In Cyprus, a heated debate has ensued over a school video labeled as homophobic. Despite the Minister of Education asserting no wrongdoing, tensions escalated on social media and in Parliament...
Surveys show that hardcore political beliefs are spreading beyond traditionally right-wing demographic groups....
With a small yet significant change in our education system, the new school year is commencing....
A conference invitation circulating on social media for an upcoming event on sex education in schools has sparked reactions and criticisms. The conference, scheduled for Thursday, August 3, at the Melanos Centre in Chloraka, features titles like "We say NO to Holistic Compulsory Sex Education in Schools" and "We say NO to Laws that are contrary to the Bible and Orthodox Teaching."...
Police have made a number of arrests following an assault during a rainbow meeting on a college campus in Limassol, with local media suggesting warrants have been issued for both current and former students...
A group of hooded men stormed an LGBTQ event at the Cyprus University of Technology on Wednesday, yelling anti-gay slurs, assaulting participants, and discharging a fire extinguisher towards them, with police saying they were investigating a hate crime...
While MPs were voting on the budget for 2023, a group of citizens marched outside the parliament, carrying Greek flags, photos of Grivas, and placards labeling the MPs traitors. ...
State-organized demonstrations took place in several Iranian cities on Friday to counter anti-government protests triggered by the death of a woman in police custody, with some marchers calling for the execution of rioters....
Recognizing that Cyprus has taken substantial steps toward institutionalizing equality and safeguarding the fundamental rights of the island’s LGBT community, Ombudswoman Maria Stylianou Lottides has highlighted that there is still work to be done in eradicating the reality of enduring acts of discrimination....
The attorney general has ordered a probe into possible offences committed by Morphou Bishop Neophytos following controversial statements he made on homosexuality and other matter, while discussion about the debate is proving to be intense in the public domain...
Criticism towards Bishop Neophytos is picking up steam, following his comments about homosexuality and abortion that stirred debate and prompted all sorts of reactions...
Morphou Neophytos has taken heat after making controversial comments about gay sex, with the internet flooding with funny memes but also criticism against the bishop...
The Rouvikonas anti-establishment group on Wednesday claimed responsibility for an attempted attack on the office of an MP with Independent Greeks, the right-wing party in Greece’s left led-coalition....