12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 331-338 of 338 matches for query Exploration.

331. UN available to host leaders' dinner

There are no clear signs when a new peace initiative might get off the ground after the latest failure...

332. UK wants Cyprus gas exploration to go ahead

Britain says Cyprus’ hydrocarbons should be developed for the benefit of all Cypriots ...

333. There is nothing natural about gas debate

There are many interests at stake, of multiple colours since we are dealing with flags, and so there will definitely be a discussion on gas. And even if we are talking about something found in nature… I expect this discussion to be anything but natural....

334. US recognises Cyprus’ right to search for energy

America discourages any actions or rhetoric that increase tensions in the region...

335. Turkey renews threat against Cyprus offshore gas exploration

Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that “provocative activities will be met with the appropriate response”...

336. May defends Saudi ties as crown prince gets royal welcome

British officials were privately delighted at the decision by Prince Mohammed to choose Britain as the major western destination on his first foreign trip ...

337. Turkey says US 6th fleet has not yet arrived off Cyprus

ExxonMobil`s top priority is the safety of its vessels and crews in the Eastern Mediterranean...

338. US ships arrive in Cyprus EEZ

Turkey has made no claims to Block 10 as it has done for Block 3, but nonetheless warned the US against sending its Sixth Fleet to the East Med...