12° Nicosia,
28 September, 2024


Displaying results 451-480 of 622 matches for query credit.

451. Adults in the theaters

The film has been dismissed outright and its director, Costa-Gavras, until recently hailed as one of Greece’s top filmmakers, is suddenly being accused by some of getting carried away. Why? ...

452. Singing from the same hymn sheet

I feel that the success of the New Democracy administration will largely depend on Premier Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ ability to strike a balance between the two camps...

453. Waters’ summer mission reaches Cyprus

California Congresswoman Maxine Waters is on summer recess trip to Europe with a US special delegation on a mission meeting with officials in Switzerland and Cyprus...

454. Scope rates Cyprus with BBB-

Scope Ratings affirmed last week the Republic of Cyprus’ BBB- long-term issuer and senior unsecured local- and foreign-currency ratings, along with a short-term issuer rating of S-2 in both local and foreign currency, noting that all outlooks are stable...

455. US congresswoman on a money trail to Cyprus

A US Congress delegation is set to visit Cyprus to hold meetings on financial matters, led by Chairwoman Maxine Waters who vowed earlier this year to conduct oversight hearings into financial dealings of the US president...

456. Moody’s expects deleveraging to resume but warns over small economy and high level of debt

The credit profile of Cyprus reflects its small but wealthy economy, improved economic resilience and the government`s fiscal outperformance in the wake of the country`s banking crisis, Moody's Investors Service has said in an annual report. ...

457. Greek PM in charm offensive aiming to ease primary surplus targets

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is planning a series of trips abroad toward the end of this month and next, hoping to convince Greece’s creditors of the recently elected government’s commitment to reforms and to lay the groundwork for reducing demanding primary surplus targets agreed under the country’s post-bailout agreement....

458. S&P affirms Bank Of Cyprus ratings

Standard & Poor’s affirmed on Tuesday their `B+/B` long- and short-term issuer credit ratings on Bank of Cyprus Public Co. Ltd. (BoC), noting that the outlook is stable...

459. Central Banker mulls bridging framework on foreclosures

The Central Bank will present recommendations aimed at rectifying the foreclosure framework it was announced on Thursday...

460. Moody’s calls for reform implementation to boost Greek growth

Greece’s credit profile is constrained by the country’s elevated debt burden, moderate growth prospects and weak banking system, Moody's Investors Service said in an annual report Thursday, adding that the new government’s implementation of reforms agreed with lenders would bolster growth....

461. Pyatt calls for stronger defense cooperation

“The United States has spoken very clearly on the question of the S400 and the F-35. We’ve spoken very clearly on the provocative nature of the drilling activities that Turkey has engaged in in waters off of Cyprus. But none of that changes the fact that we, like you, need to find a way to make this work,” Pyatt added....

462. The ‘public interest'‘public-interest

Greece can really take off. The economy has already reached its lowest point and is now poised for a spectacular rebound. The country’s human capital is unlimited in all sectors and for the first time in a long time we have a government that understands the notion of entrepreneurship and wants to move dynamically in the field of investments. ...

463. Coral Bay trial ends with sentence

The man who ran down Charlie Birch in Coral Bay last year has been sentenced to 2.5 years, following a protracted legal battle that had charges reduced twice in the course of the trial...

464. Moody's warns foreclosure laws increase risk for banks

Cyprus’ new foreclosure framework hampers banks efforts to reduce NPLs said credit rating agency Moody's in an announcement on Thursday....

465. Recovering lost ground

The government that has just taken power in Greece is different to what we are accustomed to and close to what a big chunk of the population is eager to see. The center-right administration appears well-prepared. The comparison is not only being made with SYRIZA, which was completely unprepared when it took over at a crucial period in 2015, but also with other supposedly experienced administrations before them. That said, in politics plans can be undone by unforeseen events. ...

466. Which way will SYRIZA go?

It will take a couple of months before we see what kind of style SYRIZA plans to adopt in its reprised role as the country’s main opposition party. For the time being at least, it appears willing to cut some slack to the new government of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. ...

467. The new government, image and symbolism

The first indications from the new government are sending out all the right signals. Tuesday’s handover ceremonies at the ministries confirmed a return to normalcy, after a decade-long crisis that painfully divided the country. Both sides should be given credit for the civilized political discourse that prevailed during the change of guard. It is hoped that this spirit will continue during the debates that are expected to take place in Parliament, not only in the sense of a more sophisticated rhetoric, but also, hopefully, in the approval of some government bills by the new main opposition....

468. Eurogroup rules out any talk of primary surplus target reduction for Greece

Discussion on Greece was brief at Monday’s Eurogroup, but the council of eurozone finance minsters sent a clear message to Athens that creditors are ready to cooperate with the new government while warning that the handouts announced in May by the previous administration are putting growth and fiscal targets at risk...

469. Turtle found dead off Limassol coast

There has been no official word following the discovery of a sea turtle carcass that washed ashore in Limassol over the weekend...

470. The others were Merkel’s puppets, we were just naive

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras admitted to being naive enough to believe that his European counterparts, whose countries have loaned Greece billions of euros, would go easy on him...

471. Apple Pay now available to Bank of Cyprus customers

472. Erdogan suffers defeat in Istanbul rerun

Turkey’s opposition has dealt President Tayyip Erdogan a stinging blow by winning control of Istanbul in a re-run mayoral election, breaking his aura of invincibility and delivering a message from voters unhappy over his policies...

473. Undiplomatic behavior

474. Cyprus 'one of the success stories of ESM'

475. DBRS reaffirms Cyprus’s rating

476. Agia Fyla co-op scandal ends with acquittals

Four defendants in the Agia Fyla credit union scandal have been acquitted on all charges, with criminal judges citing failure on the part of the police to prosecute the case...

477. Coca Cola heir Alki David arrested

478. Greek PM unveils tax, pension relief measures ahead of elections

Greece’s lefist Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Tuesday unveiled additional tax and pension “relief measures,” weeks before a European Parliament election....

479. Suspense in search for bodies in Mitseros

A recovery operation is taking place at the red lake at the old abandoned mine in Mitseros, where a confessed serial killer said he dumped three bodies in suitcases...

480. Two worlds on a collision course

When Nicos Anastasiades was campaigning in 2013 for the presidency in the Republic of Cyprus under the banner “leadership in times of crisis” many people bought into the idea that the leader on the right would recognize the gravity of the situation and had a plan ready to get the country out of a tight spot...