12° Nicosia,
14 June, 2024


Displaying results 121-134 of 134 matches for query Serb.

121. Plane makes emergency landing in Paphos

Stranded passengers at Paphos airport are scheduled to get back on their Belgrade-Cairo flight on Wednesday, a day after the Serbian aircraft made an emergency landing due to a possible fire on board...

122. Greece on the energy map with the support of big players

There has been a serious uptick in activity concerning the energy sector in the broader region in the past few months and Greece has a potentially pivotal role to play in developments....


124. West Nile infections rising in Greece

The spread of the West Nile virus in Greece is reaching alarming levels, with the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (KEELPNO) reporting 107 cases that have resulted in 11 deaths so far this year....

125. Cyprus-based company bids for Serbian copper

A Cyprus-based company is among three bidders trying to strike a partnership with Serbia’s only copper mine and smelter...

126. Leak trial of ex deputy police chief up in the air

The trial of former deputy police chief Andreas Kyriacou, who is accused of leaking confidential documents, is up in the air after a court deadline last week came and went...

127. Leaders of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia meeting in Thessaloniki

The leaders of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia gather in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, on Wednesday for the fourth Quadrilateral Summit....

128. Nicosia court stunned in Interpol media leak trial

A state prosecutor could be held in contempt by a Nicosia court if she fails to hand over a criminal probe finding in connection with the leaking of Interpol information in the Ayia Napa mob killings of 2016...

129. Trial of ex deputy police chief can go forward

The Supreme Court has ruled that an independent report should be handed over to the defence team of the former deputy chief of police, who is facing charges in connection with the leaking of information in the Ayia Napa mob killings of 2016...

130. Greek and Turkish armed forces seek ways to reduce tension in Aegean

Hellenic Armed Forces General Staff (GEETHA) Chief Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis and his Turkish counterpart Hulusi Akar discussed ways of de-escalating tension in the Aegean to avoid the possibility of an accident, in talks held on the sidelines of recent military conferences in Europe...

131. Paphos mayor accuses police of corruption and incompetence

Paphos Mayor Phedonas Phedonos says Cyprus police do not take effective action to combat organised crime and that some cops even give false testimony or turn a blind eye on corruption...

132. Serbia can depend on Cyprus as a credible ally and friend in Europe

President Anastasiades said Serbia should consider Cyprus a reliable partner within the EU as Belgrade aims for membership and underlined that the future of Serbia must be in Europe...

133. Anastasiades in Serbia to sign agreements

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades is in Serbia for a two-day official visit, during which bilateral agreements will be signed...

134. Labour exploitation is the main form of trafficking in Cyprus

Labour exploitation has emerged as the predominant form of trafficking in Belgium, Cyprus, Georgia, Portugal, Serbia and the UK...