12° Nicosia,
26 June, 2024


Displaying results 451-480 of 5314 matches for query President.

451. Von der Leyen inspects Gaza aid efforts

The President of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, is set to visit Cyprus on Friday with the backdrop of EU support for the Republic of Cyprus' initiative to create a humanitarian corridor to the Gaza Strip....

452. Russian missiles target Zelenskiy and Greek PM in Odesa

A deadly missile strike rocked the Ukrainian port city of Odesa, causing intense moments as President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis were in the vicinity....

453. Nikki Haley's exit paves smooth path for Trump's nomination

In a culmination of political battles across 16 states and one U.S. territory, Super Tuesday marked a pivotal moment in the 2024 race for the White House. ...

454. The shocking reality of students in drug cases revealed

Evidence of student involvement in drug trafficking and use, leading to a criminal case opened by YKAN, was presented on Wednesday by YKAN's commander, Stelios Aristideou, to the House Legal Affairs Committee....

455. President's ''fireside chat'' with chosen few unveils triumphs and controversy

In an interchannel interview held to evaluate the first year in office, President of the Republic Nikos Christodoulides commenced proceedings a few minutes after 20:30. ...

456. Ursula von der Leyen in Cyprus for humanitarian corridor talks

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is set to visit Cyprus following the conclusion of the European People's Party summit in Bucharest, Romania, sources from EPP told Cyprus News Agency....

457. President Christodoulides stands firm on peace plan

President Nikos Christodoulides vowed that he will not put before the citizens a peace plan for the Cyprus issue with which he does not agree and expressed once again his readiness to enter into reunification talks based on the agreed framework. ...

458. President Christodoulides' candid year-one address

In a televised address marking the completion of his first year in office, President Nikos Christodoulides highlighted the achievements and priorities of his administration. Emphasizing transparency and accountability, the President outlined the following key areas of focus:...

459. Will Michelle Obama run for US President in 2024?

Former President Barack Obama recently declared his full support for President Joe Biden's bid for re-election....

460. National Guard's death raises questions on Cyprus justice system

Revelations surrounding the death of National Guardsman Thanasis Nicolaou, emerging years after the incident, have sparked both sensation and concern about the functioning of the criminal justice system in Cyprus. ...

461. FIA President investigated for alleged manipulation in F1 Grand Prix

Whistleblower claims Ben Sulayem intervened to overturn penalty for Aston Martin's Fernando Alonso at the 2023 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix, raising concerns about fairness in the race outcome....

462. Court rules against doctor in assault case

A doctor accused of indecently assaulting a woman during a medical examination in August 2020 has been sentenced to four months in prison...

463. Christodoulides reflects on his first year in office

On the anniversary of completing one year in office, President Nicos Christodoulides is set to present his inaugural report tonight, detailing the progress made since his inauguration in the areas of Cyprus, the economy, and internal governance....

464. France first in 50 years to secure abortion as constitutional right

France has taken a historic step by becoming the first country in half a century to enshrine abortion as a constitutional right. ...

465. 'TRNC' leader's Russian meeting significance for Cuellar's visit

The Antalya International ''Forum'' in Turkey provided a significant platform for Turkish Cypriot leader, Ersin Tatar, to underscore the principle of sovereign equality for Turkish Cypriots, a crucial step towards resolving the deadlock in Cyprus talks. ...

466. Supreme Court clears Trump for 2024 ballots despite Capitol riots role

The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a pivotal decision on Monday, stating that former President Donald Trump cannot be barred from 2024 ballots due to his role in the January 6, 2021, Capitol attack...

467. Cyprus sees record 4,388 new voters joining European elections

To date a total of 4,388 new voters have been registered to vote for the June 9 elections, of which 1,386 concern Europeans residing in Cyprus for the forthcoming local administration elections. There were also 34 applications from Europeans for the European elections. ...

468. Cyprus' wetlands under threat

Kathimerini reporter Pavlos Neophytou delves into the critical challenges facing Cyprus' precious wetlands, where red alerts have recently been issued for the Achna dam and Larnaca salt ponds. ...

469. Erdogan stands firm on dividing Cyprus

In a show of defiance, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Friday that Ankara will continue its efforts for the recognition of the northern part of Cyprus, which Turkey has occupied since its 1974 invasion, as a separate state from the internationally recognized Republic of Cyprus....

470. Greek Independence Day to gauge church's stance on same-sex marriage

Greece’s Independence Day on March 25 and Greek Orthodox Easter on May 3 will serve as a barometer of the Church’s response to legislation passed by Parliament institutionalizing same sex marriage....

471. 'Successful Business Leaders Club': Inside Natalia Kardash's innovative business hub

In the fast-paced world of business, making connections is often the key to progress and fresh ideas. Natalia Kardash, a dynamic entrepreneur, saw this need and set out to create a special place for professionals to come together – thus, the Successful Business Leaders' Club was born....

472. Vasilikos scandal unveiled: €250,000 spent, recommendations ignored€250-000-spent-recommendations-ignored

The decision made by the Nicos Anastasiades government in 2016 to shift away from failed attempts to introduce F.P. by constructing a terminal at Vasilikos initially offered hope for resolving an 11-year dilemma....

473. Haiti declares state of emergency amid violence and prison breaks

Haiti has plunged into a state of emergency as the capital city witnessed intense violence, prompting the government to take drastic measures....

474. US conducts historic airdrop of aid in Gaza

In a significant humanitarian effort, the US armed forces executed the inaugural airdrop of essential aid supplies in Gaza yesterday, as reported by two anonymous US officials...

475. Exploring the possibility of same-sex marriage in Cyprus

In today's Sunday edition of Kathimerini, journalist Ioanna Kyriakou delves into the complex landscape surrounding the feasibility and readiness for same-sex marriage in Cyprus, ...

476. Cyprus takes a backseat as the EU initiates gift-giving to Turkey

In today's Sunday edition of Kathimerini, journalist Pavlos Xanthoulis delves into the intricate diplomatic maneuvers and decisions made by Nicos Christodoulides' government in response to the Borel/Commission document on EU-Turkey ...

477. One year in: Challenges mount for President Nikos Christodoulides

In today's Sunday edition of Kathimerini, journalist Marina Economidou delves into the intricate dynamics of President Nikos Christodoulides' first year. ...

478. US plans first military airdrop of aid into Gaza

U.S. President Joe Biden has announced plans for the first military airdrop of food and supplies into Gaza following the recent deaths of Palestinians waiting for aid. ...

479. US senators allow F-16 sale to Turkey despite concerns

US senators declined on Thursday to block the sale of F-16s to Turkey, despite voicing deep disdain for Turkey’s conduct as an ally. They were upholding an unofficial bargain that Turks would get the fighter jets if they stopped blocking Sweden’s accession to NATO....

480. Tight security as Russia bids farewell to Navalny

Hundreds gathered in Moscow to say their goodbyes to Alexei Navalny at a funeral under heavy police presence. Navalny, a prominent critic of President Vladimir Putin, died under unexplained circumstances in an Arctic penal colony....