12° Nicosia,
15 June, 2024


Displaying results 271-300 of 613 matches for query permit.

271. Presidential contender, ministry swing for the fences

Cypriot presidential candidate Andreas Mavroyiannis drew heavy criticism from the interior ministry on Monday, after the former chief negotiator spoke on the weekend against a controversial barbwire fence south of the buffer zone...

272. 'I had warned them that the Turks were getting ready'

It wasn't a matter of instinct, he didn't accidentally smell impending danger. The facts spoke for Alexandros Simioforidis and he could not ignore them. ...

273. Cyprus upgraded to Tier 1 in US Trafficking in Persons report

The Ministry of Justice and Public Order has welcomed the US State Department's Trafficking in Persons report for 2022 released on Tuesday noting the upgrade of Cyprus to Tier 1 status. ...

274. Majority of Cypriots believe corruption is rampant in the country

A total of 94% of respondents in a special Eurobarometer published by the European Commission on Wednesday believe that the problem of corruption is widespread in the country....

275. Here are the plans for Berengaria (Photos)

The work on the historic hotel Beregaria in Prodromos is expected to be completed in 2026. Plans for its radical facelift were presented this morning at the hotel's facilities, and here is what we can expect....

276. 'Nightmare' scenario for Europe as Russia shuts off gas pipeline

The main natural gas pipeline between Russia and Germany shut down for scheduled maintenance Monday, raising concerns that Moscow could use the repairs as a pretext for a longer shutdown as it wields energy supplies as leverage in the Ukraine war....

277. Greece: Covid infected tourists no longer required to quarantine

A new government decision issued by the Greek authorities earlier this week has established that tourists who get infected with the COVID-19 disease while being in Greece will not be required to go into quarantine. ...

278. Police want parents help combat illegal fireworks

Angry citizens in different districts across Cyprus have been calling police to complain over the use of illegal fireworks, with law enforcement saying the issue was complicated and society also had a role to play in curbing the unlawful activity...

279. Inflation edges closer to double digits in June

Inflation in Cyprus in June edged closer to double-digits driven by the soaring prices in electricity and energy on the backdrop of the war in Ukraine....

280. Germany grants asylum to thousands of refugees already protected by Greece

Germany has granted asylum to thousands of refugees who were previously granted refugee protection in Greece....

281. Commando's death: The objections from two officers were ignored

There are many unanswered questions surrounding the death of commando Panagiotis Giannios, who, during a National Guard exercise, fell to his death from a helicopter in the Paphos area....

282. Lawmakers approve private 'green line' armed cops

The parliament in the Republic of Cyprus has approved legislation allowing the hiring and training of 300 private armed police officers tasked with combating illegal migration along the UN buffer zone, but regulations were still unclear...

283. Russia vows retaliation over Lithuanian blockade of goods

Russia warned NATO member Lithuania on Monday that unless the transit of goods to Russia's Kaliningrad exclave on the Baltic Sea was swiftly restored then Moscow would take undisclosed measures to defend its national interests....

284. Transgender women banned from competing in women’s events

World swimming’s governing body has effectively banned transgender women from competing in women’s events, starting Monday....

285. It's full steam ahead for the Cyprus-Greece ferry

Preparations are on overdrive for the first ferry round-trip on Sunday between Cyprus and Greece after 21 long years, according to the shipping line coordinating the route....

286. Worker gets arrested after going to hospital

A construction worker in Limassol who visited the Emergency Room after injuring himself ended up in handcuffs after suspicions were raised over labor law violations...

287. EU strikes deal on adequate minimum wage in member states

With a deal struck on Monday night, Parliament and Council negotiators agreed on EU rules to set adequate minimum wages, as provided by national law and/or collective agreements....

288. An increase of 50% in subsidies for roof thermal insulation and photovoltaic systems

With a budget increased by 40%, and a potential to increase even further and with increased grants by 50%, the Grant Scheme for thermal insulation on roofs and installation of photovoltaic systems in houses was announced by the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry during a web conference, on Tuesday....

289. EU official calls on Cyprus to implement recovery plan or lose funding

A European Commission official on Monday urged the Cypriot authorities to proceed with the implementation of Cyprus’ National Recover and Resilience plan, warning that Cyprus risks losing EU funds in case of new delays....

290. Tax incentives for businesses looking to relocate to Cyprus

The Cypriot government on Tuesday approved a bill with tax incentives aiming to attract talent and promote headquartering in Cyprus, in line with the Strategy for Attracting Businesses for Activities and/or Expansion of their Activities in Cyprus approved by the Council of Ministers in October 2021....

291. 'A historic day': British bases lifts restrictions on civilian property development

Eight years after the signing of a bilateral Arrangement between Cyprus and the UK, the SBA is today lifting restrictions on property development on 200 square kilometers of non-military areas within the bases....

292. Putin orders retaliatory sanctions against West

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree on retaliatory economic sanctions in response to the "unfriendly actions of certain foreign states and international organizations", the Kremlin said on Tuesday....

293. SBA land run rules in foreign investors

More opportunities and fewer restrictions for land development on SBA land went into effect on Monday in Cyprus, where foreign nationals will be allowed to invest along with locals who now have to review details and move quickly with any possible objections...

294. Increase of property supply leads to decline of housing prices

The increase in the property supply has contributed to a decline in prices in Cyprus in recent months, according to the latest figures reported by the Statistical Service of Cyprus (CyStat) this week....

295. Another elderly man killed in moped crash

Another elderly man on a moped was killed in collision near Xylofagou, with reports saying he was going the wrong way when he crashed into an oncoming traffic at a highway exit...

296. Ministry of Health: Free healthcare for Ukrainian refugees in Cyprus

The Ministry of Health announced today that Ukrainian refugees who have already applied for temporary protected status and who need healthcare treatment can go to public medical centers/public hospitals located all over Cyprus. ...

297. Revoking golden passports to Russians ‘impossible’‘impossible

An EU recommendation to member states to recall passports issued to Russian and Belarusian oligarchs on the bloc’s sanctions list puts Cyprus in an awkward position....

298. Evalena Beach Hotel in Protaras to open its doors to Ukrainian refugees

The Evalena beach hotel in Protaras will open its doors to war refugees from Ukraine, according to an announcement by the Ministry of Tourism. Refugees from Ukraine are entitled to free accommodation at this hotel until April 30, 2022....

299. EC calls on EU governments to end golden passport schemes

The European Commission called on EU governments on Monday to end national programs to sell citizenship to investors, also known as golden passports schemes and urged them to suspend the sale of visas to Russians and Belarusians....

300. Major projects underway in Larnaca, Nicosia

The Cyprus real estate and construction sectors are moving past the demise of the scrapped Citizenship for Investment Programme, turning their attention to the capital and the once-neglected coastal town of Larnaca, while Limassol, with its high-rises and cosmopolitan lifestyle, is still seeing part of the action....