12° Nicosia,
22 September, 2024


Displaying results 1351-1380 of 2471 matches for query economy.

1351. Nurses and midwives from the Ukraine can register in Cyprus

Ukrainian nurses and midwives who have sought asylum in the Republic of Cyprus may apply to be included at the Registry of Nurses and Midwives in the country on the basis of an EU recommendation to do with the recognition of professional qualifications of people forced to flee Ukraine due to the war....

1352. ECB: Banks in Italy, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus could see highest rise in NPLs

Banks in Italy, Portugal, Greece and Cyprus could suffer some of the biggest increases in non-performing loans while France, Ireland and Luxembourg could be among the best performers, the European Central Bank said in a fresh study on Tuesday....

1353. Who benefits from the proposed rent-to-mortgage scheme?

The "Rent vs Instalment Scheme", now known as the "mortgage to rent" scheme, is nearing completion, with implementation set to begin in January 2023. ...

1354. 50 products specified in Cyprus' 'Household Basket'

The Consumer Protection Service will present its initial proposal for the Household Basket in Cyprus to the stakeholders - the Hypermarkets Association, the Retailers Association, the OEB, and the CEB - at 12 noon on Wednesday. ...

1355. EY Cyprus awarded project of Holistic Management of Cyta’s Sustainable development

EY Cyprus has been awarded by Cyta the project of the Holistic Management of the company’s Sustainable Development. ...

1356. NATO response convoluted in missile aftermath

Puzzled world leaders breathed a sigh of relief on Wednesday after it was revealed that Ukrainian forces, not Russian, had fired missiles into Poland, but the incident had already disrupted G20 diplomacy meetings in Bali and further revealed hidden divisions within NATO...

1357. Averof proposes a tax-free family income of 39,500 euros

1358. The pay gap between men and women in Cyprus is at 9%.

Gender Equality Commissioner Josephine Antoniou said in a message on the European Union's Equal Pay Day that the pay gap between men and women in Cyprus is 9%, which means that women earn 91 cents for every euro earned by men....

1359. 'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!' (photos) -photos

The Christmas Villages are set to begin in less than two weeks, on Saturday, November 26, and preparations by the participating communities are ongoing. ...

1360. Katie Clerides campaigns for Averof Neophytou, calls for DISY unity

Messages in favor of unity in the ruling Democratic Rally (DISY) party on the occasion of a memorial service of its founder and former President of the Republic Glafcos Clerides and the visit of independent candidate Nikos Christodoulides to the occupied Maronite villages were the main developments in the election campaign during the weekend....

1361. Finance Minister calls for the repeal of foreclosure suspension

The Ministry of Finance proposes delaying the law on divestiture suspension. ...

1362. Temporary hiring boosts government employment by 0.5% year on year in October

Total government employment in Cyprus rose by 0.5% year on year in October reaching 53,271 persons compared to 53,008 persons in October last year....

1363. Slower economic growth expected towards end of year

The Cypriot economy is expected to slow down towards the end of 2022 after growing steadily during the first half of the year, according to the chapter on Cyprus from the European Commission’s Autumn 2022 Economic Forecast which was presented on Friday by Commissioner for the Economy Paolo Gentiloni....

1364. The Commission is pushing for regulation of Airbnb-style lodgings

As part of its efforts to promote transparency in the short-term rental sector, the Commission adopted on Monday a proposal for the regulation to improve transparency and assist public authorities in ensuring the sector's balanced development in the context of sustainable tourism....

1365. Iranian protesters look to outside world for help

The anti-government protests sweeping Iran are now in their eighth week, with no sign of ending, despite a bloody crackdown. The rest of the world has watched with alarm, with some countries taking steps in support of the protests....

1366. Foreclosures on primary residences suspended until February 2023

The Association of Credit Acquisition Companies and Credit Facilities Managers (SEDP) announced on Thursday the suspension of foreclosures on the primary residences of vulnerable borrowers until February 2023. ...

1367. USA: Republican 'red tide' fails to sweep US midterms

Republicans are favored to win the House of Representatives, but the fight for the Senate is on a knife edge....

1368. Consumer protection laws - 'Offers' that are real offers

Ms. Elena Papachristoforou, a consumer service and protection officer, explained the legal framework in consumer protection and the impact of the new amendments on consumers and traders on the radio show "News Release" on SPOR FM 95.0....

1369. More people are working from home thanks to the pandemic

The proportion of those employed that work from home in the European Union has increased after the COVID-19 pandemic, according to data released by Eurostat, the statistical service of the EU....

1370. Looking for a strategy to suspend foreclosure sales

To protect vulnerable borrowers and stop the economy from being impacted by decisions that could harm its integrity, a strategy for the new potential three-month suspension of foreclosure sales is being sought. ...

1371. Israel to award Anastasiades with medal of honor

The Israeli Presidency announced on Tuesday evening that Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades will be awarded on Wednesday the Presidential Medal of Honor by his Israeli counterpart Yitzhak Herzog....

1372. 64% of distressed state loans eligible for 'Oikia' scheme

The applications for the Oikia scheme for distressed borrowers have reached 64% of the total eligible loans, according to the Housing Finance Corporation. In total, 1,223 applications, valued at €115m have been submitted, out of 1,948 eligible loans, valued at €179m....

1373. Slump in car sales recorded in October

Total car sales dropped significantly in October 2022 compared with the month before mainly due to the steep drop in passenger saloon cars....

1374. 'Cyprus Tomorrow': A plan made by Cypriots for Cypriots

The importance of the "Cyprus - Tomorrow" National Plan was highlighted by Government Spokesperson and Cabinet Ministers, who attended a special promotional event in Nicosia on Saturday....

1375. Cyprus' natural gas could be key to 'unlocking' the Cyprus problem

The three candidates for the Presidency of the Republic, Averof Neofytou, Andreas Mavroyiannis and Nikos Christodoulides, outlined their positions at an event on the delimitation of maritime zones in the Eastern Mediterranean",...

1376. Presidential debate - The arguments, aggressiveness, and lies

The first cross-court debate between the three main presidential candidates based on polls featured nerves, dynamism, pace, and a variety of topics....

1377. Bounced checks totaling €47,010 were issued in October€47-010-were-issued-in-october

In October 2022, only 32 bounced checks totaling €47,010 were issued, and a total of 20 people were listed on the preliminary list of the Central Information Register (CIR) for bounced checks maintained by the Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC). Thirteen of the twenty were natural persons, and seven were legal entities....

1378. Unemployment in Cyprus up by 1.9%

Unemployment in Cyprus marked an annual increase in October of 1.9% according to the Statistical Service of the Republic of Cyprus....

1379. Budget approved for 1,000 charging stations across the island

The Cabinet on Wednesday approved a proposal submitted by the Ministry of Transport for the installation of 1,000 public charging stations for electric vehicles, with a budget of 3.7 million euros....

1380. Cyprus' annual inflation rate declines to 8.6% in October

Annual inflation rate for October expected to be 10.7% in the eurozone and 8.6% in Cyprus according to Eurostat estimates...