12° Nicosia,
27 July, 2024


Displaying results 61-90 of 109 matches for query Beirut.

61. Lebanon: Explosions and shootings in Beirut with dead and wounded

At least two large explosions were heard Thursday morning in the Lebanese capital Beirut,...

62. Cyprus won’t sign pact if EU doesn’t budge

A letter to the Home Affairs commissioner sent by the MED5 ministers warns Brussels that front line states won’t sign the new pact on migration and asylum unless their demand for a 'balanced' agreement is met...

63. Cyprus puts foot down on migration talks

The Republic of Cyprus is adding pressure on a pending agreement over an EU migration pact, with three proposals backed by MED5 countries aimed at airing their grievances against the bloc, a union that is going through a power struggle...

64. Lebanese line up in endless queues to renew passports

The situation in Lebanon remains chaotic due to the economic crisis....

65. Shocking details emerge after pushback in Cyprus

More shocking details have emerged about a Syrian refugee’s ordeal in Cyprus, with police saying they were unaware last month they were separating a pregnant woman from her family during a pushback while some members of a House committee told a different story...

66. Syrian mom with newborn beats Cyprus pushback

A pregnant woman who reached Cyprus on a refugee boat last month has given birth to a boy, while the rest of her family and other passengers who were pushed back to Lebanon were said to be facing deportation to Syria...

67. Another refugee boat pushed back in Cyprus

A boat carrying 58 presumptive refugees including women and children was pushed back by Cypriot authorities, after a standstill ended when marine police received instructions from land to escort the vessel back to Lebanon...

68. Women and children allowed off refugee boat

Close to a hundred Syrian refugees were spotted on board a vessel on Wednesday off Cyprus’ Cape Greco, with reports saying half of them were women and children while coast guard officials ordered the men to remain on the boat...

69. Cyprus turns refugee boat back to Lebanon

Dozens of refugees who were on board a vessel spotted off Cyprus on Sunday returned to their point of departure in Lebanon, contradicting earlier reports that the boat had been escorted to Cape Greco...

70. Syrian refugees reach Cyprus by boat

Dozens of newly arrived refugees from Syria in a wooden boat made it to Cyprus, just days after Lebanese police said they blocked over 50 undocumented Syrians from attempting to each the island...

71. 30 new cases announced as football clusters grow

30 new coronavirus cases were detected on Tuesday, many of which formed part of growing clusters developed among local football teams....

72. Massive fire raging at Beirut port

A massive fire has broken out at the port of Lebanon’s capital, Beirut, just over a month after a fatal blast devastated the port facilities and the capital....

73. Cyprus defends blocking migrant boats

A police task force from the Republic of Cyprus is hoping to hash out a plan with Lebanese authorities to deter “economic migrants” from traveling to the island, as government and state officials rush to respond to criticism over a decision to send back undocumented migrants to the neighbouring country...

74. Joint Cyprus-UK SAR exercise conducted off Limassol

The first Cyprus-UK joint search and rescue exercise in 2020 was successfully conducted off the coast of Limassol on Monday, a press release by the British High Commission said....

75. Cyprus collects additional 170 tonnes of Beirut relief

The Cyprus public has amassed an additional 170 tonnes of humanitarian aid for the people of Lebanon, who were ravaged by deadly blasts at a Beirut port area earlier this month, with the aid currently being loaded into containers that will be transferred to the Limassol port, from where they will be shipped to the neighbouring country....

76. Relief donations reach Beirut on vessel, chartered flight

The first batch of foodstuffs donated by the Cyprus public as relief for the people of Beirut, whose lives were overturned by the deadly blast in a port area on August 4, arrived on the Greek ferry ‘Ikaria’ on Tuesday night and is set to be unloaded on Wednesday....

77. Cyprus aid for Lebanon en route to Beirut

The first batch of dry and canned foodstuffs collected in Cyprus in response to a campaign launched by national authorities for the provision of immediate relief to the Lebanese public was loaded on Tuesday on-board a Greek military ship docked at the Limassol port....

78. First batch of food donations ready to be shipped to Lebanon

Twenty tonnes of dry food have been collected so far in Cyprus, that are set to be distributed among the Lebanese public whose lives were overturned last week by the blasts that ripped through the capital, Beirut....

79. Beirut calls off search and rescue

The Cypriot rescue mission in Beirut was on its way back to the island after Lebanon shifted its search and rescue focus to recovery, while world leaders including Anastasiades pledged aid amid violent protests over the weekend. ...

80. Cypriot rescuers sift through Beirut rubble

Members of the Cypriot rescue team in Lebanon were seen on video along with sniffing dogs searching through the rubble in Beirut, as approximately 60 people were still missing following Tuesday’s deadly blast...

81. Cyprus President urges public to generously donate to Beirut relief campaign

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades has called on the Cyprus public, companies and businesses to contribute to the relief campaign collecting dry and canned foods for the Beirut population that was brought to its knees by the deadly blasts earlier this week....

82. Cyprus and Qatar team up in Beirut rescue

Cypriot emergency rescuers are teaming up with their Qatari counterparts in Beirut, in an effort to find more victims as time is running out in the devastated town...

83. Cyprus police question Russian businessman linked with Beirut deadly cargo

Cyprus police said Thursday that they located and brought in for questioning the Limassol-based Russian who has been identified as the former owner of the company that managed the vessel from which the 2,700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate that caused Beirut’s deadly blast late on Tuesday were unloaded....

84. Cyprus calls for EU task force on island

The European Union must do more to fill a power vacuum in the eastern Mediterranean brought on by a perceived US disengagement from the region, and Cyprus is ready to host an EU task force to achieve that goal, the island nation's foreign minister said Wednesday...

85. Beirut blast has eerie connections to Cyprus

Following Tuesday’s deadly explosion in Lebanon, some eerie connections began to emerge in Cyprus, including a Russian national based in Limassol and a Hezbollah-related arrest on the island back in 2015...

86. Cyprus lends a hand to frantic Beirut search and rescue efforts

A Cyprus search and rescue team departed for neighbouring Lebanon on Wednesday afternoon to contribute to ongoing frantic efforts to locate missing persons and survivors of the massive blasts that rocked Beirut on Tuesday afternoon....

87. Cyprus President expresses condolences to Lebanon, readiness to provide assistance

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades has expressed his deep condolences to the government and people of Lebanon, stressing the island’s readiness to provide any assistance necessary, following the two explosions which shook Beirut on Tuesday....

88. Cyprus at the ready to help Lebanon

Cypriot Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides says the government has expressed its “immediate readiness” to assist the neighbouring country following two powerful explosions that rocked Beirut...

89. Death toll rises in Beirut

Over 100 people were killed and thousands wounded in a massive explosion that shook the Lebanese capital on Tuesday, with sound waves of the deadly blast reaching as far as Cyprus...

90. Two extradited from Cyprus to face US justice

The Republic of Cyprus has extradited two alleged cyber criminals to the United States, including a young man who is the first Cypriot national to be extradited under an extradition treaty with the US...