12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 2191-2220 of 3321 matches for query increase.

2191. C-sections in Cyprus reached 61% of all recorded births in 2021

Cesarean sections in Cyprus reached 61% of all recorded births in 2021, the President of the Midwives Committee of the Cyprus Nurses and Midwives Association, Stella Leontiou, has said....

2192. Petrides: 'Things will be difficult in the coming years'

The government will continue supporting households, especially the vulnerable, amid rising inflation, Finance Minister Constantinos Petrides said, warning that tackling inflation is difficult due to its structural nature amid the Ukrainian crisis....

2193. Moscow warns of retaliation if Helsinki joins

Finland said on Thursday it would apply to join NATO 'without delay', with Sweden expected to follow, as Russia's invasion of Ukraine looked set to bring about the very expansion of the Western military alliance that Vladimir Putin aimed to prevent...

2194. Nouris: 'We have reached the point where migrants call the police and ask to be picked up'

In a bill submitted to Parliament, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Interior are requesting the recruitment of 300 special police officers with a contract of up to 28 months to monitor the green line and conduct other tasks relating to the increased migration flow into the Republic of Cyprus....

2195. Gender equality of great importance to Cyprus government

Promoting gender equality is of great importance for the government, Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades said on Tuesday....

2196. Trade deficit at €429 million in February and €729 million in March€429-million-in-february-and-€729-million-in-march

The trade deficit in February amounted to €429 million, according to the final data on the month's trade published by the Statistical Service on Tuesday. Additionally, preliminary data from the Statistical Service show that the trade deficit for March 2022 reached €729 million....

2197. Half a million tourists from the US expected to visit Greece this year

Never before has Greece had half a million tourists from the United States in one year, or more than 60 direct weekly flights between the US and Athens, Tourism Minister Vassilis Kikilias told Skai Radio, adding that the government expects significant revenues from the sector in 2022....

2198. House President concerned over 'shocking' increase in sexual violence incidents

One in three women (33%) in the EU has suffered physical or sexual violence, according to the President of the House of Representatives Annita Demetriou, stressing that these numbers are "shocking and troubling."...

2199. Euthanasia: Six out of ten surveyed in Cyprus agree with legalization

The issue of euthanasia and the need for information and social dialogue in Cyprus were discussed on Monday at a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights....

2200. Price hike of raw materials affecting developers and construction costs

The construction industry is suffering as the price hike of raw materials continues, with developers crushed under higher costs as they are deprived of Russian money....

2201. Op-ed: ESG, DEI and other acronyms and why we need to know about them IMHO*

Quite a few times I found myself receiving messages and having to pause and google search an acronym to understand its meaning. I’m sure I’m not alone, and it’s surely not just a Gen X symptom....

2202. Mostly clear skies this weekend with a chance of isolated showers (Live image)

Tonight the weather will be mostly clear with gradually increasing high clouds. ...

2203. Lower interest rates on deposits and consumer loans

A decrease in interest rates on deposits and consumer loans and a marginal increase in the interest rates on mortgages can be seen in the data published on Thursday by the Central Bank of Cyprus for March 2022....

2204. Halloumi production and distribution unaffected by war

The production and distribution of halloumi have not been affected by the war in Ukraine, said the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, Costas Kadis, saying that what they are trying to manage is the unallocated quantities from the pandemic period....

2205. First ever publicly financed equity fund will benefit Cyprus startups

The Ministry of Finance has long been committed to introducing a financial instrument to support startups and innovative companies with equity financing, ...

2206. Man with schizophrenia convicted of premeditated murders

A man with schizophrenia has been convicted on premeditated murder charges for killing his wife and son in rural Nicosia last year, with the bench dismissing his insanity defense after finding there was no provocation...

2207. UN: Obesity levels in Europe at ‘epidemic proportions’‘epidemic-proportions

The World Health Organization says the rates of people who are obese and overweight in Europe have hit “epidemic proportions,” with nearly 60% of adults and a third of children in one of those categories....

2208. Greece sets price ceiling on electricity

The government is to introduce a price ceiling on the wholesale electricity market as the request for coordinated measures at the European level, which was reformulated on Monday at the Extraordinary Council of Energy Ministers by Energy Minister Kostas Skrekas, did not appear to gain traction....

2209. K. Treppides & Co Ltd: Pillar Two on a Global Minimum Taxation

On 22 December 2021, the European Commission proposed a Directive on the introduction of a minimum effective corporate tax rate of 15% on large multinational enterprise (MNE) groups operating in the European Union (EU)....

2210. Cooler weather and rain expected in the next few days

Dust will continue to plague the atmosphere while a weak low-pressure system continues bringing isolated showers around the island. Dust levels are expected to decrease beginning Wednesday. ...

2211. Petrides: Government to continue support measures for vulnerable groups

The government is determined to continue the support it has been providing to vulnerable population groups against rising inflationary trends said Finance Minister Constantinos Petrides, speaking on the sidelines of the presentation of the Sponsorship Scheme for Student Dormitories and Rooms in the old city of Nicosia....

2212. Cyprus and EU economies facing a 'twin problem' following the war in Ukraine

The EU and Cyprus economies are facing a “twin problem” of rising commodity and energy prices and heightened uncertainty following the invasion of Russia in Ukraine, according to discussions held by the Nicosia Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the European Investment Bank (EIB)....

2213. What causes the frequent 'episodes' of dust and when will they subside?

For the second consecutive week, Cyprus woke up to a veil of African Dust which, according to the Cyprus Met office, should not surprise people....

2214. Anastasiades: The protection of employees' rights is a priority

President Nicos Anastasiades on Sunday listed a number of government policies and strategies as well as decisions in favor of laborers, as he addressed an event organized by trade union SEK in honor of Labor Day at the village of Amiantos....

2215. Acute hepatitis in children: The warning signs

Scientists and public health authorities are looking into the recent outbreak of acute hepatitis in children, recently recorded in several countries around the world, and trying to find its cause....

2216. Cyprus energy hub hopes hanging by a thread

Nicosia is eagerly awaiting news any day now that could potentially revive the island’s hopes in the energy game, with all eyes on whether a UK-based company with contracts in Israel could find enough gas to bypass red tape and send some of it to a friendly neighbor’s hub...

2217. Cashing in: No payment problems for Russian tourists in Turkey

Turkey is trying to attract more Russian tourists by expanding the usage of the Russian Mir payment system in Turkey as it seeks to bypass the payment bottleneck created by Western sanctions....

2218. Amsterdam airport calls on airlines to cut flights amid chaotic crowds

Staff shortages exacerbated by a strike have caused huge delays at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport during the holiday season. The airport has now asked airlines to reduce the number of passengers by cutting flights....

2219. EY Survey: Growing sustainability risks put pressure on law departments

Law departments around the world are facing a rising tide of risks relating to sustainability, but they do not feel that business leadership fully understands the implications, and they require additional resources to manage them effectively, according to a new study from EY Law and the Harvard Law School Center on the Legal Profession....

2220. Putin warns West of lightning retaliation

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned of lightning-fast retaliation if countries interfere in Ukraine as European leaders accused Russia of 'blackmail' over its cuts to gas supplies...