It’s official! Major Sponsor of the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo Cypriot OLYMPIC Team is Carbo One Ltd.
During a grand event at the company’s headquarters at the Oval building in Limassol, representatives, as well as the President of the Cyprus Olympic Committee and the athletes, had the opportunity to talk about their efforts and stress the importance of being able to pursue their dreams thanks to this sponsorship.
Katerina Christou, Director of Carbo One Ltd, expressed how proud the company feels to support the Cypriot Olympic Team, stating that “with our support, we aspire to contribute to the successes of our athletes in the Olympic Games of 2020 in Tokyo”.
She also added that the Olympic Games are consistent with the life philosophy that serves the person, adding that “just like politics is the art of the feasible, sports is the art of the impossible. Sports can achieve what politics fail to”.
On his behalf, the President of the Olympic Committee, Dinos Michaelides, expressed his gratitude towards Carbo One Ltd. for this ever so important funding, stressing that it will help so much the athletes and the Committee itself to overcome practical issues and face up to its obligations and commitments in view of the coming Olympics.
“Such funding gives us hope, courage and power to keep moving forward” he stressed.
Mr. Maxim Tolstikov, Carbo One Ltd Chief Commercial Officer appeared proud that the company in now part of the Cypriot Olympic family. “We believe that business is important part of our life but sport should play same fundamental part as well” he said.