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29 September, 2024


Displaying results 721-750 of 771 matches for query Washington.

721. 'Bonfire of the Vanities' author Tom Wolfe dead at 88

Tom Wolfe, an early practitioner of “new journalism” who captured the mood and culture of America across five decades with books including “The Bonfire of the Vanities,” “The Right Stuff,” and “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test,” has died at the age of 88...

722. North Korea reconsiders summit with Trump, puts talks on ice

North Korea threw next month’s unprecedented summit between Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump into doubt, threatening weeks of diplomatic progress by saying it may reconsider if Washington insists on unilateral denuclearization...

723. Elusive peace grows more remote with Jerusalem embassy move

The move of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, coupled with the killings of dozens of Palestinian protesters , makes the odds of a U.S.-brokered peace even more remote, analysts said....

724. Trump seeks 'very meaningful' summit in with N. Korea

US President Donald Trump has high hopes of “doing something very meaningful” to curtail North Korea’s nuclear ambitions at a summit in Singapore next month, after Pyongyang smoothed the way for talks by freeing three American prisoner...

725. Greece, Cyprus and Israel together in Washington

While the leaders of Greece, Cyprus and Israel confirmed once again in Nicosia their strategic choice to follow a common course on a number of issues and to promote cooperation in a series of sectors – leading with energy – diaspora organizations from the three countries organized a joint conference in Washington...

726. Revolution sweeps Armenian opposition leader into power

Opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan was elected Armenia’s prime minister on Tuesday, capping a peaceful revolution driven by weeks of mass protests against corruption and cronyism in the ex-Soviet republic...

727. Greek and Jewish Diaspora team up for Cyprus security

The Greek-American and American Jewish communities have joined forces to promote legislation in the United States that would bolster the security status of Cyprus and block the sale of F-35 fighter jets to Turkey...

728. Mueller raises possibility of Trump subpoena

Special Counsel Robert Mueller, in a meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump’s lawyers in March, raised the possibility of issuing a subpoena for Trump if he declines to talk to investigators in the Russia probe, a former lawyer for the president said...

729. Israel says Iran lied on nuclear arms, pressures US to scrap deal

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu unveiled what he said was evidence of a secret Iranian nuclear weapons program that could step up pressure on the United States to pull out of a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran...

730.  North Korea hails summit as Trump presses for full denuclearisation

U.S. President Donald Trump said he would maintain sanctions pressure on Pyongyang ahead of his own unprecedented meeting with Kim Jong Un...

731. Three US senators move to block F-35 transfers to Turkey

Three US senators introduced a measure on Thursday aimed at blocking the transfer of Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to Turkey, a NATO ally and one of nine partner nations involved in producing the high-tech, radar-evading aircraft....

732. Macron tells it like it is

Capping a three-day visit, Macron repeatedly criticized Trump’s isolationist principles in a speech to a joint meeting of Congress, an honour given to a small number of visiting foreign leaders...

733. Trump and Macron seek stronger measures on Iran

With a May 12 deadline looming for Trump to decide on restoring US economic sanctions on Tehran, Macron said he spoke to Trump about a “new deal”...

734. Facebook reveals secrets on how it polices the service

Facebook has faced fierce criticism from governments and rights groups in many countries for failing to do enough to stem hate speech...

735. Building a shield

Paris has taken some practical steps as demonstrated with the decision to give Greece two FREMM-type navy frigates on a five-year lease and talks on defence cooperation with Cyprus...

736. Driver kills 10 after ploughing van into Toronto crowd

The brutal incident - which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called a “tragic and senseless attack” - was one of the most violent in recent Canadian history...

737. Trump-Macron to face differences on Iran and trade as French visit begins

Trump and Macron began their improbable friendship a year ago in Belgium with a jaw-clenching handshake...

738. North Korea test freeze blunts its nuclear threat

North Korea said it no longer needed to conduct nuclear or intercontinental ballistic missile tests because it had reached its weapons development goals...

739. A need to upgrade Greece’s F-16 fighter jets

Lawmakers are awaiting a joint report by the State and Defense departments on how the country can help Greece upgrade its existing F-16 fleet...

740. UN official DiCarlo may have to pick up the pieces in Cyprus

There is a possibility the UN Secretary General will send a personal envoy in order to examine the chances of resuming talks...

741. Turkey not taking sides with anyone on Syria

While Turkey is cooperating with both Russia and Iran to wind down some of the violence in Syria, Ankara has long demanded that President Bashar al-Assad must go...

742. Putin predicts global 'chaos' if West hits Syria again

The United States, France and Britain have said the missile strikes were limited to Syria’s chemical weapons capabilities and not aimed at toppling Assad...

743. US says air strikes cripple Syria chemical weapons programme

US President Donald Trump called the operation a success...

744. US and allies launch air strikes in Syria

US, British and French forces pounded Syria with air strikes early on Saturday in response to a poison gas attack that killed dozens of people last week, in the biggest intervention by Western powers against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad....

745. Threat of US-Russia battle hangs over Syria

Two days ago U.S. President Donald Trump warned that missiles “will be coming” in response to that attack...

746. UK mulls Syria attack that could lead to confrontation with Russia

Syria’s military has repositioned some air assets to avoid fallout from possible missile strikes...

747. Syrian government raises flag in Douma

Russian military police were deployed in Douma in accordance with the rebel surrender deal...

748. Cyprus asks the US to lift arms embargo

Cyprus wants to "further grow and deepen bilateral relations and cooperation in the areas of defence and security with the US”...

749. Trump warns the missiles are coming for Syria

The White House pushed back against suggestions that Trump had broadcast his plans for military strikes via Twitter...

750. Trump vows quick response to suspected chemical attack in Syria

Initial US assessments have been unable to determine conclusively what materials were used in the attack...