12° Nicosia,
20 September, 2024


Displaying results 361-390 of 406 matches for query buffer.

361. Repairing churches and mosques for 10 years

362. Spehar: Cyprus should engage with Lute in a creative and constructive manner

363. Unfavourable climate in the EU

364. Farmers turned away from buffer zone again

Turkish Cypriot officials are dismissing reports in the south that said Greek Cypriot farmers were harassed by armed soldiers in the buffer zone last week...

365. Farmers cry foul in the buffer zone

Media reports in the south say a number of Greek Cypriot farmers have been provoked by Turkish military presence in the buffer zone in Denia, while details remain unclear over the incidents...

366. Lefka and Dherynia crossing points are now open

367. Spehar: Anastasiades-Akinci meeting a significant step

368. Fitch Ratings upgrades Cyprus to investment grade

369. Conference to shed light on city’s buffer zone

Nicosia will host the 5th Anniversary Conference of the 7 Most Endangered programme, in an effort to mobilise efforts to save Europe’s most threatened monuments and heritage sites...

370. 'Imagine' project brings together G/C and T/C schoolchildren

371. Father-son duo released in the north

The father and son, who were arrested in the north on entry violations, have been released from custody after being fined 215 euros each for illegally crossing into a military zone...

372. Turkish Cypriots scramble to ease traffic at checkpoints

As more cars registered in the Republic of Cyprus go bumper-to-bumper to cross into the north, Turkish Cypriot officials are scrambling to find ways to ease traffic for thousands of Greek Cypriots who show up en mass on weekends looking for bargains...

373. Fitch Ratings upgrades Bank of Cyprus

374. Greek Cypriots spill into the north for bargains

More Greek Cypriots are crossing into the northern part of Cyprus in search of great bargains due to the weak Turkish lira, with estimates close to a million visits in the first eight months...

375. Dherynia and Lefka crossing points ready in October

376. Turkish and Russian troops to patrol Idlib demilitarized zone


378. Holland cuts CMP a check for €50,000€50-000

Dutch Foreign Minister Stef Blok toured the Anthropological Laboratory of the Committee on Missing Persons, handing over a cheque for €50,000 on behalf of The Netherlands...

379. French foreign minister on a Friday visit to Nicosia

Minister of Foreign Affairs of France Jean-Yves Le Drian will pay a working visit to Cyprus on Friday where he will meet with officials as well as visit the buffer zone...

380. Larnaca man arrested at Pergamos checkpoint

A Greek Cypriot man was arrested by Turkish Cypriot police at a checkpoint on Monday, following the discovery of a hunting rifle in his vehicle...

381. Reignited Dherynia fire under control

A Sunday night fire in the buffer zone, which was thought to have been contained Monday morning, reignited hours later with authorities on both sides going on full alert and UN officials saying the fire is once again under control...

382. US posture could overpower Cyprus solution agenda

Following July’s meeting with the two Cypriot leaders, sources say special UN envoy Jane Holl Lute appeared unconvinced regarding the basis for further peace talks and that a meeting in New York could be in the works to clarify once and for all...

383. Security Council renews UNFICYP mandate

The Security Council authorized a six‑month mandate renewal for the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) on Thursday, unanimously adopting resolution 2430 (2018)...

384. UNFICYP draft ready for a vote

Members of the UN Security Council finally agreed on a draft for extending UNFICYP for another six months, with the US showing it could more easily get the attention of its peers next time if there is little progress in peace talks...

385. Lute flies back to New York

Jane Holl Lute, special envoy of the UN Secretary General, left Cyprus Tuesday morning for New York, following separate meetings with the two Cypriot leaders...

386. Dherynia mayor appalled at checkpoint backlash

Dherynia Mayor Andreas Karayiannis says his constituents are appalled at groups and politicians protesting against the opening of a checkpoint in their area, despite delays making the crossing an unlikely scenario this summer...

387. Cyprus foreign minister calls Moscow up

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov reaffirmed his country’s support for a UN-led peace effort in Cyprus, calling on UNFICYP to continue its role on the divided island...

388. UN sending envoy to Cyprus for consultations

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is sending a special envoy to Cyprus in the coming weeks, hoping to get crystal clear views from both sides in order to assess whether or not a new push for peace is possible...

389. Hope that new crossing points will open as planned

Work on two new crossing points across the island's divide is going to plan, Cypriot officials said...

390. 'A new history starts now' as leaders of two Koreas make peace

The dramatic meeting, aimed at ending their decades-long conflict, comes weeks before Kim is due to meet Trump to discuss denuclearizing the Korean peninsula...