12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 961-990 of 1020 matches for query Negotiations.

961. Paraguay opens embassy in Jerusalem after US lead

Paraguay opened its Israel embassy in Jerusalem on Monday, the second country to follow the United States in making the politically sensitive move from Tel Aviv...

962. There could be no flights after Brexit

There is a possibility that flights will not be able to take place the day after Britain’s planned departure from the EU next year...

963. Cyprus condemns escalation of violence in Gaza

The Republic of Cyprus expressed concern regarding what it described as “serious escalation” of the situation in Gaza, which resulted in dozens of deaths of Palestinians who were protesting the American embassy opening in Jerusalem...

964. 'The clock is ticking' on Britain's poor Brexit progress

The European Union has warned Britain time was running out to seal a Brexit deal this autumn and ensure London does not crash out of the bloc next March, adding to pressure on Prime Minister Theresa May...

965. Elusive peace grows more remote with Jerusalem embassy move

The move of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, coupled with the killings of dozens of Palestinian protesters , makes the odds of a U.S.-brokered peace even more remote, analysts said....

966. New British High Commissioner wants to deepen special relationship

On presenting his credential in Nicosia new British High Commissioner in Cyprus Stephen Lillie said there was a great deal for the two countries to celebrate despite the complexities....

967. US committed to preserving Cyprus peacekeeping

Jonathan Cohen, the nominated Deputy Representative of the United States to the UN, vowed to preserve the UN Peace Keeping Force in Cyprus...

968. Global impact of US withdrawing from Iran nuclear deal

President Donald Trump has made his decision. The United States is going to withdraw from what he called Tuesday a "defective deal"...

969. Cyprus urges UN intervention to restart talks

Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides has urged for an immediate UN bid to sound out prospects of quickly restarting deadlocked talks to reunify divided Cyprus...

970. Akinci dismisses zero troops and no security guarantees for Cyprus

Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci has put to rest any ideas of ‘zero troops and zero guarantees’ in Cyprus, saying on Monday both communities on the divided island have suffered in the past and calling on Greek Cypriots to abandon maximalist positions...

971. Clock ticking for Cyprus reunification 

Former South African President F.W. de Klerk is a man who knows how to read the warning signs of history and he urges Cypriot leaders not to miss another opportunity to make peace before it’s too late...

972. Experts says Cyprus economy to grow by 3.8% this year

The Cypriot economy will pick up momentum in 2018, the University of Cyprus’s Economic Research Centre predicts, upgrading its growth forecast to 3.8% compared with its previous projection of 3.6%. ...

973. Turkey seeks new path in Cyprus talks

Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci is on the receiving end of new criticism from Turkey and Turkish Cypriot politicians, following his remarks on a highly contested UN framework for Cyprus peace...

974. Cypriot leaders test each other's readiness for talks

The two Cypriots leaders are opening their cards this week in a very public way, with one calling on the other to demonstrate readiness to restart peace talks in what some describe as a politically difficult period...

975. Cyprus and Israel move to end dispute over Aphrodite gas

Israel and Cyprus will take their disagreement over the distribution of gas in the joint Aphrodite reservoir to international arbitration, according to a report published by Globes...

976. Another UK minister bites the dust over immigration

Home Secretary Amber Rudd resigned on Sunday after Prime Minister Theresa May’s government faced an outpouring of indignation over its treatment of some long-term Caribbean residents who were wrongly labelled illegal immigrants...

977. Crunch year as Cyprus bids to become regional energy player

Cyprus is ramping up efforts to become a regional energy player with 2018 seen as a critical year in deciding where it stands, Foreign Minister Nicos Christodoulides said in an exclusive interview with Kathimerini...

978.  North Korea hails summit as Trump presses for full denuclearisation

U.S. President Donald Trump said he would maintain sanctions pressure on Pyongyang ahead of his own unprecedented meeting with Kim Jong Un...

979. Business cooperation at the heart of Moscow-Nicosia partnership

The two countries have common cultural and religious traditions, mutual trust and support, and one of the pillars of their partnership is business ties...

980. Understanding Kim: Madman or misunderstood

US intelligence experts are trying to build a profile of Kim Jong Un to give Trump a competitive edge in one of the most consequential summits since the Cold War...

981. Two Chinese suitors for Ethniki

The new process for the sale of 75 percent of Ethniki Insurance is starting for Chinese groups Fosun and Gongbao....

982. Cyprus foreign minister flies to Russia

Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides will hold talks in Moscow with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov, where the two men are expected to discuss bilateral relations, the Cyprus problem, regional issues and EU-Russia relations....

983. Athens asks EU official to stop ‘undermining’ FYROM talks‘undermining-fyrom-talks

As diplomats from Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) prepare to resume talks in Vienna on Wednesday, European Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn on Tuesday expressed optimism that the dispute could be resolved in the next two weeks....

984. Cyprus anticipating UN moves to end talks deadlock

Forthcoming elections in Turkey and tensions in the wider region have complicated the matter further...

985. North Korea test freeze blunts its nuclear threat

North Korea said it no longer needed to conduct nuclear or intercontinental ballistic missile tests because it had reached its weapons development goals...

986. Cyprus wants the UK to remain close to Europe

Christodoulides reaffirmed Cyprus’ position that it would be to the benefit of all sides if the UK were to maintain as close a partnership as possible with the EU...

987. European Commission's report on Turkey most critical

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed the view that a European Commission progress report on Turkey published on Tuesday is the most critical one since 2005 and has also agreed with a Commission assessment that the implementation by Turkey of its Cyprus related obligations would significantly boost its relations with the EU....

988. South Korea discussing peace deal with North Korea ahead of summit

South Korea and a US-led U.N force are technically still at war with North Korea after the Korean War ended with a truce, not a peace treaty...

989. Turkey hits back at EU over Cyprus criticism

European Commissioner Johannes Hahn said Turkey was taking “huge strides away” from the EU as Brussels delivered its harshest criticism yet of what it sees as Ankara’s shift toward authoritarianism...

990. European Commission warns Turkey over its aggression toward Cyprus

The European Commission report urged Turkey to avoid violence or to make threats for the use of violence against an EU member state...