12° Nicosia,
22 September, 2024


Displaying results 781-810 of 1631 matches for query mediterranean.

781. Jewel readies trial cruise from Cyprus

The Jewel of the Seas is setting anchor in deep waters on Thursday just off Limassol, as the cruise ship prepares for an ultimate summer getaway from Cyprus for the first time ever...

782. Blinken covers all bases in phone call to Cyprus

US State Secretary Antony Blinken has pledged support for a federal solution in Cyprus, urging both sides to be open to compromise while also warning over Russian and Chinese influence in the region...

783. Small offshore quake lightly shakes Cyprus

A light earthquake was felt in Cyprus on Monday morning, with no reports of any significant damages or injuries during the few seconds of seismic activity...

784. Cypriot president warns about Turkey agenda

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades has given a few more hints on what an EU agenda for Turkey ought to look like next month, only days after revealing he was prepared wield his veto power if a decision did not deal squarely with Cyprus...

785. EastMed faces another challenge next week

European Union countries will seek to prolong EU support for cross-border natural gas projects, a stance at odds with the European Commission’s plan to end such funding, according to a draft document...

786. Fact sheet puts US-Cyprus ties at historic high

The US State Department’s latest fact sheet on the Republic of Cyprus heralds a bright future of cooperation between the countries, with relations between the superpower and the island nation described as being at a historic high...

787. Turkey sees Greek/Cypriot bias in EP report

The European Parliament has adopted a damning report on Turkey, calling among others for a formal suspension of accession talks, while drawing an immediate response from Ankara that says the report is not objective...

788. UN chief says common ground still elusive

The United Nations said on Thursday there was not enough common ground to resume negotiations on war-divided Cyprus, after a three-day summit attempting to break a four-year impasse in peace negotiations...

789. Cyprus offers no-hassle holidays for the fully vaccinated

Cyprus is offering hassle-free holidays to fully vaccinated individuals from 65 countries from May 10 as it seeks to recoup lost ground from the pandemic...

790. Dead shark spotted in Paphos

A dead shark possibly belonging to an endangered species was spotted on a beach along Cyprus’ western coast, with online users wondering whether the warm-blooded fish was killed or washed up dead...

791. Greek, Turkish ministers stand their ground

Greek and Turkish foreign ministers Nikos Dendias and Mevlut Cavusoglu hailed the relaunch of exploratory talks between Athens and Ankara and called for a de-escalation of tension, but both stood their ground on key issues dividing the two sides in an unusually frank press conference following their meeting in Ankara on Thursday...

792. Jiu Jitsu director says Cyprus losing out

The director and producers of martial arts movie Jiu Jitsu sought audience with Cyprus’ finance minister this week over delayed cash rebate payments, with reports saying the film makers are also ticked off by an unflattering audit report on the country’s Olivewood scheme...

793. We are committed to seeing EastMed through

Israel's cooperation with Egypt and the strengthening of relations with other Gulf states contribute to peace, while enabling Israel and Cyprus to work together with other friendly nations, Sammy Revel says in an interview with Kathimerini...

794. Endangered Mediterranean Monk population marks record jump

The local population of the endangered Mediterranean Monk (monachus monachus) seal has seen a significant increase as a result of the protection measures being implemented over the past years, Environment Minister Costas Kadis said Thursday....

795. Michel says EU will be active observer in Cyprus peace talks

The EU remains committed to the resumption of Cyprus peace talks and is looking forward to the informal meeting set to take place in Geneva later this month, where it will participate as an active observer, European Council President Charles Michel said Tuesday after meeting with Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara....

796. Top EU officials head to Turkey in bid to improve ties

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council chief Charles Michel are headed to Turkey on Tuesday on an official visit aimed at improving ties between Brussels and Ankara....

797. Syrian refugees escorted to Cape Greco

A total of 75 undocumented migrants from Syria reached the Republic of Cyprus on Monday, after a Cypriot coast guard vessel escorted their wooden boat to Cape Greco...

798. Turkey to resume drilling program in Eastern Mediterranean ‘soon’‘soon

Turkey will “soon” resume its seismic and drilling program in the Eastern Mediterranean, the country’s Energy and Natural Resources Minister Fatih Donmez said on Friday....

799. Borrell determined to carry out EUCO mandate on Turkey

President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades said clarifications about the EU’s role at the informal conference of Cyprus set to take place in Geneva in late April may arise after the visit expected to be paid to Turkey by EU officials....

800. US-Greece-Cyprus naval training exercise in pictures

Greece, Cyprus and the United States conducted a joint training exercise in naval special forces that ran between 16-24 March off the coast of Souda bay in Crete....

801. EU presidents to go to Turkey next week

The presidents of the European Council and the European Commission will meet Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey on April 6, an EU spokesman said on Monday, in the latest sign of improving ties....

802. Biden: I have not given up on the Cyprus issue

US President Joe Biden has pledged that he has not given up on the Cyprus issue...

803. EU27 open up to Turkey but with a caveat

European Union leaders made good on Thursday on a 2016 promise to deepen trade ties with Turkey, but also warned Ankara to expect sanctions if it restarts exploration over disputed hydrocarbons in the eastern Mediterranean...

804. Cyprus, Greece mount pressure for revision of EUCO conclusions

Cyprus and Greece mounted pressure on Wednesday for a revision of the draft European Council conclusions on Turkey, arguing that they should better reflect the stance taken by the EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell in his recent report....

805. Cyprus rejects EU draft on Turkey which seeks to deepen trade ties

Cyprus has rejected a draft prepared for a summit of EU leaders this week which seeks to deepen trade ties with Turkey, describing it as “totally unacceptable.” ...

806. Germany: Turkey sending wrong human rights signals

Turkey is sending the wrong messages to the European Union by withdrawing from a pact designed to counter violence against women and closing down the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas warned on Monday....

807. Borrell report on Turkey covers all bases

A report by European Commission Vice-President and High Representative Josep Borrell spells out the 'political and economic consequences' that Turkey will suffer should the country 'not move forward constructively in developing a genuine partnership with the EU'...

808. MED 5 want EU to act as one on migration

The interior ministers of the five Mediterranean countries on the front line of mass migration to Europe want their European Union partners to share the burden more equitably...

809. Anastasiades stays focused on getting EU at Geneva table

President Nicos Anastasiades delved extensively into the substantive role the EU has to play at upcoming Cyprus peace processes during a teleconference convened Friday by the European Council President Charles Michel with EU leaders....

810. US supports Greece, Cyprus, Israel power initiative

The United States is “supportive of connecting distribution grids of mainland Europe to Cyprus and Israel via the EuroAsia Interconnector,” a spokesperson for the State Department said on Thursday, after Ankara on Monday formally protested a memorandum of understanding signed last week between Israel, Greece and Cyprus for the construction of a 2,000-megawatt undersea electricity cable....