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29 September, 2024


Displaying results 931-960 of 1020 matches for query Negotiations.

931. Lute sees Cavusoglu in Ankara

Jane Holl Lute, the special envoy of the UN Secretary General, wasted no time following a busy week by visiting Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on Monday...

932. Security Council renews UNFICYP mandate

The Security Council authorized a six‑month mandate renewal for the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) on Thursday, unanimously adopting resolution 2430 (2018)...

933. UNFICYP draft ready for a vote

Members of the UN Security Council finally agreed on a draft for extending UNFICYP for another six months, with the US showing it could more easily get the attention of its peers next time if there is little progress in peace talks...

934. Cavusoglu: Greek Cypriots not sole owners of Cyprus

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu warns that Turkish Cypriots will not shrug off yet another failure in the Cyprus talks nor will they accept anything less than political equality...

935. Lute flies back to New York

Jane Holl Lute, special envoy of the UN Secretary General, left Cyprus Tuesday morning for New York, following separate meetings with the two Cypriot leaders...

936. #PoliticsBlog The imposing Mrs Lute and the moment of truth

Onasagoras takes a look at the Lute visit and as always, there's an inside scoop on the usual suspects...

937. Nikos Kotzias writes book on failed Cyprus talks

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias has written a book on the recent Cyprus peace talks, in which he criticises UN envoy Espen Barth Eide and shares details and documents unseen by the public...

938. Lute wants to cut to the chase while in Cyprus

UN special envoy Jane Lute will reportedly keep a low profile during her much anticipated visit on the island, where she will hold separate meetings with the two Cypriot leaders...

939. Security Council expected to renew UNFICYP

Despite pressure to cut back on peacekeeping missions worldwide, it appears the UN Security Council will most likely vote to renew UNFICYP in Cyprus for another six months...

940. Cyprus foreign minister calls Moscow up

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov reaffirmed his country’s support for a UN-led peace effort in Cyprus, calling on UNFICYP to continue its role on the divided island...

941. Ties with Moscow under strain after Athens expels diplomats

The outlook for bilateral ties between Greece and Russia was unclear on Wednesday amid tensions prompted by Greece’s decision to expel two Russian diplomats who are alleged to have sought to intervene in domestic affairs and national security....

942. Lute on the move

UN special envoy Jane Holl Lute is reportedly on the move, with sources learning that she is expected to meet with President Nicos Anastasiasdes on July 23 during her tour to Nicosia, Athens, and Ankara...

943. Johnson pushes the eject button right after Davis

Two leading eurosceptic ministers have quit British Prime Minister Theresa May’s cabinet, calling into question her ability to deliver the vision of continued close ties with the European Union that she said they had agreed to last week...

944. EU membership talks for Albania, FYROM set for June 2019

European Union member-states have agreed to opening membership talks with Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) in a year if reform efforts in the two nations continue to progress....

945. Nicosia agrees with EU that Turkey should be a better neighbour

Foreign Minister Nicos Christodoulides is expressing his appreciation for his EU counterparts, following a report by the General Affairs Council that calls on Turkey to be a better neighbour...

946. Government throws Co-Op ball in Hellenic’s court

The Cyprus Cooperative Bank will examine Monday a final offer from Hellenic Bank to acquire the troubled state-owned institution, with government seeing the buyout as a good step while critics saying tax payers are unfairly picking up the tab...

947. UN sending envoy to Cyprus for consultations

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is sending a special envoy to Cyprus in the coming weeks, hoping to get crystal clear views from both sides in order to assess whether or not a new push for peace is possible...

948. Greek foreign minister reiterates support for Cyprus solution

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias reiterated Wednesday his country’s supports for a solution to the Cyprus problem as long as there are no interventionist rights from other countries...

949. Technicalities and lack of trust behind Skourides delays

Turkish Cypriot groups in the north are speaking out against a decision by the Immovable Properties Commission that granted permission to Greek Cypriot Nicolas Skourides to build in his native town...

950. Nicosia says US-North Korea agreement 'absolutely positive development'

Nicosia has described the agreement between the United States and North Korea as an “absolutely impressive development” adding that better international relations can benefit Cyprus and the whole world...

951. Denuclearisation agreement seen as symbolic

US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un pledged on Tuesday to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula while Washington committed to provide security guarantees for its old enemy...

952. Irish FM: We will support you in trying to find the way forward on the Cyprus issue

Tánaiste and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland Simon Coveney said today that his country would support Cyprus “in any way that we can to try and find the way forward that I think everybody wants to see,” on the Cyprus Question....

953. FYROM name deal ‘days away,’ both sides say‘days-away-both-sides-say

There was a sense Tuesday that Athens and Skopje were inching toward a deal on the ongoing “Macedonia” name dispute despite domestic opposition in both countries, with several protest rallies planned for Greece Wednesday....

954. Deal on FYROM name is receding, says government official

The likelihood of a deal between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) on the latter's name moved further away as the neighboring country is “not ready” to respond to the proposals discussed between the foreign ministers of the two countries in Brussels, a Greek government official said on Friday....

955. Audit report on CCB made public amid negotiations

An audit report on the Cyprus Cooperative Bank (CCB) was made public on Friday, amid negotiations between the Co-op and its two bidders, making recommendations for improvement but also criticising the institution on a number of decisions...

956. Name deal with FYROM within reach

Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) are reportedly on the brink of reaching a deal to resolve the decades-old name dispute after the two countries’ foreign ministers apparently reached common ground on Monday. ...

957. Greece, FYROM name dispute talks narrow, intensify, says UN envoy

Talks to resolve a decades-old dispute between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) over the latter’s name have narrowed, and ministers will continue negotiations in Brussels, United Nations envoy Matthew Nimetz said on Friday....

958. IMF, Berlin still divided over Greek debt but progress in sight

A meeting of the so-called Washington Group – representatives of Greece’s creditors as well as the governments of Germany, France, Spain and Italy, the biggest eurozone economies – failed to break a deadlock over the Greek debt as the International Monetary Fund and Berlin remain divided on the length of an upfront extension on bailout loans....

959. Cyprus peace talks in limbo until after Turkey elections

Negotiations for a solution of the Cyprus problem will not resume before the Turkish elections, which are scheduled for June 24, Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Kotzias said...

960. Britons living in Cyprus have nothing to fear post-Brexit

Britain says it has secured the right for UK nationals living in Cyprus to keep the same status that they currently enjoy as EU citizens...