12° Nicosia,
04 June, 2024


Displaying results 31-60 of 225 matches for query Mustafa.

31. Turkish Cypriots elect Tatar as new leader

Turkish Cypriots elected a new leader on Sunday, Ersin Tatar, reaffirming strong ties with Ankara and signaling possibly new developments in the Cyprus Problem...

32. Turkish Cypriots head to the polls

Turkish Cypriot voters head to the polls on Sunday for a second time to choose between the incumbent leader and his challenger in a highly contested election...

33. Tatar challenges Akinci in runoff election

The top two contenders for the leadership in the north will face each other in a runoff election, after Turkish Cypriot voters went to the polls Sunday with the roadmap to peace on the divided island hanging in the balance...

34. Turkey fires back at Akinci claims

Turkish diplomats in north Nicosia have denied allegations made by incumbent Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci, who recently said he had received threats and insults while on the campaign trail...

35. Turkish Cypriots choose leader as Cyprus talks reboot looms

Turkish Cypriots vote Sunday to choose a leader who'll explore, along with Greek Cypriots, whether there's enough common ground left for a deal to end the island's decades of ethnic division....

36. The Cypriot aspect of the eastern Mediterranean crisis

A few days ago, the leader of the Turkish Cypriot community made an important statement, involving the future of the Cyprus Problem. At a time when Greek-Turkish relations are highly tense, and just before the withdrawal of the Oruc Reis from the waters of the eastern Mediterranean, Mustafa Akinci announced that a new conference on the Cyprus Problem is imminent....

37. US facility plans in Cyprus draw reactions

Turkey is calling on the United States to 'return to its traditional policy of neutrality' following Mike Pompeo’s visit in Nicosia where he announced an American training facility on the island...

38. Washington lifts Cyprus arms embargo

Washington has announced a partial lifting of a decades-old arms embargo to the Republic of Cyprus, with Turkey saying the decision ignores equality and balance between the two sides on the divided island...

39. North commemorates Tylliria bombing

Busloads of Turkish Cypriots crossed into Cyprus’ “other ghost town” on Saturday to commemorate Turkish bombing in Tylliria during intercommunal clashes on the island in 1964, but the gathering was not without political controversy...

40. Ozersay says Varosha opening certain

Varosha could be opened to its former residents under Turkish Cypriot administration, says Kudret Ozersay, adding that the process of reviving Cyprus’ ghost town after the pandemic crisis cannot be halted...

41. Two out of five new cases randomly detected in Limassol

The Cyprus health ministry announced five new coronavirus cases on Monday, two of which were randomly detected in Limassol, where recent days have seen a concerning development of several active chains of infection....

42. Cyprus-bound Turkish soldiers die in crash

Five Turkish soldiers who were on their way to Cyprus were killed and ten others injured after their bus crashed in southern Turkey...

43. Cyprus President meets with UNSG's Special Representative

President of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades held a meeting on Wednesday morning with the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative in Cyprus and head of the UN peacekeeping force on the island (UNFICYP), Elizabeth Spehar....

44. UNSG report on his good offices in Cyprus obtained by Kathimerini Cyprus

The 39-page advance copy of the Report of the UN Secretary-General on his mission of good offices in Cyprus was obtained by Kathimerini Cyprus....

45. Harsh words for Turkey from archbishop

Archbishop of Cyprus Chrysostomos has slammed Turkey over the country’s decision to allow Hagia Sophia to revert from museum back to mosque status, accusing Turks of having no respect for the civilized world...

46. Divided Cyprus reacts to Hagia Sophia

Cyprus has weighed in on Turkey’s controversial decision to allow Muslim prayer inside Hagia Sophia, with different reactions across the divided island and amid reports of nuanced differences in President Erdogan's statements in two different languages...

47. Hagia Sophia mosque conversion verdict expected within 15 days, says report

A verdict on whether Hagia Sophia in Istanbul will be converted into a mosque is to be issued within 15 days, Turkey’s Daily Sabah reported Thursday....

48. Berlin ready to support Cyprus solution process

Berlin intends to be supportive if asked to do so by all parties involved in Cyprus settlement efforts, the Ambassador of Germany to Cyprus, Franz Josef Kremp, told the Cyprus News Agency....

49. EU top official and Cyprus defence minister fly over Cyprus' EEZ by helicopter

The EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell joined the Cyprus defence minister Savvas Angelides on a helicopter ride over the Republic’s exclusive economic zone to observe the sea areas that are increasingly emerging as zones of contention....

50. North sending mixed signals over opening to Turkey on July 1

The Turkish Cypriot administration was giving off mixed signals over plans to restore connectivity with Turkey on July 1, with head of the administration Ersin Tatar stating Thursday it had decided to stick to the decision and double-check arrivals for the virus, contradicting statements made Wednesday by Kudret Ozersay, in charge of foreign affairs in the north, who said that the administration had failed to reach a final decision and was considering to re-evaluate the move....

51. Locals to be able to cross through checkpoints from Sunday

Cyprus nationals and legal residents of the island will be able to cross through all checkpoints barring that on Ledra Street as of Sunday, but will need to present proof of a negative coronavirus test conducted up to 72 hours prior to crossing....

52. Cyprus FM holds telephone conversation with new Iraqi FM

Cyprus Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides shared on Thursday a telephone conversation with the new Foreign Minister of Iraq Fuad Hussein...

53. UN calls on Turkish Cypriot side to clarify checkpoints situation

The United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) on Wednesday expressed concern over the “ongoing disruption” faced by residents of both sides of the island as a result of checkpoints remaining only partially open for specific groups....

54. Government announces rules for crossing checkpoints

The Cyprus government on Friday announced the special rules that will apply for those groups permitted to move through crossing points as of June 8, but it remains unclear whether the ‘government’ in the north will be following through on the agreement between President Nicos Anastasiades and the Turkish Cypriot leader....

55. The growing complications of the reopening of checkpoints

The discussion for the reopening of checkpoints will be anything but an easy feat, as in addition to the role played by the epidemiological situation, the matter is inevitably being politicized in view of ‘elections’ set to take place in the north, but also in light of the UNSG’s report expected around the end of June....

56. No peace talks until mandate is renewed, Akinci says

Turkish-Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci says that no progress can be made in reunification talks with the Republic of Cyprus if Turkish Cypriots in the breakaway north do not renew his mandate....

57. Cyprus condemns vandalism at mosque

Limassol police are investigating an incident of vandalism at Koprulu mosque, after gasoline bombs were thrown at the building and graffiti found spray-painted on the outer fence...

58. Local biker killed in Limassol accident

A biker was brutally killed in a road accident in Limassol on Sunday with reports saying he lost control of his motorcycle and landed into an empty field...

59. Negative coronavirus test certificate needed to go through crossings

With the partial opening of checkpoints on June 8, as agreed by the island’s two leaders on Thursday, Presidential Commissioner Photis Photiou said that in addition to the enclaved, Greek Cypriots who resettled in their villages in the breakaway north will also be allowed to pass through crossing points....

60. First steps taken for the reopening of checkpoints

Substantial steps were taken on Thursday by the leaders of the island’s divided communities toward the reopening of crossing points, with the two agreeing that as a first step, certain groups of people will be allowed to cross through checkpoints as of June 8....