12° Nicosia,
18 June, 2024


Displaying results 331-360 of 613 matches for query permit.

331. Minister of Health announces new measures

Minister of Health Michalis Hadjipantelas held a news conference today at noon to announce stricter measures in order to reduce the growing number of coronavirus cases recorded on a daily basis in Cyprus....

332. Protests continue against new COVID measures (images)

Protests continued this morning outside the House of Representatives against the use of masks in primary schools, rapid testing and vaccinations outside the House of Representatives....

333. EU parliament demands new rules to support legal labor migration

Proposals to ease legal labour migration to Europe are needed by the end of January 2022, to overcome the challenge of an ageing population and of skills shortages, according to a press release sent by the European Parliament office....

334. Clarification of new measures announced on Wednesday

The Ministry of Health has issued clarifications concerning the new measures announced on Wednesday by the Cabinet. ...

335. Vatican to build embassy in Nicosia

The Vatican has announced the construction of its embassy in Nicosia....

336. There's nothing like a real Christmas tree to fill your home with the scents of the season

The Forestry Department is informing the public that from Monday, November 29, until Friday, December 17, 2021, Christmas trees will be sold to the public in various sales centers....

337. Rule stickler mayor left hanging with stroke of pen

President Nicos Anastasiades used the stroke of a pen on Wednesday to block the closure of a department store in Paphos, a move that left the town’s mayor hanging after he had warned his municipality would not tolerate illegal operations without permits...

338. Retailers furious over CovScan’s glitchy start

A controversial android app pushed by the government to help businesses authenticate Safe Pass holders had a rough first day on Monday, with retailers upset over reported failures ranging from vaccinated documents being flagged as invalid to two different devices scanning the same QR code but giving different results...

339. France flexes muscle, puts warship in eastern Mediterranean

France showcased its military muscle Monday with a tour of its new frigate Auvergne in the eastern Mediterranean,...

340. CovScan Cyprus starts running on trial basis

Door greeters at supermarkets started using the android app CovScan on Monday to verify the authenticity of their customers’ Safe Pass documents, but the program will run on a trial basis for two weeks following criticism that consumers and businesses had little time to prepare...

341. CovScan Cyprus mandatory but questions remain

Door greeters at supermarkets and other businesses will have to use an android app when checking Safe Pass, according to a Cabinet decision, but the policy going into effect on Monday has left many questions unanswered with citizens calling even pharmacies to get the latest scoop...

342. The eternal unfinished buildings in our cities

Driving in some areas of Cyprus, we can see some skeletal buildings that "stand" there abandoned for many years and it makes us wonder why they were left there to rot....

343. Bicycle subsidies for Cyprus

The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works announces that on November 1, 2021 it will launch the first electronic platform through which citizens can apply for a subsidy to purchase a new non-electric bicycle....

344. Cops bust marijuana grow in Limassol

Three persons in Limassol have been arrested following a raid at an abandoned shop where drug squad officers uncovered an elaborate grow operation of illegal marijuana...

345. Nautical Geo sails again, this time south

Nautical Geo, a research vessel that Turkey expelled two weeks ago from an area west of Cyprus, was scheduled to resume activities off the coast of the island but this time staying out of zones claimed by Turkey...

346. EU issues yet another damning report on Turkey

An EU enlargement report calls on Turkey to tone down actions and threats against member states including the Republic of Cyprus, while Ankara accuses the European Commission of adopting Greek and Greek Cypriot biases...

347. Cyprus, Egypt sign deal to speed up electricity grid linkage

An undersea cable linking the electricity grids of Cyprus and Egypt could be key to helping both countries transition to a green economy ...

348. Turkey denies Cypriot vessel in contested waters

Cypriot Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides was working the phones on Monday, a day after Turkey expelled a research vessel from waters west of the island, a maritime area with zones claimed by both Ankara and Nicosia...

349. Sarkozy: Convicted of illegally financing his 2012 election campaign

A Paris court has found former French President Nicolas Sarkozy guilty of illegally funding a 2012 election campaign....

350. K. Treppides & Co Ltd: Renewed European finance strategy and implementation of the action plan on financing sustainable growth

The European Commission adopted on 21 April 2021, a comprehensive package of measures to help improve the flow of money towards financing the transition to a sustainable economy, whereas these measures will be instrumental in reaching climate and environmental targets as well as vital for economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. ...

351. Cyprus wants clean slate in naturalizations

The government in the Republic of Cyprus has laid out a new blueprint for naturalizations of foreign investors and skilled immigrants, pointing to a departure from the country’s disgraced golden passport scheme while respecting the EU position on citizenship criteria...

352. Pfizer Covid Shot Safely Bolsters Antibodies in Younger Kids

Pfizer Inc. and partner BioNTech SE said their Covid-19 vaccine was safe and produced strong antibody responses in children ages 5 to 11 in a large-scale trial,...

353. Papa Pancho plans Cyprus visit

Pope Francis will visit Cyprus in December, making him the second Roman Catholic pontiff to ever travel to the eastern Mediterranean island nation, a Cypriot official said Tuesday...

354. K. Treppides & Co Ltd: Cryptocurrency

If you do a quick search on the internet on how many people have become “Bitcoin Millionaires” you will be inundated with stories of young individuals who invested their pennies some years ago and have now struck it rich. Currently there are over 100,000 accounts that hold US1,000,000 or more in Bitcoin....

355. Police investigate Safe Pass knife incident

Police are investigating an incident in Limassol where the owner of a restaurant says he sustained knife injuries after a customer refused to show a Safe Pass document...

356. Limassol cites decree after Safe Pass mishmash

The City of Limassol has weighed in on a recent confusion over Safe Pass for cruise passengers ashore, with officials citing verbatim the latest emergency law following reports that guests had not been allowed into local shops and restaurants...

357. Marine patrol chased out of northern waters

A Greek Cypriot police vessel was chased out of an area north of Tylliria, with reports saying shots were fired before an encounter with a Turkish coast guard vessel came to an end, while a Turkish Cypriot statement denies such an incident ever took place...

358. Safe Pass police told off by unfriendly crowd

At least two people have been arrested in connection with a bar incident in Limassol Saturday night, when police officers who went to carry out Safe Pass inspections ended up being surrounded by an unfriendly crowd...

359. Government responds to fire with €6 million aid€6-million-aid

The Republic of Cyprus has announced €6 million in financial aid for villages affected by a deadly fire, including compensation to the families of victims, with the government clarifying that illegal or uninsured structures would not be an issue...

360. Fast food drivers pulled over by police

Three deliverymen in Paphos were arrested during random road inspections by immigration police officers, who said the job contracts had not been properly stamped, while additional reports said the young men were asylum seekers who had a right to work...