12° Nicosia,
08 July, 2024


Displaying results 901-930 of 1002 matches for query exchange.


902. Announcement of Appointment of Director

The Management of K. Treppides & Co Ltd is pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs Maria Sourmeli as a Director of the Firm, with effect from 1st September 2018...

903. Greek and Turkish Foreign Ministers meet in Izmir

904. Indian President speaks of shared values with Cyprus

Indian President Ram Nath Kovind addressed on Monday the House of Representatives plenary in the presence of Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades and spoke of the shared values and deep relations between Cyprus and India...

905. Latest boatload of refugees prompts Cabinet meeting

Twenty presumptive refugees, mainly women and children, arrived in the Republic of Cyprus on Monday, prompting a partial Cabinet meeting on Tuesday in the wake of recent undocumented arrivals...

906. Asylum seeker behind bars for multiple offences

An asylum seeker is facing multiple charges following his arrest, when he pulled a knife during an argument at Kofinou Reception Center...

907. Teacher demo forces eleventh hour debate

The government is contemplating a suggestion that would allow proposed education measures to take hold but only through the end of the calendar year, in exchange of labour peace and talks with the teachers unions...

908. Turkish Cypriots to touch base with Ankara

Turkish Cypriot officials are reportedly getting ready for a trip to Ankara where they will discuss the Turkish economic crisis and its impact on the northern part of the island...

909. Bank of Cyprus gets rid of small business bad loans

The Bank of Cyprus says it has sold a portfolio of non-performing loans worth €2.8 billion to Apollo Global Management, a transaction that will reduce its stock of NPLs to €5.2 billion...

910. Seizing opportunities

Greece needs to play its cards right if it wants to profit from the opportunities arising on the international stage, but also to keep in mind that all of the big players are unpredictable and the game at hand incredibly complex....

911. Greece agrees to return of asylum seekers, German gov't says

The German government says Greece has agreed to take back migrants who apply for asylum there and later turn up at Germany's border with Austria....

912. Greek soldiers released from Turkish jail pending trial soldiers

Two Greek servicemen who had been detained in Turkey since early March for accidentally crossing the border in bad weather have been released from jail pending trial, Anadolu agency reported on Tuesday evening....

913. Alexoui takes to Facebook after midnight search

Police are taking a beating on social media following a midnight house search of a Nicosia businessman with suspected ties to illegal activities...

914. Manhunt underway after Paphos mall robbery

Paphos police are conducting a manhunt for a suspect following a currency booth robbery at the Mall, where €7500 in cash was stolen at gun threat...

915. Experts warn of pollution in areas hit by Attica wildfires

As a judicial investigation into last month’s catastrophic wildfires in parts of Attica gathers pace, experts have warned of toxic pollution in the areas affected by the blazes....

916. Strovolos garbage collectors get back to work

Strovolos garbage collectors have agreed to get back to work in exchange of the municipality dropping plans to buy partial services from the private sector at least until November...

917. Teachers agree to a truce

Three unions representing high school state educators have agreed to a truce with the government, in order to reengage in a weeklong dialogue aimed at finding common ground in school reform...

918. Security Council renews UNFICYP mandate

The Security Council authorized a six‑month mandate renewal for the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) on Thursday, unanimously adopting resolution 2430 (2018)...

919. Reporter fights back against hate speech

Journalists are calling on the state to curtail hate speech, following a death threat on social media against a local reporter...

920. UNFICYP draft ready for a vote

Members of the UN Security Council finally agreed on a draft for extending UNFICYP for another six months, with the US showing it could more easily get the attention of its peers next time if there is little progress in peace talks...

921. Greek Cypriot journalists reject bicommunal glossary

The Cyprus Journalists Union has rejected a controversial bicommunal glossary, saying it acknowledges the good faith effort behind the project while finding the results unacceptable...

922. Alexoui files complaint against police

Alexis ‘Alexoui’ Mavromichalis is out on bail and his lawyers are filing a complaint against the police, following a heated exchange he reportedly had with Nicosia’s police chief inspector prior to his release...

923. Cyprus and Israel talk fire and water

Israel and Cyprus agreed to develop further their cooperation in water management and firefighting, two areas in which both countries face similar challenges...

924. Diko calls for inquiry on controversial glossary

The House foreign affairs committee will discuss a controversial glossary of political terms aimed at journalists in Cyprus, following debate and criticism on Greek Cypriot social media on fears of censorship...

925. Alexoui back in jail for protesting search on friend

Cops are not backing down in keeping up the pressure on the criminal underworld, which got Alexis ‘Alexoui’ Mavromichalis arrested Tuesday for protesting against a search on one of his friends in a public place...

926. Cyprus wants to rein in ‘passport-selling’ agencies‘passport-selling-agencies

The Cyprus government has issued strict guidelines aimed at curbing the overt promotion of passports, censuring agencies that explicitly try to lure rich foreign nationals for enrollment in the citizenship-by-investment programme...

927. House shifts into gear with Sunday bad loans session

It will be a long weekend for the House finance committee, which will hold emergency sessions ahead of a crucial Sunday vote on bad loans and state guarantees for Hellenic Bank...

928. House prepares to define good and bad borrowers

The distinction between responsible and irresponsible borrowers is at the forefront of heated debate this week, with Presidential Palace and Parliament scrambling to strike balance ahead of a crucial vote...

929. Government welcomes Diko support on bad loans

The Cyprus government says it can work with opposition centrist party Diko to pass much needed comprehensive legislation on bad loans that would also pave the way for a co-op deal to go forward...

930. Bad loans revive MP financial disclosure debate

A ruthless debate is picking up steam among members of parliament following public discussion and media coverage that raises the issue of conflict of interest ahead of a crucial vote on bad loans...