12° Nicosia,
02 June, 2024


Displaying results 301-330 of 545 matches for query refugees.

301. NGO says refugee woman misled by agents

A pro-migrant group in Cyprus is accusing officials of using dubious methods to pressure a Syrian woman refugee to withdraw her asylum application, including hiding a recent development that could reunite her family on the island more quickly...

302. Asylum seekers arrested in Chloraka raid

Ten asylum seekers have been arrested in Paphos district according to local reports, citing a violation of an emergency law issued last December that bans international protection applicants from residing in Chloraka...

303. DC Comics: New Superman Will Be Bisexual And With Environmental Concerns

John Kent is the new Superman. He is the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane, and has a friend who is. Particularly close, the creator of DC Comics revealed on Monday....

304. Cyprus won’t sign pact if EU doesn’t budge

A letter to the Home Affairs commissioner sent by the MED5 ministers warns Brussels that front line states won’t sign the new pact on migration and asylum unless their demand for a 'balanced' agreement is met...

305. Cyprus puts foot down on migration talks

The Republic of Cyprus is adding pressure on a pending agreement over an EU migration pact, with three proposals backed by MED5 countries aimed at airing their grievances against the bloc, a union that is going through a power struggle...

306. EU aims for deal with Turkey to stem migrant flows to Cyprus

The European Union could work out ways to stem the flow of migrants from Turkey to Cyprus and other EU nations...

307. President Anastasiades addresses the 76th UN General Assembly

The President of the Republic, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades, today addressed members of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly in New York....

308. Prevention of violence against women a priority, says Minister

Minister of Labor Zeta Emilianidou, today, congratulated the Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family, saying that their work contributed significantly to the prevention and fight against domestic violence....

309. Foreign Press: How Erdogan uses Cyprus to send migrants to the EU

On the occasion of the visit of the Austrian Minister of European Affairs Caroline Edstadler to Nicosia, the Austrian newspaper Kurier focuses on the possible new increase of migration flows in Cyprus after the developments in Afghanistan and the role of Turkey. ...

310. Dutch foreign minister resigns

Dutch Foreign Minister Zigrid Kaag submitted her resignation from the government on Thursday,...

311. Nineteen US Congress members call for UN action against Turkey’s Varosha plans

Nineteen members of the US Congress have signed a letter addressed to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres...

312. Shocking details emerge after pushback in Cyprus

More shocking details have emerged about a Syrian refugee’s ordeal in Cyprus, with police saying they were unaware last month they were separating a pregnant woman from her family during a pushback while some members of a House committee told a different story...

313. Syrian mom with newborn beats Cyprus pushback

A pregnant woman who reached Cyprus on a refugee boat last month has given birth to a boy, while the rest of her family and other passengers who were pushed back to Lebanon were said to be facing deportation to Syria...

314. Marine patrol chased out of northern waters

A Greek Cypriot police vessel was chased out of an area north of Tylliria, with reports saying shots were fired before an encounter with a Turkish coast guard vessel came to an end, while a Turkish Cypriot statement denies such an incident ever took place...

315. Fast food drivers pulled over by police

Three deliverymen in Paphos were arrested during random road inspections by immigration police officers, who said the job contracts had not been properly stamped, while additional reports said the young men were asylum seekers who had a right to work...

316. Another refugee boat pushed back in Cyprus

A boat carrying 58 presumptive refugees including women and children was pushed back by Cypriot authorities, after a standstill ended when marine police received instructions from land to escort the vessel back to Lebanon...

317. Women and children allowed off refugee boat

Close to a hundred Syrian refugees were spotted on board a vessel on Wednesday off Cyprus’ Cape Greco, with reports saying half of them were women and children while coast guard officials ordered the men to remain on the boat...

318. Cyprus turns refugee boat back to Lebanon

Dozens of refugees who were on board a vessel spotted off Cyprus on Sunday returned to their point of departure in Lebanon, contradicting earlier reports that the boat had been escorted to Cape Greco...

319. Syrian refugees reach Cyprus by boat

Dozens of newly arrived refugees from Syria in a wooden boat made it to Cyprus, just days after Lebanese police said they blocked over 50 undocumented Syrians from attempting to each the island...

320. Syrian boy allowed to reunite with parents

A young Syrian boy stuck in the north for over a month was reunited with his parents, following pressure on the government to allow the unaccounted minor to cross over to the south...

321. Michel says EU will be active observer in Cyprus peace talks

The EU remains committed to the resumption of Cyprus peace talks and is looking forward to the informal meeting set to take place in Geneva later this month, where it will participate as an active observer, European Council President Charles Michel said Tuesday after meeting with Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara....

322. Top EU officials head to Turkey in bid to improve ties

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council chief Charles Michel are headed to Turkey on Tuesday on an official visit aimed at improving ties between Brussels and Ankara....

323. Syrian refugees escorted to Cape Greco

A total of 75 undocumented migrants from Syria reached the Republic of Cyprus on Monday, after a Cypriot coast guard vessel escorted their wooden boat to Cape Greco...

324. Damning State Dep. report highlights Cyprus human rights issues

A US State Department country report on human rights practices in 2020 proved damning for Cyprus which was found to have had significant human rights issues last year....

325. EU presidents to go to Turkey next week

The presidents of the European Council and the European Commission will meet Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey on April 6, an EU spokesman said on Monday, in the latest sign of improving ties....

326. EU27 open up to Turkey but with a caveat

European Union leaders made good on Thursday on a 2016 promise to deepen trade ties with Turkey, but also warned Ankara to expect sanctions if it restarts exploration over disputed hydrocarbons in the eastern Mediterranean...

327. Cyprus rejects EU draft on Turkey which seeks to deepen trade ties

Cyprus has rejected a draft prepared for a summit of EU leaders this week which seeks to deepen trade ties with Turkey, describing it as “totally unacceptable.” ...

328. MED 5 want EU to act as one on migration

The interior ministers of the five Mediterranean countries on the front line of mass migration to Europe want their European Union partners to share the burden more equitably...

329. EU frontline ministers talk migration in Athens

Cypriot Interior Minister Nicos Nouris is in Athens this weekend where he is attending a MED5 meeting on immigration, with some of the bloc’s Mediterranean members tackling issues stemming from Brussels’ new migration proposals that divide the union...

330. Cyprus scrambles to reduce asylum backlog

Interior Minister Nicos Nouris says the government is moving forward with rejections of asylum applications under new, faster procedures to clear a system backlog, with Europe seeking a comprehensive solution and a commissioner calling on Cypriot authorities to investigate illegal pushbacks...