In a devastating turn of events, eleven climbers lost their lives in West Sumatra, Indonesia, following the eruption of the Marapi volcano....
Cypriot citizen Evgenios Staroselskiy is set to begin his attempt next June to conquer the most demanding peak in the world, mountain K2 in Pakistan and raise the Cyprus flag on it...
An elderly man was pronounced dead on Sunday after a nature outing where he is believed to have fallen into a ditch on a registered footpath trail in Troodos...
Cyprus was the highest climber in the 2020 IMD World Competitiveness Rankings, marking an improvement in all four categories that make up the overall ranking....
The post mortem of Dr. Natalie Christopher could take another couple of days until more is known about the death of the British Cypriot astrophysicist who was found dead in a gorge on the Greek island of Ikaria...
A local forensic examiner has ruled that Natalie Christopher’s death on the Greek island of Ikaria was instant after falling from up high earlier this week...
Forensic pathologists are descending upon the Greek island of Ikaria on Thursday to conduct an on-site autopsy in the death of Natalie Christopher, a London-based scientist whose body was found in a ravine two days after she had disappeared...