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14 June, 2024


Displaying results 481-510 of 866 matches for query invasion.

481. Moscow warns of retaliation if Helsinki joins

Finland said on Thursday it would apply to join NATO 'without delay', with Sweden expected to follow, as Russia's invasion of Ukraine looked set to bring about the very expansion of the Western military alliance that Vladimir Putin aimed to prevent...

482. US Diplomat: 'It would be political suicide if Putin withdraws'

An interminable and unwinnable war in Europe? That’s what NATO leaders fear and are bracing for as Russia’s war in Ukraine grinds into its third month with little sign of a decisive military victory for either side and no resolution in sight....

483. Downed Russian fighter jets being found with basic GPS 'taped to the dashboards'

Wrecked Russian fighter jets are being found with rudimentary GPS receivers "taped to the dashboards" in Ukraine because their inbuilt navigation systems are so bad, the UK defense minister said....

484. Putin justifies Ukrainian invasion, blames West in Victory Day speech

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his Victory Day speech before a military parade in Moscow's Red Square, defended his ongoing invasion of Ukraine as the "only right solution," without mentioning the neighboring country by name....

485. Russian Ambassador to Poland doused with red substance (video)

The Russian ambassador to Poland was doused in a red substance on Monday by people protesting against the war in Ukraine as he went to lay flowers at the Soviet Military Cemetery in Warsaw to mark the 77th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany....

486. U2’s Bono and the Edge perform in Ukraine subway station

Bono, the frontman of the Irish rock group U2 and his bandmate the Edge performed a 40-minute concert in a subway station in Kyiv and praised Ukrainians fighting for their freedom from Russia....

487. Opposite sides contemplate Victory Day

Russian President Vladimir Putin will address his nation from Moscow during the country’s Victory Day celebrations against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, including Mariupol where the holiday was recently unbanned but resistance fighters still held out at a steelworks plant...

488. Op-ed: It’s time for Turkey to choose

Picking a side is rarely an easy task. It means disappointing one side and committing to a particular course. It means putting aside tactics such as maintaining a policy of equal distances or prevarication....

489. Nouris discusses illegal immigration and occupation with Czech MP's

Illegal immigration and the war in Ukraine were the focus of a meeting held on Thursday between Minister of Interior Nicos Nouris and Chairman of the Czech Parliamentary Committee on European Affairs, Ondřej Benešík, who was heading a delegation of Czech MPs and members of the Committee....

490. Inflation in Turkey spikes to almost 70%

Inflation in Turkey reached record levels of almost 70% in April, rising by 8.83 points in a month, according to official statistics released today....

491. Cyprus' RCB Bank and its Kremlin ties

On March 24, Cyprus’s fourth-largest bank announced it would wind down its banking operations in the wake of the “volatile geopolitical situation” caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a month earlier....

492. Pope Francis says NATO started war in Ukraine by ‘barking at Putin’s door’‘barking-at-putin-s-door

Since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Pope Francis has floated the idea that he wants to take a trip to Kyiv to try to broker a ceasefire. But now he says he would prefer to go to Moscow to try to talk some sense into Vladimir Putin, who he has not outwardly condemned in the now nearly three-month-old war and only did so lightly in a lengthy interview with an Italian newspaper....

493. EU to propose import ban on all Russian oil

Brussels will propose a phased-in ban on imports of all Russian oil as member states prepare to discuss a sixth package of penalties against Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine....

494. Cyprus to export natural gas by 2026, Energy Minister says

Cyprus is hoping to begin exporting its natural gas from the “Aphrodite” gas field by 2026, Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry, Natasa Pilides, has said....

495. EU states divided over Russian oil sanctions

The European Union was preparing sanctions on Russian oil on Monday, with possible exemptions for wary countries, and warned that complying in full with Moscow's proposed scheme to receive gas payments in roubles would breach existing EU sanctions....

496. Zelensky warns of world food crisis as Russia blocks 4.5m tons of grain leaving Black Sea

The Russian army bombed a grain warehouse in Ukraine and tightened its blockade on Black Sea ports, sparking fears of a new global food crisis....

497. Cyprus and EU economies facing a 'twin problem' following the war in Ukraine

The EU and Cyprus economies are facing a “twin problem” of rising commodity and energy prices and heightened uncertainty following the invasion of Russia in Ukraine, according to discussions held by the Nicosia Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the European Investment Bank (EIB)....

498. ‘I will visit Athens when we win the war,’ Ukraine’s President tells Kathimerini‘i-will-visit-athens-when-we-win-the-war-ukraine-s-president-tells-kathimerini

Volodymyr Zelenskyy looked worn, he was probably sleepless, but he spoke passionately in his signature husky, nasal voice, stopping often to take a sip of coffee from the cup next to him....

499. Russia deploys trained dolphins at Black Sea naval base, according to satellite images

Russia has deployed trained military dolphins at its naval base in the Black Sea – possibly to protect its fleet from an underwater attack – according to a new analysis of satellite images....

500. Putin and Parkinson's: What do experts say?

From US Senator Marco Rubio to political science university professors to the UK tabloids, many people appear to have an intimate understanding of Russian President Vladimir Putin's health....

501. Pelted Russian convoy video in Limassol goes viral

Cyprus Police say no complaint was filed regarding a video from Limassol that went viral this week, showing cars with Russian flags being pelted with heavy items at the southern town's seafront...

502. Europe scrambles for natural gas solution as Putin squeezes supply

The European Union is racing to find alternative suppliers of natural gas after Russia's Gazprom cut flows to two EU nations, sparking fears that others will soon follow....

503. Cyprus has at least a three-month stock of wheat for human consumption

Cyprus has enough wheat for human consumption for at least three months, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment, Costas Kadis has told CNA....

504. More ‘Golden Passports’ revoked‘golden-passports-revoked

The Council of Ministers decided last week to revoke the citizenship of four more Russians, including their family members, who obtained ‘Golden Passports’ under the island’s disgraced Citizenship by Investment scheme that was brought to an abrupt end in November 2020....

505. Putin warns West of lightning retaliation

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned of lightning-fast retaliation if countries interfere in Ukraine as European leaders accused Russia of 'blackmail' over its cuts to gas supplies...

506. Erdogan critic in Cyprus sentenced by Turkish court

Turkish Cypriot journalist Sener Levent says he does not recognize a sentence handed down by a court in Turkey, where prosecutors accused him in absentia of insulting the country’s president with an offensive cartoon as well as offending the state’s military...

507. Russia elevates warnings as US push for aid

Moscow sees NATO arming of Ukraine as engaging in a proxy battle against Russia, as Washington says the United States will press allies to further ramp up military support for Kiev...

508. Zelensky gets face-to-face pledge from US

Washington's top diplomat and defense secretary both visited Kyiv on Sunday, and used the first official US visit to Ukraine since Russia invaded two months ago to announce a gradual return of US diplomats to the country and the nomination of a new ambassador...

509. Greeks halt weapons to Ukraine as Russia warns US

Athens signaled this week there would be no more weapons shipments to Ukraine, as reports emerged that Moscow has also warned Washington that US and NATO weaponry sent to Kiev could bring 'unpredictable consequences'...

510. Claims abound as Kremlin’s flagship sinks

Russia's guided missile cruiser Moskva has sunk in the Black Sea while it was being towed due to damage, with Kiev saying the flagship was attacked in a military operation and Moscow pointing to an explosion caused by fire on board...