12° Nicosia,
22 September, 2024


Displaying results 1591-1620 of 2471 matches for query economy.

1591. European unity tested as talks on Russian oil embargo drag on

Europe's united front against Moscow is being put to the test as countries struggle to agree on a ban on Russian oil imports....

1592. 103 million euros in support measures for vulnerable households

Cyprus’ government announced a new package of financial support measures for vulnerable groups of the population, to the tune of 103 million euros on Friday, to offset the impact of inflation and the war in Ukraine....

1593. CBC: Cryptocurrencies are a potential risk to the economy

Losing 26% of its value in the last month, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are in danger of dragging the "real economy" with their unpredictable fluctuations....

1594. Zelenskiy: 'Stop playing around with Russia, end war'

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy urged the West to stop playing around with Russia and impose tougher sanctions on Moscow to end its "senseless war" in Ukraine, adding his country would remain independent, the only question was at what price....

1595. President determined to tackle corruption

President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades stressed the government's determination to decisively tackle corruption, promote transparency and accountability and consolidate the rule of law, in a meeting on Thursday with the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Margareta Cederfelt, at the Presidential Palace....

1596. RICS Cyprus Property Price Index with KPMG in Cyprus announces results of Q1 2022

KPMG in Cyprus announces that the “RICS Cyprus Property Price Index with KPMG in Cyprus” has been issued for Q1 2022...

1597. Slight rise in economic sentiment in May

Economic sentiment in Cyprus improved slightly this May as the Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI-CypERC) increased by 1.1 points compared with April 2022, according to the results of the Business and Consumer Survey of the Economics Research Center of the University of Cyprus....

1598. Satellite images appear to show Russian ships 'stealing' Ukrainian grain

Russia's theft of Ukrainian grain appears to be ramping up as it continues its war on the country, according to new satellite photos of the Crimean port of Sevastopol....

1599. Lebanese banks in Cyprus to shut down amid the country's financial crisis

Branches of Lebanese banks operating in Cyprus will shut down following a decision by the country’s Central Bank. A Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) official has confirmed to CNA the decision taken by the country’s banking regulator....

1600. EU official calls on Cyprus to implement recovery plan or lose funding

A European Commission official on Monday urged the Cypriot authorities to proceed with the implementation of Cyprus’ National Recover and Resilience plan, warning that Cyprus risks losing EU funds in case of new delays....

1601. A new billionaire nearly every day during the pandemic

Some 573 people have joined the billionaire ranks since 2020, bringing the worldwide total to 2,668, according to an analysis released by Oxfam on Sunday. ...

1602. Cyprus exports up by 55% in Jan-Feb 2022

Total exports of goods to the EU Member States and to third countries in January - February 2022 increased by 55.2%, compared to the same period last year, according to the monthly report published by the Statistical Service of Cyprus. ...

1603. EU Energy Commissioner: 'Cyprus has enormous potential in terms of solar and wind energy production.'

In the wake of rising energy costs due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Kathimerini sits down with EU Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, to discuss the EastMed pipeline, Europe's push toward Green energy and the potential for Cyprus to ensure its citizens both affordable prices and energy security by developing solar and wind power....

1604. Bank of Cyprus posts net profit of €21 million in Q1€21-million-in-q1-and-a-record-of-new-loans

Bank of Cyprus group announced on Thursday a net profit of €21 million for the first quarter of 2022, compared to net profit of €8 million in the first quarter of 2021....

1605. Cacophony emerges as Cyprus stalls foreclosure bills

The finance ministry in the Republic of Cyprus is scrambling for new ways to overcome an awkward impasse on two crucial foreclosure bills, after opposition parties blamed the administration for not doing enough to have the European Commission go along with amendments to protect bad loan guarantors...

1606. EC projects economic slowdown and rising inflation in Cyprus

The European Commission has revised its economic projections for Cyprus citing a downward trend due to the effects of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the associated sanctions against Moscow on the island’s tourist and services sector....

1607. Op-ed: A cornered rat is very dangerous indeed

Russian President Vladimir Putin has always been eager to share an instructive story from his childhood, about how, when he was growing up in poverty in Soviet Leningrad, he used to spend his days chasing rats....

1608. Petrides: 'Things will be difficult in the coming years'

The government will continue supporting households, especially the vulnerable, amid rising inflation, Finance Minister Constantinos Petrides said, warning that tackling inflation is difficult due to its structural nature amid the Ukrainian crisis....

1609. US Diplomat: 'It would be political suicide if Putin withdraws'

An interminable and unwinnable war in Europe? That’s what NATO leaders fear and are bracing for as Russia’s war in Ukraine grinds into its third month with little sign of a decisive military victory for either side and no resolution in sight....

1610. Marcos myths lift dictator’s son to power in Philippines

A video posted in 2020 on YouTube claims the French astrologer Nostradamus predicted the outcome of this week’s presidential election in the Philippines....

1611. How meritocracy reinforces inequality

We normally have unexamined certainties to guide us through daily life. But few people are so gifted at shaking those certainties than Michael Sandel....

1612. Greek island reaches record recycling rate

The Dodecanese island of Tilos has the highest recycling rate of any island in the world, officials said Tuesday....

1613. A total of €438,000 worth of bounced checks were recorded for the month of April€438-000-worth-of-bounced-checks-were-recorded-for-the-month-of-april

A total of €438,000 worth of bounced checks were recorded for the month of April, according to data announced by the CBC on Wednesday....

1614. Tax incentives for businesses looking to relocate to Cyprus

The Cypriot government on Tuesday approved a bill with tax incentives aiming to attract talent and promote headquartering in Cyprus, in line with the Strategy for Attracting Businesses for Activities and/or Expansion of their Activities in Cyprus approved by the Council of Ministers in October 2021....

1615. Trade deficit at €429 million in February and €729 million in March€429-million-in-february-and-€729-million-in-march

The trade deficit in February amounted to €429 million, according to the final data on the month's trade published by the Statistical Service on Tuesday. Additionally, preliminary data from the Statistical Service show that the trade deficit for March 2022 reached €729 million....

1616. Labor inspections island-wide during the month of May

The Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance will be carrying out spot inspections island-wide in May at leisure centers and cafes to combat undeclared labor and to ensure that businesses are complying with basic labor laws, the Ministry announced....

1617. Half a million tourists from the US expected to visit Greece this year

Never before has Greece had half a million tourists from the United States in one year, or more than 60 direct weekly flights between the US and Athens, Tourism Minister Vassilis Kikilias told Skai Radio, adding that the government expects significant revenues from the sector in 2022....

1618. Price hike of raw materials affecting developers and construction costs

The construction industry is suffering as the price hike of raw materials continues, with developers crushed under higher costs as they are deprived of Russian money....

1619. Op-ed: ESG, DEI and other acronyms and why we need to know about them IMHO*

Quite a few times I found myself receiving messages and having to pause and google search an acronym to understand its meaning. I’m sure I’m not alone, and it’s surely not just a Gen X symptom....

1620. 'A historic day': British bases lifts restrictions on civilian property development

Eight years after the signing of a bilateral Arrangement between Cyprus and the UK, the SBA is today lifting restrictions on property development on 200 square kilometers of non-military areas within the bases....