12° Nicosia,
03 July, 2024


Displaying results 781-810 of 876 matches for query invasion.

781. Anastasiades: The use of weapons will mean the end of Greek-Cypriots

Any attempt to use military means to resolve the Cypriot issue will mean the end of Greek-Cypriots on the island, President Nicos Anastasiades has said, according to a short excerpt from a news show that will be aired in the country on July 1....

782. Cyprus tourism gearing up for ‘British invasion’‘british-invasion

The tourism industry in the Republic of Cyprus is fighting tooth and nail to minimize losses this year, with the tourism minister hinting at British arrivals in mid-July and hoteliers asking for specific dates to get ready...

783. Letter to UNSG denounces Turkey's violations of Cyprus' airspace, maritime zones

A letter dated May 28 sent by the Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the UN Andreas Mavroyiannis to Secretary-General Antonio Guterres that denounced Turkish violations of the island’s airspace and maritime zones was released on Thursday as an official document in the General Assembly of the UN Security Council....

784. Bulgaria wants in on EastMed energy cooperation

Bulgarian President Rumen Radev said on Tuesday that his country wishes to cooperate within the framework of the trilateral mechanism among Cyprus, Greece, and Israel in the energy field, adding that Bulgaria is geographically a natural continuation of these three countries....

785. Christodoulides talks Turkish activity in EEZ, Varosha with UNSG

Foreign Minister Nicos Christodoulides met with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in Geneva on Monday....

786. House President continues contacts in Australia

President of the House of Representatives Demetris Syllouris continued his contacts in Australia, in the framework of an official visit heading a parliamentary delegation, during which he discussed the Cyprus issue, developments in the Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey’s military operations, avoiding double taxation, and bilateral cooperation. ...

787. Structural support work begins on historic 'Spitfire' coffeeshop

Cleaning and structural support work has begun on the iconic but dilapidated Spitfire coffeeshop located on the Green Line, at the Paphos Gate area of the Nicosia walls, the Nicosia municipality announced on Wednesday....

788. Nicosia and Athens condemn Ankara's illegal drilling

The Government of Cyprus publicly condemned Turkey’s newly planned illegal drilling within the Exclusive Economic Zone and continental shelf of the Republic of Cyprus, while the Greek Foreign Ministry strongly condemned Turkey΄s plans, stressing that their actions have neither legal effect nor create fait accompli....

789. Iran escalation continues after midnight tweet

US President Donald Trump on Saturday threatened to hit 52 Iranian sites “very hard” if Iran attacks Americans or US assets after a drone strike that killed Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani, as tens of thousands of people marched in Iraq to mourn their deaths...

790. '74' wins first place at Cyprus International Film Festival

Paul Lambis’ full-length screenplay “74” was awarded the “Best Screenplay” prize at the Cyprus International Film Festival’s Golden Aphrodite awards ceremony, held at the Pallas Cinema-Theatre in Nicosia...

791. Cyprus President saddened over latest statements by Turkish FM

President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades said on Monday that he was saddened to hear about the latest statements by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, noting that “they convey in essence the message that the Turkish side is not returning to the negotiating table if the requirements it is putting forward are not met.”...

792. Greece will never accept the consequences of the Turkish invasion in Cyprus

Greece stresses that it will never accept nor recognize the consequences of the Turkish invasion and occupation in the island, while assuring that it will continue to stand by the side of the Republic of Cyprus. The position is outlined in a statement issued by the Greek Foreign Ministry on the occasion of the 36th anniversary of the declaration of the pseudo-state in the occupied areas of Cyprus,...

793. Greece responds to Turkey over Cyprus issue

The Cyprus question calls for an urgent and mutually acceptable settlement on the basis of international law, says Greece’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in response to a Turkish letter last month...

794. Turkey reacts to EU sanctions over Cyprus

President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday the European Union’s decision to sanction Turkey over drilling off the coast of Cyprus could disrupt talks with the bloc, and he warned that Turkey could send captured Islamic State fighters to Europe...

795. EU okays framework on Turkey over Cyprus

European Union foreign ministers agreed on Monday economic sanctions over Turkey's drilling off the coast of Cyprus, setting up the legal framework for travel bans and asset freezes but leaving names until a later date...

796. Turkey criticized over Syria offensive during EP debate

Turkey was heavily criticized on Wednesday for its military operation in north-east Syria, during a debate at the European Parliament plenary, in Strasbourg, while a relevant resolution is expected to be adopted on Thursday....

797. Cypriot foreign minister welcomes ceasefire

The Cypriot foreign minister says it remains to be seen how the agreement to halt military operations in Syria will play out, adding that any agreement was a positive development in keeping the peace...

798. Brexit deal agreed as EU summit begins

Britain clinched a last-minute Brexit deal with the European Union on Thursday, but still faced a challenge in getting it approved by parliament...

799. Cypriot president: Turkish offensive ‘unjustified’‘unlawful-and-arbitrary

President Nicos Anastasiades has described the Turkish military offensive in Syria as “unlawful and arbitrary"...

800. Spokesman says Turkey invaded Cypriot waters

Cypriot government spokesman Prodromos Prodromou has condemned Turkish activities inside Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ) describing it as an invasion of the Mediterranean island’s maritime domain...

801. Anastasiades: We accept political equality

In this context and following a call from the Secretary General for an agreed basis for the resumption of negotiations, there is an understanding by the leaders of the two communities that the relevant “Terms of Reference” should comprise the following elements: ...

802. Stella Kyriakidou: Climate change and gender equality a priority for the EU

There have been many who have questioned the EU because of the economic crisis that has emerged in recent years. Today we are coming out of this crisis and we realize that the EU still has a lot to offer....

803. Akar says effort to scrap guarantees on Cyprus 'futile'

Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar has reportedly reiterated Ankara’s rejection of calls by Cyprus and Greece for a scrapping of the system of guarantees that were established when the island gained independence from Britain in 1960. ...

804. Guarantees and Rights of Intervention

Both Turkey’s illegal invasion in 1974 and its occupation of Cyprus, were claimed to be based on its own interpretation of the Treaty of Guarantee. These arguments are well known. Today, Turkey still insists on the same interpretation of this Treaty....

805. Greek Prime Minister in Cyprus for an official visit

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis begins today a two-day official visit to Cyprus, his first after he assumed his duties following the elections of July 7th. He is accompanied, inter alia, by Greece`s Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias ...

806. Defence Ministers of Cyprus and Greece to discuss Turkish provocations on Friday

The Ministers of Defence of Cyprus and Greece, Savvas Angelides and Nikos Panagiotopoulos, will discuss about the Turkish provocations in Cyprus` Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and territorial waters during the official talks they will have on Friday in Nicosia. Panagiotopoulos will also represent the Greek government at the events organized on the occasion of the anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, that took place on July 20, 1974....

807. Morning sirens trigger memories of 1974

Emergency sirens sounded all over the island on Monday morning to mark the anniversary of a military coup in 1974...

808. Turkey issues Navtex for exercises off Kastellorizo on Sunday

Turkey has issued a navigational telex reserving a large area south of the island of Kastellorizo, within Greece's continental shelf, for military exercises on Sunday as Greeks go to general elections...

809. Nicosia expects UN to maintain position on Varosha based on Security Council decisions

The government said on Friday that it expected from the UN to maintain their long-standing position with regard to the ghost-town of Famagusta, that is consistent with the UN Security Council decisions which are explicit and are now blatantly violated through the announcement made in the Turkish occupied areas of Cyprus...

810. Duncan: 'We oppose their plans to drill'