12° Nicosia,
20 September, 2024


Displaying results 541-570 of 593 matches for query facilities.

541. Exxon reportedly discovers oil in Cyprus Block 10

542. Watch Hellas Sat 4 successful launch

543. Water cuts due to weather

A water shortage is affecting parts of Nicosia on Thursday with officials blaming problems with desalination plants on poor weather...

544. Moscow attempts to sway Cypriot foreign policy

545. LNG to diversify Cyprus energy market

546. Woman wins case against Cyprus

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled against Cyprus in a case where a Vietnamese woman had complained about the conditions of her detention back in 2012, awarding €10,500 in total damages...

547. Mourning Larnaca father speaks from the heart

The father of the two Larnaca siblings, the little girl who was stabbed to death by her brother, has posted a video accusing state officials of wanting to “wash their hands” of any responsibility in his family tragedy...

548. New details emerge in Larnaca sibling murder

New details have emerged in the Larnaca sibling murder, with reports saying the boy who killed his sister was hyperactive but not violent while neighbours who heard the initial screams had become complacent due to frequent yelling...

549. Radical change in our region

550. Politician accused of racism in the wake of sibling murder

A Cypriot MP candidate found herself in the hot seat on Wednesday for comments she made on social media where she appeared to link the horrific sibling murder in Larnaca to multiculturalism...

551. Zygi divided over refugee facility

A recent protest in Zygi by local residents, who object to having a refugee centre for unaccompanied minors in the area, has deeply divided the community and sparked debate beyond village boundaries...

552. Shriners commit to stronger cooperation with Cyprus

The Shriners are expanding their charitable work in Cyprus with a new agreement signed with the government and the Paraskevaides Foundation, boosting cooperation in medical care for children but also training and research...

553. Hemp farmer arrested for growing cannabis

A licenced hemp farmer in Limassol has been arrested for growing 120 cannabis plants in violation of industrial hemp regulations...

554. Bad loans in Cyprus decline by €3.28 billion since March 2018€3-28-billion-since-march-2018

555. Opinion: Reaction over US evacuation helicopters in Cyprus unjustified

556. Cyprus 2019 budget to create 3% surplus

557. Turkish Cypriots scramble to ease traffic at checkpoints

As more cars registered in the Republic of Cyprus go bumper-to-bumper to cross into the north, Turkish Cypriot officials are scrambling to find ways to ease traffic for thousands of Greek Cypriots who show up en mass on weekends looking for bargains...

558. Co-working spaces and Entrepreneurship

559. Golf resort firm reappoints members

Cyprus Limni Resorts & Golfcourses Plc has reappointed members of the board and reaffirmed its aim to create a high quality, high standard golf resort....

560. Cyprus Casinos looking to hire

Cyprus Casinos have announced around 200 job openings for their facilities in Nicosia, Larnaca, and Paphos, which are expected to go into full operation before the year is out...

561. North Korea's Kim agrees to permanently abolish key missile facilities

562. SPP MEDIA signs Kaniklides for GDPR plan

SPP Media Group has signed a records management agreement with Kaniklides company in order to put together a plan that fully complies with the law on General Data Protection Regulation...

563. The solitary third age of Greek Australians

Thirty-three-year-old Dimitra will lock her door tomorrow morning and breathe in the chilly Melbourne air. ...

564. Dozens of Kurds face deportation

Dozens of asylum seekers who left the Moria migrant processing center for other facilities on the eastern Aegean island of Lesvos will be barred from the process if they do not return to the official camp, the Migration Ministry announced on Monday....

565. Environmental study holding up casino resort

A potentially huge glitch has appeared just days ahead of the scheduled stone laying ceremony for the Cypriot casino resort, with an environmental impact assessment not yet in the clear and the company blaming the delay on British military interests...

566. Cyprus wants to be a film industry contender

The Cyprus government wants to cut red tape that keeps film producers at bay, with a new bill in parliament aimed at attracting foreign companies that could choose the island for the next blockbuster...

567. Stone laying for Limassol's casino resort set for June

The stone laying ceremony for the Cypriot casino resort will take place in June, with temporary facilities ready to run in the summer ahead of the main attraction two years later...

568. Greece's Souda Bay naval base is ‘world-class’‘world-class

Greece’s military base in Souda Bay, Crete, is an “essential hub” for NATO operations in the Mediterranean, combining world-class facilities with access to North Africa, the Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples and US Naval Forces Europe and Africa, US Navy Admiral James Foggo....

569. Non-performing loans in banking system spike by €1.5 billion€1-5-billion

Non-performing exposures (NPEs) in the Cyprus banking system jumped up by €1.5 billion in January, as International Financial Reporting Standard 9 entered in to force...

570. Radisson hotels take over Larnaca

The well known Radisson hotel chain will soon be welcoming guests in Larnaca, with Radisson Blu coming in July and two more in the works ...