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27 July, 2024


Displaying results 31-38 of 38 matches for query spy van.

31. Court rejects remand requests in spy van case

Prosecutors in the spy van case pointed to Wi-Fi antennas installed at Larnaca International Airport, during a remand hearing on Friday where three local employees of an Israeli firm were being accused of multiple charges including privacy laws violations...

32. Three locals arrested in spy van case

Cypriot police have arrested three individuals in connection with an investigation into the controversial “spy van” owned by an Israeli company registered on the island...

33. Spy van owner fires back at police

The CEO of WiSpear, the high-tech company caught in a media storm for owning the confiscated “spy van” in Cyprus, says local police have not done much to dispel false rumours...

34. Attorney general weighs in on spy van

The attorney general of the Republic of Cyprus has appointed a special investigator in the “spy van” case, while the Israeli company that sells controversial surveillance vehicles is calling on authorities to investigate what it calls a “false accusations” campaign...

35. WiSpear says it never spied on Cypriots

The company linked to an Israeli spy van in Cyprus has weighed in on media speculation following reports that it was spying illegally all over the island...

36. Cypriot police vague over spy van

New information has emerged about a controversial spy van in Cyprus, with reports suggesting police may have known about its special capabilities in advance...

37. Questions raised over spy van in Cyprus

An unbelievably expensive van roaming Cypriot streets and packing spy technology worth millions has prompted Akel opposition leader to seek answers from the government, citing privacy laws and concerns...

38. Greek island protest about migrant influx turns violent

Greek riot police fired tear gas Thursday to try to disperse angry protesters on the island of Lesvos who tried to topple a police bus during a demonstration against a European Union migration policy....