12° Nicosia,
27 July, 2024


Displaying results 1-30 of 76 matches for query drillship.

1. Turkish drillship sets sail amidst Mediterranean tensions

Turkish Energy Minister Alparslan Bayraktar has announced a new mission in the Mediterranean of the Abdulhamid Han drillship, which is the latest addition to the Turkish Petroleum Company’s (TPAO) exploration fleet....

2. Anna Luhrmann speaks to 'K' with a view to strengthening Cypriot-German relations

German State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs, Anna Luhrmann, arrived in Cyprus on an official visit and spoke to "K" about the current developments in the eastern Mediterranean and the war in Ukraine. ...

3. Erdogan keeps suspense as he helicopters to drillship

Suspense in Nicosia and Athens were unceremoniously put on hold on Tuesday when Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the launch of the country’s Abdulhamid Han drill ship in contested waters off Cyprus but was in no hurry to share coordinates...

4. Cyprus and Greece coordinating closely in anticipation of Turkish provocations

Greece and Cyprus accused rival Turkey on Thursday of stoking tensions as Ankara prepared to dispatch a drillship to the Mediterranean next month in a search for natural gas....

5. Turkey to deploy its fourth drillship in August

Turkey’s fourth drilling ship will start work in the first half of August and probably in the Mediterranean, according to Turkey’s Energy Minister Fatih Donmez....

6. What is Turkey up to?

This summer, for the first time in many years, the omens concerning Greek-Turkish relations are particularly gloomy. There are many objective reasons why Turkey causing a heated incident is not the most likely scenario;...

7. EU's von der Leyen: LNG in Cyprus and Greece

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen's speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos and what she said about the energy sources of the Old Continent is essentially the first step in the role that the Eastern Mediterranean and its reservoirs can play in the EU's efforts to cut its dependence on Russian hydrocarbons....

8. Ankara using migration to turn up the heat on Athens

Turkey on Monday resumed its practice of allowing boats packed with migrants to depart from its coast for the Greek islands in the eastern Aegean. It was the first instance in some time that such a large number of migrants tried to enter Greek territorial waters from the Turkish coast....

9. Drilling begins at Cronos-1 in Block 6 of Cyprus’ EEZ

Drilling works have started at "Cronos-1" within Block 6, of Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone, the Ministry of Energy announced on Monday....

10. Turkey reportedly purchases fourth drillship

Turkish media on Tuesday were reporting the purchase of a fourth drillship by the government in Ankara....

11. Athens bracing for a protracted crisis

Athens is preparing on both a diplomatic and military level for a protracted crisis in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean until at least the end of the year when the European Union’s ultimatum to Turkey expires in December. Other crucial political milestones will be the US elections on November 3 and the void created until the president is sworn in on January 20....

12. East Mediterranean dialogue prospects ‘at sea’‘at-sea

Cypriot government spokesman Kyriacos Koushos said Turkey’s pulling out of Yavuz drillship from waters off Cyprus was a positive step but cautioned it was not known whether the withdrawal would be short-lived...

13. Berlin pushing Greece, Turkey dialogue

Berlin’s intense efforts to get talks between Athens and Ankara under way were underlined by Wednesday’s teleconference German Chancellor Angela Merkel had with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a few hours after one with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis....

14. EU solidarity to go beyond words, Michel tells Anastasiades

In a meeting with the European Council President Charles Michel on Wednesday, the President of the Republic of Cyprus expressed hope that EU member states will show a united front during next week’s extraordinary European Council summit on Turkey....

15. Turkey accuses Greece of treaty violations

Turkey has issued a navigational telex to mariners accusing Greece of violating the Lausanne Treaty by militarizing the Greek island of Chios just 10 miles from a Turkish port...

16. Turkey extends Yavuz drillship Navtex in Cyprus EEZ

Turkey extended a Navtex for its ultra deepwater drillship Yavuz until October 12, currently floating northwest of Cyprus....

