12° Nicosia,
27 July, 2024


Displaying results 1-30 of 72 matches for query Vasiliko.

1. Police lead investigation into LNG terminal project under EPPO oversight

The investigation on the project for the construction of an LNG terminal in Vasilikos was initiated in March 2024, the press office of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office......

2. EU Prosecutor probes Vasilikos LNG project for fraud

The European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) has launched an investigation into the Vasilikos liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminal project in Cyprus, amid suspicions of public procurement fraud, misappropriation of EU funds, and corruption. ...

3. High electricity costs in Cyprus due to lack of renewables

As high temperatures drive increased energy demand in Cyprus, the island remains heavily reliant on mazut for electricity production....

4. EU reviews impact of Chinese exit from Vasilikos' LNG terminal

The European Commission is assessing the potential impacts on project funding following the withdrawal of a Chinese consortium from the construction of the LNG terminal in Vasilikos, a spokesperson for the European Commission confirmed....

5. Vasilikos LNG terminal to proceed despite challenges, says President

The liquefied natural gas terminal project in Vasilikos will be implemented, Cyprus President, Nikos Christodoulides, said on Monday, noting that the project should never have been assigned to the Chinese CPP-METRON Consortium Ltd....

6. ETYFA receives unfinished Vasilikos Terminal, plans to complete by 2025

The government is on a countdown following the termination of the contract for the construction of Terminal F.P. at Vasilikos by the CPP-METRON CONSORTIUM LTD....

7. Turmoil at Vasilikos as Chinese consortium pulls out, terminal project in limbo

The sudden withdrawal of the CPP-METRON CONSORTIUM LTD from the Vasilikos terminal project has added a new layer of complexity to the already troubled initiative. ...

8. ETYFA criticizes consortium for failing Vasilikos project

The Natural Gas Infrastructure Company of Cyprus (ETYFA) expressed deep frustration and disappointment on Friday, confirming that the consortium contracted for the Vasilikos project is not only unwilling but also unable to complete the work....

9. Legal challenges mount over Vasilikos Terminal abandonment

Cyprus is preparing for significant changes in its energy sector following the formal termination of the contract between the Natural Gas Infrastructure......

10. Cyprus faces financial hit as Chinese consortium exits energy project

Following the public admission by Energy Minister George Papaconstantinou, the agreed separation between Cyprus' Natural Gas Infrastructure Company (ETYFA) and the Chinese consortium CPP-METRON Consortium Ltd (CMC Ltd) is imminent, according to a report by Apostolos Tomaras in this Sunday's printed edition of Kathimerini....

11. Chinese consortium exits Vasilikos LNG project

The Chinese CPP-METRON Consortium Ltd (CMC Ltd) is set to exit the unfinished photovoltaic (PV) terminal project in Vasilikos, according to Cyprus' Energy Minister George Papanastasiou. ...

12. Cyprus faces crucial decision as LNG terminal contract nears end

Energy Minister George Papanastasiou announced on Tuesday that the contract between the Natural Gas Infrastructure Company (ETYFA) and the CPP-METRON Consortium Ltd (CMC Ltd) for the Vasilikos liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal construction is approaching its conclusion....

13. Government halts heavy industry in Vasilikos

The Cypriot government has granted a long-standing request from the Vasilikos area's coordinating committee, prohibiting further heavy industry licensing in the region....

14. Cyprus reforms are a comedy of errors in governance

Following last Sunday's vote, the much-publicized local government reform will take effect on July 1. This, like many other reforms, has been carried out in typical Cypriot fashion. ...

15. Vasiliko: President dismisses 'velvet divorce' talks with Chinese firm

Cyprus President Nikos Christodoulides dismissed reports of a "velvet divorce" with the Chinese state-owned company CPP regarding the liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in Vasiliko....

16. Government seeks new investor for Larnaca port

After prolonged negotiations, the government has reached a resolution with the consortium tasked with revamping the port and marina of Larnaca......

17. DISY and AKEL neck-and-neck, as third place up for grabs

With just two weeks remaining until the elections, a Kathimerini poll reveals a crucially divided electoral landscape in Cyprus, marked by high rates of voter abstention and competitive races for the top political positions....

18. Vasilikos: Chinese consortium demanding an additional 200 million

The meeting between Cypriot President Nicos Christodoulides and the Chinese Ambassador in Nicosia has dimmed hopes for the completion of the Vasilikos terminal project, according to a report by Apostolos Tomaras in this Sunday's print edition of Kathimerini. ...

19. Vasiliko LNG terminal progress confirmed by president Christodoulides

The project of the LNG terminal is still ongoing said President Nikos Christodoulides, on Tuesday, noting that he cannot elaborate on the matter, since discussions are still in progress....

20. EAC chairman George Petrou dives into energy storage advancements

George Petrou, the newly appointed chairman of the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC), faces a daunting task as he takes the helm during a turbulent......

21. Pollution problems plague Cyprus ports

Ports are under scrutiny for violations including changing ballast water without proper consent, leading to significant air pollution and discharge of solid waste. ...

22. Minister stands against early fees for Great Sea Interconnector

Cypriot electricity consumers should not be burdened with a surcharge before the operation of the electricity interconnector linking Greece and Cyprus and the consequent reduction of electricity costs, Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry George Papanastasiou said on Monday....

23. Larnaca port echoes Vasilikos unrest

The ambitious redevelopment of Larnaca's port, a cornerstone of the city's growth, has hit a rough patch....

24. Seal of approval: Limassol's adorable mascot captivates hearts (video)

The story of Mr. Poseidon, as the seal is affectionately known, highlights a crucial aspect: the intricate relationship between the coastal economy and the marine ecosystem....

25. Cyprus coastlines awash with mesmerizing jellyfish spectacle

The coastal waters of Cyprus have been graced with a mesmerizing spectacle as jellyfish sightings surge, captivating onlookers and prompting insights into their increased presence. ...

26. Cyprus aims for Vasilikos LNG terminal completion by 2024

Cyprus aims to complete construction of the Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) terminal in Vasilikos by the end of 2024, according to Energy Minister George Papanastasiou on Monday....

27. Vasilikos: Fragile peace amidst delays and disputes

According to a report by Kathimerini's Apostolos Tomaras, Energy Minister George Papanastasiou's recent meeting with a top executive of China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co. Ltd., the parent company overseeing the Vasilikos energy projects,...

28. Chinese Ambassador stresses cooperation for Vasiliko LNG success

The main body of the Vassiliko LNG project could be completed at the end of 2024 or early in 2025, as long as various parties can truly work together with......

29. Vasilikos LNG project defenders hit back amid accusations

In response to mounting skepticism, the CMC Administration issued a resolute defense of the CPP-METRON Consortium Ltd's ability to undertake the Vasilikos LNG Receiving and Regasification Terminal project. ...

30. High-Level consortium official to visit Cyprus amid LNG terminal project stalemate

A senior official from the consortium responsible for the construction of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminal at Vassilikos is expected to visit Cyprus this week, announced George Papanastasiou...