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30 September, 2024


Displaying results 2581-2610 of 2808 matches for query force.

2581. Human trafficking network busted in Cyprus

Cyprus police arrested five people, including three cops, following the unraveling of a human trafficking network that was forcing Eastern European women into prostitution...

2582. Tsipras: Greece and Cyprus pillars of stability in a turbulent region

Greece and Cyprus are the only European pillars of stability and security in a turbulent region, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has told the European Parliament Plenary in Strasbourg...

2583. Cop fires shot after smart device flags vehicle

Police in Limassol fired a warning shot after a driver of a vehicle, which was flagged by the new ANPR system, sped away with cops ending up arresting two other people on foot...

2584. Seven thousand fewer jobless in one year

The number of registered unemployed in Cyprus decreased in August 2018 by 7,137 people or 23%, compared to August last year...

2585. Trump warns Syria, Russia and Iran not to attack Idlib

2586. Cypriot jihadist facing extradition to Guantanamo

The US government is requesting for the “Beatles of ISIS” squad, one of them of Cypriot origin, to be moved to Guantanamo Bay, a move that could p[ossibly make them eligible for the death penalty...

2587. Education crisis at end of tether

Difficult days lie ahead in public education, with state teachers unions saying a last-minute proposal by ruling party Disy, at least at face value, is no different than the latest government measures already rejected...

2588. Teacher demo forces eleventh hour debate

The government is contemplating a suggestion that would allow proposed education measures to take hold but only through the end of the calendar year, in exchange of labour peace and talks with the teachers unions...

2589. More Turkish violations of Greek air space

With Greece reeling on Tuesday from the death of a Hellenic Air Force pilot during a training flight, six Turkish fighter jets violated Greek national air space a total of 47 times over the northeast, central and southeast parts of the Aegean Sea....

2590. Air force pilot dies after plane crashes

The captain of a Hellenic Air Force training aircraft who died in a plane crash during a training flight on Tuesday has been named....

2591. Court martial takes over Stavrovouni commando’s case

A military commando officer, who was arrested last week following the discovery of hidden weapons and explosives in Stavrovouni, is being court-martialed in Nicosia...

2592. Passenger forces Athens-Larnaca flight back to gate

An Athens-Larnaca flight on the runway ready for takeoff was forced to return to the gate following fears among passengers over an air-conditioner malfunction on the aircraft...

2593. Mother of 25-year-old who died in Athens park during mugging slams PM

The mother of the 25-year-old man who died last week after falling off a cliff onto rocks on Philopappou Hill following a mugging has written an open letter to Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, related ministries and Athens municipal authorities, blaming them for failing to boost security at the popular Athens park....

2594. Come back, support Greece

We are caught between celebrations over Greece’s “clean exit” from the bailout programs on one hand and, on the other, allegations that the country has effectively signed up to what can be considered a “fourth memorandum” and is headed to economic disaster....

2595. Commando officer arrested for stashing explosives

An army commando officer with Cyprus Special Forces was placed under arrest in connection with an accidental discovery of a small arsenal stashed away in Stavrovouni...

2596. Cyprus puts team together to save gas deal

The Cyprus government is willing to renegotiate terms with an energy consortium, following concerns on the part of companies that worry new developments and low gas prices would render a current deal not profitable...

2597. NGO says asylees can’t cope in Cyprus

A human rights group is calling on authorities to do more to help asylum applicants in Cyprus, saying rules governing financial aid are “racist and inhuman” five years post economic crisis...

2598. Nicosia ups pressure on EU migration policy

Nicosia is pushing for a single EU migration policy that would make refugee redistribution not only mandatory but also relative to population sizes of member states...

2599. Cyprus extradites Egyptian hijacker

The lawyer of Egyptian hijacker Mostafa Emam, who was extradited by Cyprus authorities after he withdrew his case with the European Court of Human Rights, says her client gave up after succumbing to pressure in a Nicosia prison...

2600. Stephen Lillie: There is only plan A for Cyprus

There is a clear plan A for Cyprus, that of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation solution, and there is no plan B, UK High Commissioner in Nicosia, Stephen Lillie, has told the Cyprus News Agency (CNA), stressing that “for plan A to succeed the negotiations need to be well prepared, and the public opinion needs to be well prepared” as well....

2601. US-Turkish tensions add to regional risk

US-Turkish relations have never been easy to manage. But the current standoff between Washington and Ankara is striking, even by the standards of an historically difficult relationship....

2602. Two Greek soldiers released from Turkish jail return home

Two Greek soldiers freed after months in a Turkish prison returned to Greece by government jet early Wednesday after their unexpected release by a provincial court....

2603. The mistakes of Greece’s creditors

A lot has been said about the mistakes made by Greece’s lenders during the bailout programs. The fact is they made many errors, including some serious ones. Meanwhile, Greek politicians were responsible for refusing to take ownership of the required reforms and failing to reach a degree of basic consensus. ...

2604. The solitary third age of Greek Australians

Thirty-three-year-old Dimitra will lock her door tomorrow morning and breathe in the chilly Melbourne air. ...

2605. Probe hones in on fire service, regional authority officials

A judicial investigation into the causes of the disastrous wildfires on the outskirts of Attica last month points to major shortcomings and mistakes by members of Greece’s fire service and regional authorities, Kathimerini understands. ...

2606. Struggle for survivors of fire trying to return to normalcy

Survivors of last month’s deadly blazes on the outskirts of Attica are struggling to cope while experts are warning of the public health risks posed by toxic ash in the afflicted areas, Kathimerini has learned....

2607. Larnaca suspect dies while in police custody

A man died Tuesday in police custody after officers who were responding to a domestic violence call used force to arrest him...

2608. Strategy in Attica fire fight was deficien

As finger-pointing and recriminations continue over who or what was to blame for last month’s disastrous wildfires in Attica, Kathimerini has learned that serious operational problems and bad communication hampered efforts to douse the blazes....

2609. Cyprus weighs in on Afrika’s court case

The Republic of Cyprus responded to calls by Turkish Cypriot journalist Sener Levent, who has been asking the government to weigh in on his clash with Turkish justice...

2610. Paphos hotel worker arrested on theft charges

Police arrested a 26-year-old hotel maintenance worker in Paphos in connection with in-room theft, following tourist complaints about items gone missing...