12° Nicosia,
28 September, 2024


Displaying results 1021-1050 of 1471 matches for query investment.

1021. EastMed faces another challenge next week

European Union countries will seek to prolong EU support for cross-border natural gas projects, a stance at odds with the European Commission’s plan to end such funding, according to a draft document...

1022. Fact sheet puts US-Cyprus ties at historic high

The US State Department’s latest fact sheet on the Republic of Cyprus heralds a bright future of cooperation between the countries, with relations between the superpower and the island nation described as being at a historic high...

1023. Legal battle heats up in golden passports

The top two chief law enforcers in the Republic of Cyprus are taking the parliament to court over a resolution, in which members called on the two officials to recuse themselves in the golden passport probe after raising conflict of interest issues...

1024. EY: Liquidity-fueled IPO markets break records in Q1 2021

1025. Consulco outperforms the London property market says MSCI.

The annual MSCI results are now available, and Consulco’s London commercial real estate portfolio outperformed the Greater London Retail property market by 5.9 % during 2020. ...

1026. Cyprus unveils 'ambitious' stimulus plan

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades has called on the new parliament after elections as well as industry leaders to support an ambitious €4.4 billion economic stimulus plan, saying it will lead the country into a new era...

1027. Syllouris declines questions in passport probe

A former Cypriot parliamentary speaker secretly filmed in an expose on a now discredited cash-for-passports scheme declined to answer questions on Wednesday into his role in a scandal which rocked the island nation...

1028. Stars in Al Jazeera video face committee

1029. Director wants passport probe clear his name

A civil servant, whose name was dropped by the former House speaker during a secret video recording by Al Jazeera, says he did not get involved with golden passports during his tenure as director of the interior ministry, vowing to take legal action if an investigative committee failed to clear his name...

1030. Interim report on golden passports delivered

An interim report on the golden passport scandal in the Republic of Cyprus says just over half of citizenships granted by the executive branch were not approved lawfully...

1031. Jiu Jitsu director says Cyprus losing out

The director and producers of martial arts movie Jiu Jitsu sought audience with Cyprus’ finance minister this week over delayed cash rebate payments, with reports saying the film makers are also ticked off by an unflattering audit report on the country’s Olivewood scheme...

1032. Gloves are off again over golden passports

Cyprus’ auditor general told a House committee this week that the Cabinet used old rules to approve over two hundred golden passports after the cutoff date for an investigation ordered by the attorney general, who pushed back on the criticism saying there was 'no bottom to the abyss'...

1033. IMF: Withdrawal of support measures should be gradual

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission met virtually with the Cypriot authorities from March 8–29, 2021 to discuss recent economic developments and policy priorities on the island. In an interview with Kathimerini Cyprus, IMF mission chief for Cyprus, Anita Tuladhar, said the longer the recovery period in sectors related to tourism, the greater the chance that permanent scars will remain in the economy of Cyprus. Tuladhar also noted the importance of state-sponsored programs to support the economy....

1034. Damning State Dep. report highlights Cyprus human rights issues

A US State Department country report on human rights practices in 2020 proved damning for Cyprus which was found to have had significant human rights issues last year....

1035. EY Cyprus participated in the 4thCyprus International Tax Conference

EY Cyprus has once again supported and participated in the 4thCyprus International Tax Conference, on Tuesday March 30th....

1036. How can digital government connect citizens without leaving the disconnected behind?

Governments should focus on inclusive digitalisation by improving digital literacy and promoting virtual interaction, and this could be achieved by providing digital resources like laptops and tablets in order to get people online and run programs to improve the digital skills...

1037. Borrell report on Turkey covers all bases

A report by European Commission Vice-President and High Representative Josep Borrell spells out the 'political and economic consequences' that Turkey will suffer should the country 'not move forward constructively in developing a genuine partnership with the EU'...

1038. Power outage refuels reform debate

A technical failure in the Vasilikos power plant was quickly restored Thursday morning, after rendering areas all over the Republic of Cyprus without electricity at a time when unions are up in arms over reforms in the industry...

1039. EastMed pipeline could be ready in five years

The EastMed pipeline could be in place in five years, Israeli Minister of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Resources, Yuval Steinitz, has told the Cyprus News Agency (CNA), describing it as an extremely important project....

1040. Florida giant denies Huawei in Cyprus

An American company has put words into action in the middle of global 5G wars, with Phoenix Tower International and Monaco Telecom announcing an agreement that includes acquiring newly constructed wireless towers across Malta and Cyprus...

1041. Vaccinations 'main economic tool' in managing Covid crisis

Vaccinations have turned into the main economic tool for the management of the coronavirus crisis and the prospects for recovery, Minister of Finance Constantinos Petrides said, stating that he foresees a strong recovery in 2021 ranging from 3.5% to 4.5% of GDP, depending on the development of the pandemic....

1042. Coordination for green digital transition needed, Kokkinos says

Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, Kyriakos Kokkinos stressed the need to coordinate actions and investments at national and European level to achieve the EU's goals "for a sustainable, digital and green transition, empowering businesses with an emphasis on the SME and start-up ecosystem, and ensuring EU technological dominance", during his intervention at the informal teleconference of the Competitiveness Council for Research, under the Portuguese Presidency....

1043. Peter Piot: Vaccination passports a one-way street

Professor Peter Piot, advisor to the Commission President, speaks to ‘K’...

1044. R&I ecosystems of Cyprus and Israel exchange expertise

Stakeholders of the Cyprus Research and Innovation ecosystem had the opportunity to gain a comprehensive view of Israel’s experience and expertise in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship, through a series of digital lectures that took place in January – February....

1045. Defying clampdown, Cyprus activists to protest again over graft

Anti-corruption campaigners in Cyprus will protest again on Feb. 20, they said on Tuesday, after a violent clampdown by police at an event on Feb. 13 drew widespread condemnation....

1046. When the lights of the Palace begin to dim

The testimonies of 2013, say that in those critical days of the savings levy, there was a crowd of people on the hill of the presidential palace....

1047. Emails from Cyprus connect dots on Jho Low

New information published by OCCRP suggests that Henley & Partners identified Jho Low as a high-risk client but worked with him anyway through a Cypriot company to get him a golden passport...

1048. Former AG says he cautioned over passports

The state’s former attorney general says his department had cautioned the government years ago that the country’s golden passport scheme might have been incompatible with European law, essentially contradicting the executive branch's position that nobody had said anything...

1049. President blames CIP failure on recklessness

Cyprus’ disgraced Citizenship by Investment Programme took a heavy toll after it was 'recklessly promoted' overseas, according to President Nicos Anastasiades, who testified on Tuesday before an independent committee, while telling reporters later that he would not revisit the matter until after probe findings are concluded...

1050. Anastasiades takes the stand in passports probe

Cyprus’ citizenship by investment scheme will not be revived but other incentives will be given to attract investments, excluding citizenship, President Nicos Anastasiades said on Tuesday, following a 3-hour-long testimony before the investigative committee probing Cyprus’ nixed citizenship-by-investment scheme....