12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 1111-1140 of 1514 matches for query Talks.

1111. Anastasiades in talks with UN Security Council members

Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi has expressed his country’s support to the Republic of Cyprus’ sovereign rights, the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions on Famagusta, and efforts to resume negotiations for a Cyprus settlement, based on UN resolutions and decisions. ...

1112. Time to seek security guarantees

Diplomatic cliches rarely reflect reality, though in the case of Greek-American relations, they are indeed in the best place they have been in decades. ...

1113. Cypriot FM crashes Turkish FM’s interview

The Foreign Minister of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicos Christodoulides, had a two-minute exchange with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu in front of cameras, highlighting their different approaches to the current peace talks...

1114. Cyprus hotels to take a €60 million hit as thousands stranded by Thomas Cook collapse€60-million-hit-as-thousands-stranded-by-thomas-cook-collapse

Officials at the Deputy Ministry of Tourism are scrambling to ascertain the impact of the collapse of Thomas Cook on the Cypriot hotel industry. ...

1115. Thomas Cook goes bust

The world’s oldest travel firm Thomas Cook collapsed on Monday, leaving hundreds of thousands of holidaymakers stranded around the world including Cyprus ...

1116. Guterres says Cyprus leaders need to agree on terms of reference

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres underlined on Wednesday the importance for the two sides in Cyprus to quickly reach an agreement on the terms of reference, in order to start settlement talks, adding that the political process needs to be restarted...

1117. Johnson calls Anastasiades to touch base

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke with President Nicos Anastasiades over the phone on Wednesday, discussing the latest developments regarding UK’s withdrawal from the European Union...

1118. Rights of Cypriot nationals secured after Brexit

The visit by the Secretary of State for Brexit Stephen Barclay to Cyprus on Wednesday is part of the UK Government’s engagement with EU member states “as the UK seeks to reach a deal with the backstop removed,” a DExEU spokesperson told the Cyprus News Agency in London...

1119. Anastasiades: Turkey’s aim for control scuppers peace

Turkey is undercutting efforts to quickly revive peace talks aimed at solving Cyprus’ decades-long ethnic split by imposing unacceptable terms, the island nation’s president said Tuesday...

1120. Israel's Netanyahu fights for record fifth term

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces a battle for political survival in a closely fought election on Tuesday that could end his 10-year domination of national politics. ...

1121. Ownership status of properties in Famagusta undisputed

This is a clear message towards Cavusolglu and every direction, the Foreign Minister noted, in statements after a memorial service, in Nicosia ...

1122. Cavusoglu speaks to Kathimerini

Our meeting with the Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu took place in Famagusta on September 9, 2019, the day the Turkish official entered the fenced-off town of Varosha ...

1123. US ambassador cautions Nicosia over 5G

Nicosia is feeling the pressure over 5G technology as the Republic is caught in an international tech war between superpowers, only months away from state-owned Cyta making a move to upgrade its network...

1124. Saudi minister makes historic visit to Cyprus

Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, Ibrahim Bin Abdulaziz Al–Assaf, paid an official visit to Cyprus on Wednesday, the first ever in the history of diplomatic relations between the two countries...

1125. Johnson again bids for snap poll as Brexit delay bill to become law

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will try for a second time on Monday to call a snap election, but is set to be thwarted once more by opposition lawmakers who want to ensure he cannot take Britain out of the European Union without a divorce agreement. With no majority in parliament, which is determined to prevent what many businesses fear would be a calamitous way to quit the EU, Johnson wants to hold an election to keep his promise of leaving by Oct. 31, with or without an agreement. ...

1126. The uncertain landscape to the east

One of the Greek government’s biggest problems is its inability to get a clear reading of Turkey’s or rather of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s intentions...

1127. 'We don’t give up hope' after inconclusive effort

We don’t give up hope, there is an ongoing process said the President of Cyprus, Nicos Anastasiades, after attending an informal social gathering on Friday with the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci and UN envoy Jane Holl Lute, in the United Nations Protected Area, in Nicosia ...

1128. Adults in the theaters

The film has been dismissed outright and its director, Costa-Gavras, until recently hailed as one of Greece’s top filmmakers, is suddenly being accused by some of getting carried away. Why? ...

1129. Leaders to meet

The UN Secretary General's special envoy Jane Holl Lute will hold new meetings on Friday morning with Cyprus President, Nicos Anastasiades, and with the Turkish Cypiot leader, Mustafa Akinci, as efforts continue to formulate the terms of reference, that will pave the way for the resumption of the Cyprus talks. ...

1130. Lute continues consultations as obstacles remain

Government spokesman Prodromos Prodromou told reporters that the President had today another meeting with Mrs Lute and that the consultations are continuing...

1131. Lute still thrashing out terms

A new meeting has been for Thursday between President Nicos Anastasiades and UN envoy Jane Lute, aimed at reaching an agreement on the terms of reference for the resumption of Cyprus peace talks...

1132. Escrow account the key to Cyprus EEZ

Kathimerini reports that President Anastasiades, in an effort to de-escalate tensions in the Cypriot exclusive economic, proposed the creation of an escrow account that would safeguard the Turkish Cypriot community's share from the natural gas proceeds...

1133. Close to an understanding says spokesman

UN envoy Jane Holl Lute continues her contacts with the two sides on the island, in order to secure the terms of reference that would lead to the resumption of the talks for a solution. Lute met with the leaders, namely President Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci three times since she arrived on the island last week. A fresh meeting with the President is schedule for Wednesday, 915 am local time...

1134. Terms of reference document drafted

Senior United Nations official Jane Holl Lute continues her consultations on Tuesday, which are aimed at facilitating agreement on the terms of reference that would constitute a consensus starting point for a possible negotiated conclusion to the Cyprus issue...

1135. Lute holds follow-up meetings

A UN effort on Sunday to sound out the two Cypriot leaders in a possible way forward in resuming peace talks is set to continue Monday with the follow-up meetings...

1136. South hands over murder suspect to north

Another murder suspect is in police custody in the north in connection with the murder of a Turkish Cypriot businessman, after Greek Cypriot police handed Azmad Ali Virk over to UN officials...

1137. Common interest for talks but disagreements remain

President Anastasiades said that there is a positive climate and a common basis on which the talks for a Cyprus settlement can take place, noting, at the same time, that disagreements on serious issues remain, but there is an agreement that differences cannot be bridged without dialogue. ...

1138. Donmez visits drill ship Yavuz

Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Fatih Donmez visited on Tuesday the Turkish drill ship Yavuz...

1139. Government in talks with businesses to raise corporate tax rate

Finance Minister Haris Georgiades confirmed reports that the government plans to increase the corporate tax rate from 12.5% to 15%...

1140. Trump’s yuan move makes a China deal much harder

The decision to label China a currency manipulator boxes in Donald Trump and Xi Jinping. The U.S. Treasury Department made the move after Beijing allowed the yuan to slide below the key level of 7 to the dollar. It’s the first such designation for the People’s Republic since 1994. The sudden escalation will make it harder for both sides to reach a trade truce...