12° Nicosia,
09 June, 2024


Displaying results 271-300 of 416 matches for query Drilling.

271. Trump congratulates Mitsotakis, pledges to maintain close cooperation

The two leaders expressed their mutual interest in working together and continuing strong cooperation between the United States and Greece, the White House said. ...

272. US urges Turkey to halt drilling operations off Cyprus

The United States has said that Turkey's most recent dispatch of the drillship Yavuz to conduct drilling operations off the Karpas Peninsula of Cyprus is a "provocative step" and has urged Turkish authorities to halt these operations. ...

273. Bloomberg: EU to cut aid to Turkey over Cyprus EEZ violations

Bloomberg's Viktoria Dendrinou and Nikos Chrysoloras report that the European Union is considering suspending most high-level contacts with Turkey and cut the flow of funds in protest of the Turkish drilling activities in the Cyprus EEZ. ...

274. UK opposes Turkish drilling plans off Cyprus, calls for de-escalation

London opposes Turkish drilling plans off Cyprus and calls for de-escalation, noting that disputes such as this are resolved through dialogue...

275. EU High Representative warns Turkey over new drilling operation off Cyprus

The EU High Representative Federica Mogherini warned on Monday Turkey over its intended new drilling operation at the northeast of Cyprus, recalling that Turkey`s continued actions have a serious negative impact across the range of EU-Turkey relations and that "as mandated by the European Council, the Commission and the EEAS are about to present options to the Council for appropriate measures." ...

276. Mitsotakis sworn in as PM amid east Med tensions

Conservative politician Kyriakos Mitsotakis was sworn in as Greece’s new prime minister on Monday after storming to victory on a pledge to create jobs and lure investment to the economically stricken nation...

277. Second Turkish drillship arrives off Cyprus

A second Turkish drillship arrived on Monday off the coast of Cyprus just south of Karpas peninsula...

278. Turkey issues Navtex for exercises off Kastellorizo on Sunday

Turkey has issued a navigational telex reserving a large area south of the island of Kastellorizo, within Greece's continental shelf, for military exercises on Sunday as Greeks go to general elections...

279. Turkish sub shows up in the north

The Turkish submarine “Gur” is anchored at Kyrenia port in the north, with media drawing on reports in connection with drilling activities in the eastern Mediterranean...

280. Cyprus takes legal action against firms encroaching its exclusive economic zone

Cyprus has initiated legal proceedings against three companies involved in gas drilling by Turkey to the west of the island for encroaching on the island’s continental shelf, a senior foreign ministry official said on Tuesday...

281. Playing with fire

The emerging crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean over Turkey’s drilling activities in Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ) raise the prospect of an open Greco-Turkish conflict to a level higher than anytime since the Imia crisis...

282. 'I speak the language of international law', Tsipras tells Erdogan

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras underlined on Tuesday that he speaks the language of international law, the language of rationalism, truth and determination....

283. UK Defence Secretary Penny Mordaunt in Cyprus for talks

284. Rising tensions in the Aegean

285. 'These will not be soft measures' says Juncker

286. Turkey's second drillship to operate off Cyprus' Karpas peninsula

287. Nicosia, Athens seek specific measures at EU summit

288. EU Council conclusions on Cyprus

289. EU will examine 'appropriate' measures against Turkey over Cyprus

The European Union will consider taking “appropriate” measures against Turkey over its gas drilling activities in Cyprus’ offshore maritime zone, according to a press release by the General Affairs Council (GAC) Tuesday....

290. President Anastasiades said he hopes for positive developments regarding decisions on Turkey

President Anastasiades said he hoped that there will be positive developments regarding the decisions as far as Turkey is concerned....

291. EU may freeze customs union talks with Turkey over Cyprus drilling

292. Greece pushing for united EU front on Turkey

293. Cyprus seeks EU sanctions against Turkey

294. Sixteen years on, frustration with Ankara resurfaces

295. Ankara threatens Nicosia over arrest warrants

296. Palmer: Ankara has been repeatedly advised to change course

297. Duncan: 'We oppose their plans to drill'

298. Garber: US deeply concerned by Turkey's intention to drill off Cyprus

299. British PM opposes Turkey’s planned drilling activities

300. FMs of Cyprus, Greece and Armenia meet in Nicosia