12° Nicosia,
14 June, 2024


Displaying results 151-180 of 254 matches for query Switzerland.

151. Updated list country categories

The Ministry of Health announced today the new classification of countries in specific categories....

152. International Luxury Property and Residency Conference

153. Greece mounts ‘superhuman efforts’ in multiple fronts‘superhuman-efforts-in-multiple-fronts

Thousands of people have fled their homes on the Greek island of Evia as wildfires burned uncontrolled for a sixth day on Sunday, and ferries were on standby for more evacuations after taking many to safety by sea...

154. Thousands flee fires in Greece, Turkey

Thousands of people fled wildfires burning out of control in Greece and Turkey on Friday, including a major blaze just north of the Greek capital of Athens that claimed one life, as a protracted heat wave left forests tinder-dry and flames threatened populated areas and electricity installations...

155. Cyprus airports to accept EUDCC on July 1

The Cabinet that convened Wednesday, amended the Action Plan for the operation of airports to include the EU Digital COVID Certificate which will be issued by the EU Member States, as well as by the countries of the European Economic Area and by the Switzerland...

156. Labor exploitation case filed in Nicosia court

A man in rural Nicosia, who was arrested in early June on charges related to human trafficking and labor exploitation, was one of 229 suspects detained all over Europe during an operation coordinated by Europol...

157. Cyprus bans foreign travelers from India

The Republic of Cyprus has issued an emergency order banning entry of foreign nationals traveling to the island from India, except Cypriots, Europeans, and permanent residents who now must undergo additional screening, in an attempt to slow down further spread of the Indian variant of Covid-19...

158. Jam-packed day in Geneva underway

UN chief Antonio Guterres started his day with a full plate on Wednesday, with reports saying efforts could be made to draft a joint statement in Geneva despite the two Cypriot leaders reportedly painting different pictures of their priorities during the 5+1 meeting...

159. Search for common ground on Cyprus begins

The United Nations are launching in Geneva their latest effort in the Cyprus Problem, with an informal 5+1 meeting starting Tuesday in search for common ground despite the two sides on the divided island having denounced each other’s official position...

160. Leaders will break bread in Geneva at 5+1

The Geneva meeting on Cyprus 'is going ahead in person,' United Nations officials said during Monday’s Q&A session following a noon briefing in New York...

161. Cyprus updates risk-based travel list

The Health Ministry’s epidemiological unit issued an updated risk-based classification of countries on Monday, with changes to come into effect on April 8....

162. Cyprus to ease travel rules from April 1

The Health Ministry’s epidemiological unit issued on Monday a modified risk-based classification of countries, with changes to come into effect on April 1....

163. Cyprus updates risk-based travel list

The Health Ministry’s epidemiological surveillance unit has re-evaluated the coronavirus risk-based classification of countries after the Cabinet agreed on an action plan last month for the resumption of flights and the reopening of Cyprus airports....

164. Anastasiades, Greek PM discuss Cyprus issue

The Cyprus issue was the focus of a telephone conversation between Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades on Monday morning....

165. Analysis: The Cyprus issue today

Over the past 30 years, Turkey, and its friends in the society of nations, sought, and partially succeeded, in obscuring the importance of the Cyprus issue’s international dimension, that is the Turkish invasion and the illegal occupation of the island. The aim was to present the Cyprus issue as a one-dimensional, internal affair that exclusively concerns the relations and the rights of the two communities, Greek- and Turkish-Cypriots....

166. UNSG's special envoy to visit Cyprus March 7-9

The UN Secretary-General's special envoy to Cyprus, Jane Holl Lute, will visit the island on March 7-9 for contacts with the two sides, in the framework of preparations for the informal five-party meeting on the Cyprus Problem scheduled to take place in Geneva on April 27-29....

167. UN pick Greek Holy Week for sitdown

An informal 'five plus one' meeting on Cyprus will take place in Geneva during Greek Orthodox Holy Week, after a UN spokesperson confirmed location and dates for yet another historic sitdown...

168. Cyprus updates risk-based travel list

The Health Ministry on Wednesday published the list of re-categorized countries with which the Republic of Cyprus maintains air connectivity, with the new three-tier risk-based categorization coming into effect on February 19....

169. COVID-19 is adding new impetus to finance transformation

170. Cyprus in ECDC red category

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) marked Cyprus in its red category along with most other EU countries, indicating that daily new coronavirus cases amount to 150 (or more) per 100,000 people....

171. Cyprus revises travel rules for vaccinated passengers

An inter-ministerial committee set up to spearhead the gradual resumption of flights agreed on an updated action plan on Thursday that allows those passengers who have been vaccinated against coronavirus to be exempted from the requirement of showing proof of a negative test....

172. Moderna to seek US, EU authorization for vaccine on Monday

Moderna Inc will apply for US and European emergency authorization for its Covid-19 vaccine on Monday after full results from a late-stage study showed it was 94.1% effective with no serious safety concerns, the company said....


If you are concerned about the existence of the arts in tomorrow’s turbulent world, then you should join this lively debate, where experts from a wide range of creative industries across the globe will be providing their expertise and sharing their own views about the future of the arts in the post-pandemic world...

174. Elusive businessman with Cyprus ties pops up

The whereabouts of elusive Russian hedge fund manager German Lillevali, who was linked to a flurry of companies in Cyprus after he became a resident, are no longer a mystery after reports that he was detained in the US on an immigration violation but released due to overcrowding amid the coronavirus pandemic...

175. Cyprus updates travel list

The Republic of Cyprus downgraded eight countries in its three-tier risk-based classification system and upgraded one, with the updated list coming into effect on November 9....

176. Cyprus downgrades four countries in updated travel list

The Republic of Cyprus on Tuesday downgraded four countries in its three-tier risk-based classification of countries, with the updated travel list to come into effect on October 9....

177. Six countries downgraded, one upgraded in Cyprus travel list

The Republic of Cyprus’ health ministry announced on Monday that six countries will be bumped down a category in its three-tier coronavirus risk-based classification system governing travel, with the updated list to come into effect on September 24....

178. Cyprus updates risk-based travel list

The Republic of Cyprus on Tuesday downgraded Estonia and Georgia from category A to B, the Czech Republic and Hungary from B to C, while upgrading Rwanda from C to B, and Australia from B to A, in its three-tier coronavirus risk-based classification system governing travel rules....

179. Thousands protest after Greek refugee camp burns down

Thousands of protesting refugees and migrants left homeless on the Greek island of Lesbos after fires destroyed the notoriously overcrowded Moria camp gathered on a road leading to the island's main town Friday, demanding to be allowed to leave....

180. Cyprus revises classification of countries for travel

The Cyprus health ministry on Tuesday downgraded Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia and Lichtenstein to category B in its three-tier risk-based travel classification system, while Rwanda and Monaco were bumped down to category C....