12° Nicosia,
27 July, 2024


Displaying results 1-19 of 19 matches for query Pavlos Xanthoulis.

1. EU faces internal struggle over Hungarian presidency boycott

According to Kathimerini's Pavlos Xanthoulis, the European Union is facing a delicate situation as it grapples with the Hungarian Presidency and the upcoming informal Council of Foreign Ministers, known as Gymnich, scheduled for August 28-29 in Budapest....

2. UN envoy's dual approach ahead of crucial briefing

Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar is adopting a nuanced strategy in the Cyprus conflict as she seeks to engage with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan and prepares to brief the UN Security Council ...

3. How France's nationalist shift could shape Cyprus' future

In France, the prospect of nationalists potentially clinching a decisive majority in the upcoming parliamentary elections has stirred apprehension in Brussels and Berlin....

4. Nicosia looks to Washington for key defense and visa policy changes

In a bid to strengthen its relationship with the United States, Cyprus is focusing on two crucial dossiers: lifting the U.S. arms embargo and joining the U.S. Visa Waiver Program....

5. Cyprus faces obstacles in efforts to repatriate Syrian refugees

According to a report by Pavlos Xanthoulis in Kathimerini's Sunday printed edition, Nicosia's efforts to designate certain areas of Syria as "safe" for the purpose of facilitating the return of Syrian refugees have encountered significant political, legal, and humanitarian obstacles....

6. Christodoulides offered Cyprus on a silver platter?

''You can consider Cyprus as a member-state of the EU, as your ambassador in Brussels, and I look forward to our consultations so that we can further strengthen our relations,'' President Christodoulides said...

7. EU court may block Cyprus' plan for Syrian refugees

The Chief Prosecutor of the Court of Justice of the European Union has proposed a legal interpretation that could block Nicosia's efforts to designate......

8. EU-Lebanon migration deal sparks fury over alleged pushbacks

A recent EU-Lebanon agreement has come under intense scrutiny from NGOs and Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), who decry its ''brutal border control'' measures aimed at facilitating the ''voluntary return'' of Syrian refugees to contested ''safe areas'' in Syria, according to a report by Pavlos Xanthoulis in today's printed edition of Kathimerini....

9. Cyprus tackles mounting challenges in Syrian migrant crisis

As Syrian President Bashar al-Assad signals openness to the return of Syrian refugees, Nicosia remains cautious in its approach, refraining from engagement with the Damascus regime. ...

10. EU reform proposals spark concern among small states

Germany and France are pushing for significant reforms within the European Union, including the abolition of unanimous decision-making and a reduction in the number of Commissioners....

11. Cyprus takes a backseat as the EU initiates gift-giving to Turkey

In today's Sunday edition of Kathimerini, journalist Pavlos Xanthoulis delves into the intricate diplomatic maneuvers and decisions made by Nicos Christodoulides' government in response to the Borel/Commission document on EU-Turkey ...

12. Nicosia's bid for EU involvement in the Cyprus issue met with restraint

A confidential source within the EU headquarters has disclosed to K that Nicosia had made appeals to both Brussels and Berlin for the appointment of an EU representative since last June....

13. Employing Turkish Cypriots in ROC can play a key role in reunification

In a letter to Nicosia, the European Commission is calling for the upgrading of skills and the promotion of Turkish Cypriots in specific sectors of employment in the Republic of Cyprus, hoping that such a development will create a win-win situation....

14. Op-ed: The shooting of a dog and the non pet-friendly destination of Cyprus

In mid-November, community authorities found another abandoned dog in the ‘wine villages’ around the mountains of Limassol. This has become an all-to-common sighting usually resulting from unconscientious “hunters” who leave their dogs in the mountains or surrounding ravines....

15. Immigration: Anastasiades' five requests to the EU

"The country is in a state of emergency in terms of migration flows, and there is absolutely no chance of accommodating more migrants,"...

16. Turkish document to EU justifies opening of Varosa

Ankara and the pseudo-state are jointly trying to stop the efforts to impose European measures against Turkey for Varosi....

17. The sins of the EU and Nouris' obligation

The numbers are buzzing about the huge problem Cyprus faces with irregular immigration and asylum seekers....

18. Jury still out on UN rep after New York lunch

Divided Cyprus’ leaders are on standby following a meeting they had together with the Secretary General, with reports saying a joint statement was past due following disagreement over specifics in assigning another UN representative on the island...

19. Cypriot leaders lunch with UN chief

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is set to meet with Cyprus’ two community leaders on Monday in New York, with reports pointing to statements on both sides that could hold the key to any chance of things moving forward despite low expectations...