12° Nicosia,
16 June, 2024


Displaying results 31-60 of 160 matches for query frozen.

31. Essentials get affordable from November 2023

In a significant development, the Greek Tax Department has announced that the Ministerial Council, during its session on September 13, 2023, has given the green light to an official decree that modifies the VAT legislation. ...

32. US plane brings captives back home

The plane carrying five American citizens freed as part of a deal between the U.S. and Iran have now landed back home in the United States....

33. Supreme court frees billions in assets

The Supreme Court unanimously overturns Laiki Bank's secured decrees, releasing billions in assets belonging to Andreas Vgenopoulos, Marfin Investments Group Holdings S.A, Efthimios Buloutas, and Kyriakos Cook....

34. Cyprus grapples with 9% surge in food prices

Many people are struggling with their daily expenses because food prices keep going up, causing financial stress....

35. Lamb and goat prices jump 29% in a month

Once again, our door is greeted with a knock of concern as food prices continue to rise, placing financial strain on the daily lives of many consumers. ...

36. Jack Straw's 'two-states' plea for Cyprus sparks fury and accusations

The National Federation of Cypriots in the UK has dismissed an article penned by the British former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw in support of “two states” in Cyprus as “lacking substance and disregarding historical reality, international law and UK Treaty obligations to Cyprus.”...

37. Jack Straw's call for two-state solution in Cyprus

Former UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has offered a proposal to resolve the long-standing conflict between the Greek Cypriot Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC)....

38. Food costs soar, greens up 25.3%, fish dip by 15%

Increases were noted in 32 out of 45 categories of essential consumer products in the Consumer Product Price Monitor for July 2023, according to the Consumer Protection Service....

39. Tepco plant discharges radioactive water into Pacific

Japan has begun discharging more than 1m tonnes of tainted water into the Pacific Ocean from the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in a move that has prompted China to announce an immediate blanket ban on all seafood imports from Japan and sparked anger in nearby fishing communities....

40. India makes history, first to land on moon's south pole

India made history Wednesday, becoming the first to land on the south pole region of the moon....

41. Man missing for 22 years emerges from icy depths

The remains of a man who is believed to have died in an accident on a glacier 22 years ago have been found high in the Austrian Alps....

42. Russian spacecraft mission to Moon ends in crash

Roscosmos said it lost contact with the spacecraft on Saturday after it ran into trouble while preparing for its pre-landing orbit of the Moon....

43. Jordan secret police accused of LGBTQ+ targeting

Jordanian secret police have been accused of intimidating gay people by “outing” them to their families and of forcing the closure of two LGBTQ+ organisations....

44. Varosha's haunting appeal to tourists

Few places in the world can claim to have been favored by both Hollywood actors such as Elizabeth Taylor and thrill seekers under very different circumstances. ...

45. European leaders standing firm against Erdogan's tactics

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is riding high after extorting Europe and forcing not only Sweden but also NATO to humiliate themselves as supplicants caving to extortion. ...

46. Concerns over food crisis and rising prices

The head of the Competition Division of the Consumer Protection Agency at the Ministry of Commerce, Aliki Iordanou, stated that there has been no increase in product prices despite the zero VAT rate....

47. 24-year old awarded $18.8M in lawsuit over talc-based baby powder$18-8m-in-lawsuit-over-talc-based-baby-powder

A 24-year-old man in California was awarded $18.8 million on Tuesday in his lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson, in which he blamed talc in the company's baby powder for giving him cancer....

48. The common dilemma of Zelenskyy and Makarios

How and when will the war in Ukraine end? Concerning the “how,” there is relative unanimity among Western politicians and analysts. Ukraine will either join NATO or secure an explicit commitment that the Alliance will henceforth protect its borders. ...

49. F-35 approval halted until after Vilnius

Washington’s concern over upsetting Turkey and jeopardizing Sweden’s NATO membership appears to have drawn the Greek F-35 issue into the mix, delaying the official congressional notification, Kathimerini understands, until after the Vilnius Summit in July...

50. Cheers to National Iced Tea Day!

As the scorching summer days approach, there's nothing quite as satisfying as quenching your thirst with a cool and flavorful glass of iced tea....

51. 380 CYTA employees on the brink of departure

In an effort to further reduce operational expenses and renew its workforce, Cyta has implemented another voluntary employee exit plan, targeting individuals who meet specific conditions....

52. An effective foreclosure framework is important, says FinMin

An effective and functional foreclosure framework is crucial for encouraging borrowers to restructure their debt, due to the high stock of non-performing loans (NPLs), the Cyprus Ministry of Finance said in a press release on Tuesday....

53. Illegal bird trafficking ring busted

An illegal wild bird trafficking ring was dismantled after a joint collaboration between the Game and Wildlife Service and Police....

54. US ambassador praises Cyprus on sanctions

US Ambassador Julie Fisher is dismissing claims that Washington is using arm-twisting tactics in Nicosia for sanctioning companies on the island, while pointing out Cypriot government statements are in line with the EU’s transatlantic consensus on Russia’s war in Ukraine...

55. The world's most expensive ice cream tempts taste buds

Keep your hands steady: a scoop of this exquisite delight is probably going to cost more than all the ice cream you will have throughout multiple summers....

56. US expected to release new sanctions list in coming hours

In a long-awaited move, the United States is anticipated to unveil a new sanctions list within the next few hours. ...

57. Sanctions have exposed our hypocrisy

The initial wave of sanctions, enforced by the UK and the US against Cypriot entities (individuals, law firms, service companies) for facilitating transactions to those impacted by the sanctions imposed on Russia following the invasion of Ukraine,...

58. Cyprus banks' strict adherence to sanctions worries legitimate entities

Banks have become cautious regarding sanctions imposed by the USA, EU, and UK, and they are not willing to take any risk in serving individuals or entities in Cyprus who are subject to sanctions....

59. Over 1.2 billion in Russian assets frozen in Cyprus

Some 1.2 billion euros ($1.3 billion) in Russian-owned assets managed by Cyprus-registered companies were frozen in compliance with sanctions imposed on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine, Cyprus’ Finance Ministry said Tuesday...

60. BOC Chief urges sanctioned entities to seek exemptions themselves

The CEO of the Bank of Cyprus, Panicos Nicolaou, expressed the view that individuals and entities subject to sanctions should seek exemption from international authorities in order for banks to allow payments from frozen accounts to business entities....