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27 July, 2024


Displaying results 31-60 of 209 matches for query Libya.

31. Political storm brewing in Cyprus over Biden whistleblower

An Israeli professor facing US extradition in Cyprus, where he is currently under house arrest, is calling on his native country to 'rescue' him from Biden, giving rise to speculation that his court case in Larnaca could become a hot potato for the island’s new government that maintains strong ties with both Tel Aviv and Washington...

32. 330,000 migrants attempted to enter the EU last year, highest since 2016

The number of attempts by migrants to enter the European Union without authorization reached around 330,000 last year, the highest number since 2016, the EU’s border and coast guard agency said Friday....

33. Greek Navtex is a message to Libya

The navigation warning issued by Greece on Saturday expanding the area of seismic surveys for oil and natural gas deposits off the coast of Crete was in response to a request by US oil firm ExxonMobil, which has been granted exploration rights, but also serves a geopolitical purpose...

34. Brussels urging guidelines for NGO boats in the midst of France-Italy migrant dispute

The European Commission is pushing to create guidelines for the NGO boats rescuing migrants off Europe’s shores as part of a plan to reduce the number of asylum seekers heading to the Continent....

35. How Turkey's 'Blue Homeland' doctrine came to be

Fresh fuel was thrown onto the already volatile Greek-Turkish relationship in 2019 in the form of a map that was made public in a photograph that had Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan standing in front of it....

36. Anastasiades' last hurrah

President Anastasiades is on his final diplomatic tour in the region before the end of his term, beginning with multilateral contacts in Egypt, where he has been since last Sunday in the framework of COP-27. ...

37. Turkey intends to drill south of the island of Crete

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday announced Turkey’s plans to drill for hydrocarbons – oil and natural gas – in its maritime zone, as well as on land and sea in third countries....

38. Nicosia concerned over 'MoU' signed between Libya and Turkey

Nicosia has expressed concern and skepticism over the signing of the "MoU" between the government of national unity (GNU) of Libya and Turkey in the hydrocarbons field on the basis of the illegitimate Turkish - Libyan 'memorandum' of 2019....

39. Greeks challenge legitimacy of Turkey-Libya deal

Libya's Tripoli government signed a preliminary deal on energy exploration on Monday, prompting Greece and Egypt to say they would oppose any activity in disputed areas of the eastern Mediterranean...

40. Greek FM expresses concern over deteriorating relations with Turkey

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias on Thursday expressed concern for the continued deterioration of relations with Turkey, dating Ankara’s slide into aggressive posturing to the fall of 2019 when it signed a maritime border agreement with Libya....

41. Three scenarios for Turkish provocations in the East Med

Preparations are done and the Turkish drilling rig Abdul Hamid Khan is ready to sail to its destination, according to informed sources, but the location is yet to be announced. ...

42. What is the agenda for the Eastern Mediterranean?

In recent years, Cyprus, Greece and Israel have significantly intensified their political, energy and military relations....

43. Turkey to deploy its fourth drillship in August

Turkey’s fourth drilling ship will start work in the first half of August and probably in the Mediterranean, according to Turkey’s Energy Minister Fatih Donmez....

44. Non-endemic bird the first of its kind in Cyprus

The Cyprus Rare Birds Committee confirmed the Akrotiri Environmental and Education Centre's record of an African Desert Warbler, on April 19 last year, and accepted and officially recognized it as the first of its species in Cyprus....

45. The US would act in an Aegean confrontation

It was the habit of American presidents to take their breakfast at the Willard Hotel back in the 1930s, just a block from the White House. The lobby would always be packed with people who wanted a few moments of their time to raise all sorts of issues – and thus lobbyists were born....

46. What is Turkey up to?

This summer, for the first time in many years, the omens concerning Greek-Turkish relations are particularly gloomy. There are many objective reasons why Turkey causing a heated incident is not the most likely scenario;...

47. Fotiou: 'Turkey's dmand for a two-state solution impossible'

"Achieving a solution that will permanently rid Cyprus of Turkish occupation and reunite Cyprus is what we should all work for," said Presidential Commissioner Fotis Fotiou,...

48. US seeking closer Greece ties to contain Turkey, analyst says

Turkey’s growing leverage as a regional power in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted the United States to strengthen ties with Greece as a means of containing Turkey, a local expert told state-run Anadolu agency in an analysis published on Friday....

49. EU poised to announce wide-ranging sanctions against Russia over Ukraine

Russia’s defense minister, Sergei Shoigu, the commanders-in-chief of the Russian air force and the Black Sea fleet, leading state “propagandists” and 351 Duma deputies are expected to be targeted in EU sanctions announced on Wednesday....

50. Dendias, Turkish envoy in Norway trade barbs over territorial waters, casus belli

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias criticized Turkey for disputing the legal right of the Greek islands to have a continental shelf and an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and denying the validity of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, during a lecture at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) in Oslo on Wednesday...

51. Haftar’s plane flies from Cyprus to Israel

Reports over the weekend said a plane belonging to Libyan warlord and presidential candidate Khalifa Haftar landed in Israel last week after a quick ‘diplomatic stop’ in Cyprus...

52. Egyptian FM in Cyprus today to meet with Nikos Christodoulides

Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry is in Cyprus today to meet with his counterpart Cyprus Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides....

53. 47 stolen antiquities from Steinhardt collection returning to Greece

Forty-seven illegally trafficked Greek artifacts, among the dozens surrendered by American hedge-fund billionaire Michael Steinhardt under a deal with US authorities, will be returned to Greece in the coming days, the Culture Ministry announced Thursday....

54. The Cyprus issue is at a prolonged impasse

The insistence of Turkey and the leader of the Turkish Cypriots and settlers Ersin Tatar on advance acceptance by the Greek Cypriot side of the sovereign equality of the Turkish Cypriots has led the Cyprus issue to a prolonged impasse....

55. Anastasiadis intervenes in the conference on Libya with messages to Turkey

The President of the Republic, Mr. Nikos Anastasiadis participated today in the Paris International Conference on Libya, following an invitation from the President of the French Republic, Mr. Emanuel Macron....

56. Cyprus grabs a seat at the Libya conference table

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades has a seat waiting for him at the Libya conference in Paris on Friday, the first time ever for the east Mediterranean island to officially state its views on the war-torn country proxied by power struggles in the region...

57. Erdogan’s annoyance and his wrong strategy towards Greece

A country’s strength is the sum, not only of its military capabilities, but also of its collaborations and alliances. Greece, whether Turkey likes it or not, is a full member of the European Union and has close ties, also due to the Greek diaspora, with the United States....

58. Erdogan: Turkey to snub Libya conference if Greece, Cyprus or Israel participate

Turkey will not attend an international conference on Libya in Paris on November 12 if Greece, Israel or Cyprus are invited, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said, according to Turkish media....

59. Cyprus unshackles mystery plane after FBI checks

A mystery plane parked in Cyprus after being suspected of being used in violation of UN sanctions over Libya has been cleared to fly, with reports saying the Legal Department told police that the aircraft can be released after it was inspected by FBI experts...

60. Cyprus brings FBI to check mystery plane

FBI experts were in Cyprus heading to Paphos airport on Tuesday morning to inspect a mystery plane stored in a private hangar, following a UN report calling on inspections to be carried on the possibly-modified plane believed to have violated embargos in war-torn Libya...