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20 September, 2024


Displaying results 1171-1200 of 1457 matches for query accuse.

1171. Girl’s mom accuses cop of obstructing justice

A mother has turned to a media outlet to complaint against the police, saying an officer discouraged her from filing a complaint against an obscene caller who targeted her pre-teen daughter...

1172. Greek FM urges Ankara to stop its illegal activities in Cyprus

1173. Agia Fyla co-op scandal ends with acquittals

Four defendants in the Agia Fyla credit union scandal have been acquitted on all charges, with criminal judges citing failure on the part of the police to prosecute the case...

1174. Wanted man arrested on rape charges

Cops arrested a 24-year-old Paphos man who is accused of raping his ex girlfriend while he was wanted by police for allegedly committing the exact same crime a week earlier...

1175. Coca Cola heir Alki David arrested

1176. Orestis back in court

A month has gone by with police still searching for two more slain victims of alleged serial killer Orestis, while a crucial autopsy on Monday is expected to show the cause of death of eight-year-old Elena Natalia...

1177. Red Lake object traced back to film production

New reports appear to debunk Wednesday’s odd find at the Red Lake, as an object that alerted authorities ended up being a mockup body dumped during the filming of a foreign movie two decades ago...

1178. Coral Bay trial still bogged down

The Coral Bay manslaughter trial has resumed with the focus still on evidence proceedings, while it remains unclear whether the mother of the victim will be called to testify...

1179. Cops arrest wrong guy in bomb threat case

A man arrested for phoning in a bomb threat has been released, with reports suggesting he was falsely detained after police linked him to a phone number he had used in the past...

1180. Rape charges added in serial killer case

The serial killer case was back in court on Sunday with suspect Nikos Metaxas remanded in custody on new charges including rape...

1181. Sonar scans red lake for victims

Experts have began mapping the bottom of the red lake using sonar technology in the serial killer case, while the second body found in a nearby mine shaft has been positively identified...

1182. Judge throws out drunk driving case in Paphos

A local judge in Paphos has acquitted a driver who was being accused of Driving Under the Influence, ruling that police failed to show valid proof of his breath alcohol test...

1183. Rape claims muddy the waters in Mitseros case

A woman from the Philippines says she was raped by the accused serial killer in the Mitseros case, while reports show police received a preemptive complaint from Orestis himself against his potential accuser two years ago...

1184. Search for bodies expands in Mitseros case

Authorities in Nicosia are getting back in the water on Friday, searching the lakebed in Xiliatos reservoir for little Sierra as well as a new location in Mitseros where a confessed serial killer said he dumped three more bodies...

1185. Authorities regroup in Mitseros search

Authorities are entering second phase in the Mitseros murders, as they begin to scrutinize the past of a suspected serial killer and prepare to inspect the bottom of a lake inch-by-inch in search of a missing little girl...

1186. More experts join Mitseros investigation

A former student of the suspected serial killer says the army captain was fascinated with Mitseros during photography lessons but there was never any indication that he might be a psychopath...

1187. Limassol clerk arrested on embezzlement charges

A clerk at the Limassol District Administration office, who is being accused of pocketing money without issuing receipts, is expected to appear in court Wednesday for her remand hearing...

1188. Five women accuse man of sexual offences

A retired business owner is facing indecent assault charges from multiple women, including two individuals who say they were in primary school when the sexual offences took place...

1189. The Israeli elections and Greece

1190. New witnesses in Strovolos double murder trial

Three more witnesses testified Monday in the Strovolos double murder trial, including the neighbour who answered the door to a frantic teenage boy late at night...

1191. Suspected drug dealers on the run after car chase

Two suspects have been arrested while two more are wanted by police in connection with a cocaine bust that started with a car chase over the weekend...

1192. Underhanded lawyer put behind bars

A private attorney who was convicted in a case of fraud and deception has been sentenced to four months for violating ethics and forging the signature of the state’s attorney general...

1193. Kurd facing extradition could soon make bail

A Kurdish man wanted by German authorities on terrorism related charges could soon walk free on bail following his extradition hearing at the Larnaca courthouse...

1194. Erdogan pays electoral price for Turkey's tumbling economy

1195. Cypriot searching for his daughter in China

The justice minister raised a humanitarian issue with his counterpart in China this week, regarding a Cypriot father who is searching for his teenage daughter since 2013...

1196. European Parliament report accuses seven countries, including Cyprus, of acting as tax havens

The European Parliament urged EU member states on Tuesday to curb money-laundering in the bloc by ending programs to sell visas and passports, a step the multi-billion-dollar industry said would cause economic damage....

1197. Captain arrested for docking in the north

A boat captain has been arrested in Limassol after Republic of Cyprus authorities recorded his commercial ship docking in Famagusta port in the north...

1198. Charges looming in Marie parental abduction

Five people are expected to face charges in the 2017 abduction of Marie-Eleni, while reports out of Norway say the mother took her daughter without holding up her end of the bargain...

1199. Lawyer accuses himself of fraud

A private attorney is facing charges after he filed a complaint against himself alleging he had faked the attorney general’s signature...

1200. Suspected loan shark turns tables on accuser

State prosecutors are seeking guidance from the attorney general in a case where a suspected loan shark in Limassol has presented evidence of actual debt owed to him by his female accuser...