Pavlos Kontidis was named Man of the Year for the 3rd time at the 20th annual Bank of Cyprus Man of the Year Awards....
Members on the Bicommunal Technical Committee on Health met Wednesday to discuss the West Nile virus, following one death in the north and a number of cases throughout the island...
Difficult days lie ahead in public education, with state teachers unions saying a last-minute proposal by ruling party Disy, at least at face value, is no different than the latest government measures already rejected...
Three unions representing high school state educators have agreed to a truce with the government, in order to reengage in a weeklong dialogue aimed at finding common ground in school reform...
Public school teachers are calling on the government to move forward with the installation of air condition units in classrooms, with the government raising health concerns while looking into the possibility....
Get the inside scoop on political gossip and other happenings right here, including the ‘Healthy one’ landing on the unions like a sumo wrestler...
Organised teachers are up in arms over the education minister’s comments during a probe in the aftermath of a school boy’s death, when he asked union educators to stay away from the investigation...
Education Minister Costas Hambiaouris has received the final report on the circumstances surrounding the death of a 10-year-old student in Larnaca, but people are already raising questions about safety on school premises during gym class...