12° Nicosia,
08 September, 2024


Displaying results 121-130 of 130 matches for query wages.

121. The Thai charmer who made a fortune and won soccer's biggest league

122. Fitch Ratings upgrades Cyprus to investment grade

123. Greek Cypriots spill into the north for bargains

More Greek Cypriots are crossing into the northern part of Cyprus in search of great bargains due to the weak Turkish lira, with estimates close to a million visits in the first eight months...

124. More Turkish Cypriots seek higher wages in the south

Reports in the northern part of the island show the devaluation of the Turkish lira and higher wages in the south are driving more Turkish Cypriots to seek employment in the Republic of Cyprus...

125. Regling says Greece will remain linked to ESM

Greece will be monitored more closely by the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and the other institutions after its bailout ends six days from now compared to other countries that emerged from rescue programs, according to ESM chief Klaus Regling....

126. Tsipras says Greece will meet fiscal targets with no fiscal gap in 2018-9

Greece and its foreign creditors agreed that the country will meet its fiscal targets in the coming years and there will be no fiscal gap in 2018 and 2019, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told his cabinet ...

127. Auditor says air traffic control needs to do better

The Department of Civil Aviation’s Safety Regulation Unit was recently under the Auditor’s microscope, and findings show it is not properly organised and lacks efficiency due to a lack of best practices...

128. Cyprus hotels in need of staff

Hotel owners are having difficulty in finding staff, due to a number of disagreements with union workers but also immigration rules that put many restrictions on foreign students who are willing to work....

129. Cyprus recovery is being recognised by international agencies

Fitch does not currently anticipate developments with a high likelihood of leading to a downgrade...

130. J&P starts to pay workers again

J&P workers in Saudi Arabia finally got their December pay cheque following a protracted labour dispute with the management of the Cypriot company, which is facing a number of financial challenges. Cypriot workers are still waiting to get paid but it looks like they will have to wait until after the Easter holidays....