17. Greek armed forces on alert over Turkish exploration off Kastellorizo

The Antalya Navtex station on Tuesday announced plans for a Turkish seismic survey south and east of the Greek island of Kastellorizo from July 21-August 2....

18. Greek-Turkish ties come under strain

The already tense relationship between Greece and Turkey has been strained further in the wake of Ankara’s leaking of a supposedly secret meeting between Greek, Turkish and German officials following Turkey’s controversial decision to convert Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia into a mosque and amid an increasingly aggressive Turkish stance in the East Mediterranean. The already tense relationship between Greece and Turkey has been strained further in the wake of Ankara’s leaking of a supposedly secret meeting between Greek, Turkish and German officials following Turkey’s controversial decision to convert Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia into a mosque and amid an increasingly aggressive Turkish stance in the East Mediterranean. ...

19. Turkey issues Navtex in Cyprus’ EEZ

Turkey has issued a new Navigational Telex (Navtex), reserving a maritime area within Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ) for drilling activities, Greece's Skai reported on Wednesday....

20. Athens has four deterrence scenarios over Turkey's drilling plans

In anticipation of a crisis in September, when Turkey says it plans to begin drilling activities in Greece's continental shelf, Athens has elaborated four deterrence plans, while at the same bidding to keep channels of communication open with Ankara....

21. Greece condemns Turkey’s drilling intentions in Cyprus’ EEZ

Greece on Tuesday condemned Turkey’s announced intention to continue drilling inside Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ), saying it ignores calls by the international community to respect international law....

22. Erdogan says third Turkish drill ship to begin operations in 2020

Turkey has purchased its third offshore drilling ship which will arrive in Turkey next month, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday, adding that the ship will begin operations in 2020. ...

23. Cavusoglu slams Akinci after comment that Turkey-north annexation would be 'horrible'

“I’ve never worked with a more unreliable politician,” the Turkish Foreign Minister Melvut Cavusoglu said on Monday, referring to the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci in response to an interview where Akinci said the prospect of Crimea-style annexation with Turkey was “horrible”....

24. Cyprus to purchase arms worth €240m from France€240m-from-france

Contracts have been signed for the purchase of military equipment worth €240 million from France, Defence Ministry announced on Friday, confirming recent reports in French media....

25. Flagship of French navy off the coast of Limassol

The Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier, the flagship of the French navy, sailed through Block 8 of Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone on Thursday, passing alongside the Turkish Yavuz drillship bringing rising tensions to the region....

26. French aircraft carrier in Cyprus Block 8

Amid rising tensions in the East Mediterranean, the flagship of the French Navy, aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle, remains in Block 8 of Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone, bearing a small fleet of Rafale fighter jets, helicopters, other aircraft and drones....

27. Tripartite meetings do little to bolster Turkey relations

Tripartite meetings constitute one of the most successful initiatives of the island’s foreign policy, though they do little toward Cyprus’ problems with Turkey, prominent academic and former diplomat to Cyprus Michalis Attalides told Kathimerini in an interview....

28. Tell-all interview with Christopher Pincher

Brexit would not change the relationship between the United Kingdom and Cyprus, according to British Minister Christopher Pincher, who gave a tell-all interview to Kathimerini Cyprus...

29. US Embargo on Turkish drilling in East Med

Turkish opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet reported yesterday on the reasons for the departure of the drillship Yavuz from Karpasia and the expected departure of Fatih currently off the coast of Paphos. It confirms the difficulties faced by the two Turkish drilling rigs that are related to the reluctance of major firms to cooperate with Turkey in the supply of materials for research and extraction of hydrocarbons. ...

30. Turkish drillship Yavuz withdraws from Karpasia peninsula

The Turkish drillship Yavuz has withdrawn from the coastal waters off Cyprus, just south of the Karpasia (Kaspas) peninsula where it had aimed to prospect for hydrocarbons, it emerged on Tuesday. ...