12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 1981-2010 of 2575 matches for query operation.

1981. President seeks input ahead of big decision

A crucial event is taking place on Friday at the Presidential Palace, as the epidemiological taskforce is meeting with President Nicos Anastasiades to assess the situation on the ground and the next steps in easing lockdown restrictions...

1982. COVID-19 outbreak both a curse and a blessing

The coronavirus pandemic in Cyprus has come as both a curse and a blessing, as it forced authorities to move with unprecedented speeds toward a digital transformation, Deputy Minister for Research, Innovation and Digital Policy Kyriacos Kokkinos said Thursday....

1983. Companies in Cyprus ready for the new norm

CFOs in Cyprus appear more pessimistic in the second round of the survey conducted by PwC on the effects of COVID-19 on businesses and the wider economy...

1984. Measures being prepared for reopening of airports in June

The expert team of scientists advising the Health Ministry are coming up with measures that would allow airports to resume operation by June, Head of the Pancyprian Medical Association’s Special Committee on dealing with the coronavirus, Maria Koliou, said Tuesday....

1985. High school seniors back to school

Around ten thousand high school seniors returned to public schools on Monday, after almost two months away from their classes due to the restrictive measures to curb the spread of coronavirus...

1986. 26 construction sites shut down for non-compliance with health protocols

Since the construction sector was permitted to resume operation on Monday, 26 construction sites have so far been forced to shut down after inspections revealed they completely failed to adhere to health and safety protocols in place as the island is still grappling with the pandemic....

1987. President and Education Minister brush off mounting concerns

As concern mounts over the Cyprus government’s decision to send children back to school on May 21, Education Minister Prodromos Prodromou issued a press conference Friday morning to clarify how the return of students to classrooms will play out....

1988. Cabinet approves new bundle of support measures

The Cabinet on Thursday approved a new bundle of support measures for businesses to keep the economy afloat after the slowdown brought about by the coronavirus outbreak....

1989. 20,000 coronavirus tests to target school staff and students

After news that schools will be reopening doors for students of all levels on May 21 sparked debate and concern among the Cyprus public, Education Minister Prodromos Prodromou said Thursday that a round of 20,000 coronavirus tests will be launched, targeting school staff and students....

1990. UNFICYP ready to facilitate discussions for easing of restrictions at checkpoints

UNFICYP said Thursday it stands ready to “facilitate and support” disscussions between the two sides of the divided island once efforts begin for the easing of restrictions at crossing points....

1991. Schools to open doors on May 21

With students of graduating classes set to return to school on Monday, the government agreed on a plan for the safe return of the remaining classes on May 21....

1992. Drilling activities in Cyprus EEZ postponed until 2021

After ExxonMobil recently postponed drillings scheduled for 2020 in the Cyprus Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), the Italian-French ENI-TOTAL drilling consortium followed suit, it emerged on Monday....

1993. Cyprus President and Greek Premier discuss handling of the pandemic

President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades and Greek Premier Kyriakos Mitsotakis shared a telephone call on Monday to exchange views on the handling of the coronavirus pandemic and its aftermath....

1994. Police checks to be stepped up as restrictions loosen

Cyprus police won’t be easing up on checks as the island gradually begins to loosen restriction measures, on the contrary, patrols will be stepped up, the Chief of Police stressed....

1995. The four phases of Cyprus' lockdown exit roadmap

The Health Minister on Thursday gave a detailed overview of the four phases of Cyprus’ lockdown exit roadmap, which will be subject to adjustments based on how well the island responds to the gradual easing of restrictions....

1996. Cross-district travel for a swim permitted come Monday

Come Monday, when the number of permitted outings per day is set to increase to three, those living in inland Cyprus will be able to travel cross-district for a swim at the sea....

1997. Lifting restrictions signal progress, but concerns high over relapse

Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou said Wednesday that with the island moving toward recovering from the coronavirus outbreak, the gradual lifting of measures set to begin next week is a testament of the progress being made, but it also a source of intense concern over a potential relapse....

1998. Exit roadmap foresees economy on recovery path by Q3 2020

Finance Minister Constantinos Petrides said Thursday that the government’s lockdown exit roadmap, aspects of which were presented by the President on Wednesday night, aims to see the island’s economy on the path of recovery by the fourth quarter of this year....

1999. Cyprus announces 'timid first steps' in easing restrictions

In a televised national address on Wednesday night, President Nicos Anastasiades presented the detailed plan of the first two phases of Cyprus’ lockdown exit plan, with the first phase, which will see a timid resumption of the economy and a small loosening of restrictions on individual freedoms, set to begin on May 4....

2000. Six new cases announced as Cyprus awaits President's address

2001. New round of 20,000 tests on employees

The Cabinet on Wednesday agreed to launch a new round of testing for employees of businesses that are set to resume operations as part of government plans to steadily ease restriction measures....

2002. Effects of COVID-19 on businesses, wider economy

The results of the PwC Cyprus Pulse Survey on the effects of COVID-19 on businesses and the wider economy, which was conducted with the participation of 45 CFOs from Cyprus, were made public today...

2003. 15 new coronavirus cases after almost three thousand samples processed

15 new coronavirus cases were confirmed in the Republic of Cyprus on Tuesday after a bulk of 2,999 samples were conducted to check for the virus....

2004. Efforts underway to allow courts to judge cases remotely

As the Justice Ministry scrambles to pave the way for a resumption of the complete operation of courts amid the strict restriction measures in place to tackle to coronavirus outbreak, Justice Minister Giorgos Savvides said Monday that efforts are underway to allow some hearings to take place via teleconference....

2005. Outpatient clinics to reopen doors in a couple of days

Outpatient clinics at the island’s state hospitals are expected to reopen their doors to patients in a couple of days, with the state health services finalizing operation protocols to ensure the protection of patients and medical staff alike....

2006. Attorney general weighs in on casino probe

The identity of foreign companies suspected of embezzlement of EU funds pumped into a casino project in Cyprus remains unknown, with the island’s legal department clarifying there is no evidence of local companies being involved in illegal activity...

2007. First easing of restriction measures probably on May 4, Health Minister says

If the situation continues down its current course, we can expect the first loosening of restriction measures to take place on May 4, Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou said Friday....

2008. Health Minister hopes restrictions scrapped within three months

2009. Turkish secret services target Greek refugee camps

Turkey has been conducting secret missions in refugee camps and other places in Greece to gather information about critics of the Turkish government and supporters of self-exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen, who have taken refuge in Greece, according to a publication by the Nordic Monitor website. ...

2010. Lagarde draws line on how far ECB largesse can go

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde drew the line on how far the ECB could go in helping virus-stricken eurozone countries on Wednesday, saying lending to governments directly would be illegal and handing out cash to citizens difficult....