Iberian Peninsula, are the culmination of a long upward trend in Europe's summer temperatures this year....

440. 550 employees leave Bank of Cyprus

The Bank of Cyprus announced the successful completion of a voluntary staff retirement plan. Through the Plan, approximately 550 employees have been approved for severance, ...

441. US government getting serious about UFO's

The Pentagon will soon open an office focused exclusively on investigating UFO sightings, according to a statement released by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) on July 20....

442. Foreign tourist goes after Ayia Napa police

A Chinese man living in London is seeking public support as he takes on the police in Ayia Napa, saying he was physically and verbally abused in a racially-motivated encounter during the pandemic and further alleging he was denied access to a lawyer...

443. Cypriot officers fly to Germany to bring groom back

Cypriot police officers traveled to Germany this week to pick up a marriage fraud suspect, who is believed to have fled the island where his wife was recently recognized as a trafficking victim in an ongoing criminal case...

444. UK records 40C for first time in history as European heatwave rages

The UK has recorded a temperature of above 40C for the first time in history – at London Heathrow – as the extreme heatwave ravaging the country and parts of Europe prompted warnings of a “very extreme danger” of wildfires....

445. Three times as many Cypriots traveled abroad in June

Cypriots and Cypriot residents traveling abroad increased more than three-fold in June compared with June of last year according to data released by the Statistical Service of Cyprus (Cystat)....

446. High temperatures and wildfires test Europe's patience (pictures)

Firefighters have been battling several blazes in southern Europe for the past few days as the mercury soared, with scientists linking the very high temperatures to climate change....

447. 'Feta' can only be Greek

Greece has scored a win in its long fight to protect its right to the term “feta” after Europe’s top court reprimanded Denmark for not blocking local companies from using the name for sales outside the European Union....

448. Former senior U.S. official admits to planning attempted foreign coups

John Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and former White House national security adviser, said on Tuesday that he had helped plan attempted coups in foreign countries....

449. Greece’s Cypriot minister takes on bureaucracy

After almost one year as Greece’s climate minister, former EU Commissioner and Nicosia native Christos Stylianides says he never expected bureaucracy in Athens to be worse than Brussels...

450. Sri Lankan president flees country amid devastating economic crisis

Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa fled the country on Wednesday and hundreds of protesters stormed the prime minister's office demanding his ouster, as a people's uprising over a devastating economic crisis overwhelmed security forces....