There was uproar in the Greek Cypriot education system on Monday after an exam paper leak was made public, with authorities unsure whether to call police and teachers calling on the government to rethink a controversial semester reform...
A biology textbook is the center of heated debate in Cyprus after references to “purity” and “abstinence” in a chapter on sexually transmitted diseases were posted on social media...
High school students staged a protest on Tuesday against semester exams in public schools, a new system that the government has been unable to implement during the pandemic but also because of very strong objections...
Education Minister Prodromos Prodromou became the subject of criticism and ridicule on social media Tuesday, following a live video interview where he was seen smoking an electronic cigarette...
Organized parents in Cyprus are calling on high school students to call off a strike scheduled for Wednesday, as critics warn that protests against semester-based exams are getting out of hand...
Organized student groups were gathering outside the Presidential Palace in Nicosia on Thursday to protest the implementation of exams on a semester basis...
OELMEK teachers voted on Monday against a proposed strike on exam day, essentially turning their backs on the leadership that has been calling on members to resist a new semester-based system...
Three teenagers have been arrested in connection with a school incident in Paphos, where an assistant principal was pushed to the ground and verbally assaulted...
A teachers union says a school principal in Paphos was physically attacked by out-of-school youngsters, adding that this is not the first time educators have had to endure similar behaviour from unruly teens...
State high school teachers are preparing to strike over their opposition to a semester-based exam schedule, with OELMEK union calling on its members to show no interest in putting the exams together...