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29 September, 2024


Displaying results 691-720 of 771 matches for query Washington.

691. From reality TV to the UN, Trump to wield Security Council gavel

692. North Korea's Kim agrees to permanently abolish key missile facilities

693. The fall of a post-junta era symbol

694. Cypriot Ambassador presents credentials at the White House

Cypriot Ambassador Marios Lysiotis presented his letters of credence to US President Donald Trump...

695. US warns Moscow is trying to buy off individuals and spread disinformation

696. Putin and Xi make pancakes

697. Russia, Iran and Turkey have different visions for Syria but all three face US sanctions

698. Requiem for an establishment

699. Trump warns Syria, Russia and Iran not to attack Idlib

700. Seizing opportunities

Greece needs to play its cards right if it wants to profit from the opportunities arising on the international stage, but also to keep in mind that all of the big players are unpredictable and the game at hand incredibly complex....

701. US-Turkish tensions add to regional risk

US-Turkish relations have never been easy to manage. But the current standoff between Washington and Ankara is striking, even by the standards of an historically difficult relationship....

702. Judith Gail Garber to be appointed new US Ambassador to Cyprus

US President Donald Trump has announced on Tuesday his intention to appoint Judith Gail Garber of Virginia, as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Cyprus....

703. Should we listen to President Trump or the diplomats?

As Greece finds itself faced with a wide range of challenges – from Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean to its relationship with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and developments on the Balkan peninsula – it would be useful to have a clear idea of Washington’s strategic objectives regarding these issues. This is regrettably not an easy task considering that what President Donald Trump says does not necessarily reflect official US policy....

704. US posture could overpower Cyprus solution agenda

Following July’s meeting with the two Cypriot leaders, sources say special UN envoy Jane Holl Lute appeared unconvinced regarding the basis for further peace talks and that a meeting in New York could be in the works to clarify once and for all...

705. Senators add more roadblocks to Turkey’s F35 deal

US senators are turning up the pressure over the F35 fighter jet sale to Turkey, with new restriction proposals that could possibly make the delivery of the stealth warplanes more difficult...

706. Cyprus sounding neighbours out over Israeli pier

Israel has asked Cyprus to examine the possibility of establishing a shipping point on the island for sending goods to the Gaza Strip, a Cypriot government spokesman said this week...

707. EU membership talks for Albania, FYROM set for June 2019

European Union member-states have agreed to opening membership talks with Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) in a year if reform efforts in the two nations continue to progress....

708. US Senate votes to block F-35 deal to Turkey

US senators voted overwhelmingly to block the sale of F-35 jet fighters to Turkey on Monday, while Lockheed Martin says it expects to deliver planes before the bill could become law...

709. Denuclearisation agreement seen as symbolic

US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un pledged on Tuesday to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula while Washington committed to provide security guarantees for its old enemy...

710. Name deal with FYROM within reach

Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) are reportedly on the brink of reaching a deal to resolve the decades-old name dispute after the two countries’ foreign ministers apparently reached common ground on Monday. ...

711. Turkey will shop elsewhere if US won't sell F-35 jets

Turkey will go elsewhere if the United States does not allow it to buy Lockheed Martin’s F-35 jets, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu was quoted as saying by broadcaster NTV and other media on Wednesday...

712. Senator introduces bill to end US arms embargo on Cyprus

Robert Menendez, a top Democrat in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has introduced a bill to end the Cyprus arms embargo enforced by Washington since 1987...

713. North Korea still wants to talk after Trump nuked summit

North Korea responded on Friday with measured tones to US President Donald Trump’s decision to call off a historic summit with leader Kim Jong Un scheduled for next month, saying Pyongyang hoped for a “Trump formula” to resolve the standoff over its nuclear weapons programme...

714. IMF, Berlin still divided over Greek debt but progress in sight

A meeting of the so-called Washington Group – representatives of Greece’s creditors as well as the governments of Germany, France, Spain and Italy, the biggest eurozone economies – failed to break a deadlock over the Greek debt as the International Monetary Fund and Berlin remain divided on the length of an upfront extension on bailout loans....

715. Trump relaxed about Kim summit being cancelled

US President Donald Trump said there was a “substantial chance” his summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will not take place as planned on June 12 amid concerns that Kim is resistant to giving up his nuclear weapons...

716. Greek FM urges Washington to protect Cyprus in region

Cyprus was on the agenda at a meeting in Washington between Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias and US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell...

717. US says Cyprus energy riches must be shared as part of a solution

Cyprus’ oil and gas resources should be equitably shared between both communities on the island, in the context of an overall settlement said Jonathan Cohen, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs...

718. The first modern Islamist fundamentalist conquest of the West?

New revelations expose Turkey stealthily positioning itself to attempt to permanently possess the northern third of Cyprus which is rich in hydrocarbons...

719. Cyprus energy search – averting a US-Turkey crisis–-averting-a-us-turkey-crisis

Cyprus continues to proceed with offshore oil and gas projects despite Turkey's opposition...

720. Trump reimbursed attorney who paid-off porn star

President Donald Trump acknowledged for the first time in an ethics disclosure that he repaid more than $100,000 to former personal attorney Michael Cohen, renewing questions about Trump’s ties to porn star Stormy Daniels...