12° Nicosia,
03 June, 2024


Displaying results 451-480 of 908 matches for query interview.

451. Petrides: 'Things will be difficult in the coming years'

The government will continue supporting households, especially the vulnerable, amid rising inflation, Finance Minister Constantinos Petrides said, warning that tackling inflation is difficult due to its structural nature amid the Ukrainian crisis....

452. US Diplomat: 'It would be political suicide if Putin withdraws'

An interminable and unwinnable war in Europe? That’s what NATO leaders fear and are bracing for as Russia’s war in Ukraine grinds into its third month with little sign of a decisive military victory for either side and no resolution in sight....

453. Russian Ambassador to Poland doused with red substance (video)

The Russian ambassador to Poland was doused in a red substance on Monday by people protesting against the war in Ukraine as he went to lay flowers at the Soviet Military Cemetery in Warsaw to mark the 77th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany....

454. Frozen Russian reserves should be used to rebuild Ukraine

EU capitals should consider seizing frozen Russian foreign exchange reserves to cover the costs of rebuilding Ukraine after the war, the bloc’s top diplomat has said, as the west debates how to force Moscow to pay for some of the damage the conflict has caused....

455. Op-ed: It’s time for Turkey to choose

Picking a side is rarely an easy task. It means disappointing one side and committing to a particular course. It means putting aside tactics such as maintaining a policy of equal distances or prevarication....

456. Commissioner Gabriel urges Cypriot students and staff to take advantage of EU programs

Commissioner Gabriel urges Cypriot students and staff to take advantage of EU programs and travel all over Europe, ...

457. Pope Francis says NATO started war in Ukraine by ‘barking at Putin’s door’‘barking-at-putin-s-door

Since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Pope Francis has floated the idea that he wants to take a trip to Kyiv to try to broker a ceasefire. But now he says he would prefer to go to Moscow to try to talk some sense into Vladimir Putin, who he has not outwardly condemned in the now nearly three-month-old war and only did so lightly in a lengthy interview with an Italian newspaper....

458. How Marcos could control hunt for his family's wealth as Philippines president

If Ferdinand Marcos Jr. triumphs in the upcoming Philippines presidential election, he will wield broad powers over government agencies seeking to recover as much as $10 billion plundered by his namesake father during his autocratic rule....

459. Op-ed: Turkey antagonizing Greece at every opportunity

Turkey is trying to reach out to most countries in the region in a quest for a new, smoother and ultimately more beneficial – to Ankara itself – modus vivendi....

460. Israel furious at Lavrov's claim 'Hitler was Jewish'

Israel's foreign minister has denounced as "unforgivable" remarks by his Russian counterpart that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler "had Jewish blood"....

461. ‘I will visit Athens when we win the war,’ Ukraine’s President tells Kathimerini‘i-will-visit-athens-when-we-win-the-war-ukraine-s-president-tells-kathimerini

Volodymyr Zelenskyy looked worn, he was probably sleepless, but he spoke passionately in his signature husky, nasal voice, stopping often to take a sip of coffee from the cup next to him....

462. EY Survey: Growing sustainability risks put pressure on law departments

Law departments around the world are facing a rising tide of risks relating to sustainability, but they do not feel that business leadership fully understands the implications, and they require additional resources to manage them effectively, according to a new study from EY Law and the Harvard Law School Center on the Legal Profession....

463. Pelted Russian convoy video in Limassol goes viral

Cyprus Police say no complaint was filed regarding a video from Limassol that went viral this week, showing cars with Russian flags being pelted with heavy items at the southern town's seafront...

464. Moderna asks US authorization of COVID shots for kids under 6

Moderna Inc. said on Thursday it asked U.S. regulators to authorize its COVID-19 vaccine for children under the age of 6, which would make it the first shot against the coronavirus available for those under 5-years-old....

465. Russia elevates warnings as US push for aid

Moscow sees NATO arming of Ukraine as engaging in a proxy battle against Russia, as Washington says the United States will press allies to further ramp up military support for Kiev...

466. Status of sex workers unknown after Nicosia raid

The legal status of three women detained during a prostitution raid in Nicosia remains unknown, while a former police officer and another female have been accused of running an illegal brothel in connection with the case...

467. All bets are off as west talks weaponizing Ukraine

Russia will view US and NATO vehicles transporting weapons on Ukrainian territory as legitimate military targets, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told the TASS news agency in an interview on Wednesday...

468. Russian chemical weapons in Ukraine could see NATO troops deployed

The UK's under-secretary for the armed forces, James Heappey, has revealed that "all possible options are on the table in terms of how the west might respond" if it is confirmed Russia used chemical weapons on Ukraine....

469. ENI TOTAL to resume drilling in Block 6 'Kalypso' deposit

The ENI TOTAL consortium will resume work on Block 6 within the Cyprus EEZ. According to information from Kathimerini, the Franco-Italian consortium will initially carry out drilling at a specific point of block 6 in order to have a better picture of the "Kalypso" deposit....

470. ‘Immediate solutions’ test Cyprus’ take on EastMed‘immediate-solutions-test-cyprus-take-on-eastmed

A US energy official urged Nicosia to seek 'other options' if the island wanted to get energy quickly into markets, with Italy doing just that earlier this week when Rome clinched a deal with Algeria to replace Russian gas imports through the Transmed pipeline...

471. Zelenskyy fed up with UN and NATO's diplomatic approach to Russia's invasion

Zelenskyy said he was fed up with the UN and NATO's diplomatic approach to Russia's invasion: 'I don't have any more lives to give'...

472. Consumers to buy directly from automaker, not from dealer

Mercedes-Benz has reached an agreement with its European dealers to switch to a new dealership model, in which customers will buy directly from the automaker and not from the dealer, the German brand said....

473. 'The Cypriot economy must be diversified'

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission met virtually with the Cypriot authorities on March 11–28, 2022 to discuss recent economic developments and policy priorities....

474. Finland and Sweden could join NATO in the summer

Finland and Sweden could soon join NATO, moves that would likely infuriate Moscow and that officials say would further underscore Russia's strategic error in invading Ukraine....

475. Ukraine rushing to evacuate civilians as the war hits its 6th week

Fearing a new offensive in the six-week-old war, Ukraine rushed to evacuate civilians as Russian forces pounded cities and towns in the east and south, and Kyiv called on the West to place "ruinous" sanctions on Moscow....

476. Nuland: New pipelines will be needed in the eastern Mediterranean

New gas discoveries and pipelines will need to be made in the eastern Mediterranean, US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said after her meetings in Turkey, adding that "it is in our interest to have strong relations between Turkey and Israel....

477. EastMed in position to cover 15-16% of EU's annual Russian gas imports

The Eastern Mediterranean can provide Europe with 15-16% of its annual imports of natural gas from Russia, according to the former foreign minister of Cyprus, Nikos Christodoulides....

478. Abramovich, Ukrainian negotiators hit by suspected poisoning

Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich and Ukrainian peace negotiators suffered symptoms of suspected poisoning earlier this month after a meeting in Kiev...

479. Putin not seen ready to compromise ahead of peacetalks

Ukraine and Russia were preparing on Monday for the first face-to-face peace talks in more than two weeks, but a senior U.S. official said Russian President Vladimir Putin did not appear ready to make compromises to end the war....

480. Russians pile into property in Istanbul and Dubai to shelter from sanctions

Wealthy Russians are pouring money into real estate in Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, seeking a financial haven in the wake of Moscow's invasion of Ukraine and Western sanctions, according to many property companies....