12° Nicosia,
22 September, 2024


Displaying results 1081-1110 of 1631 matches for query mediterranean.

1081. Presidents of Cyprus, Greece discuss escalating Turkish provocations

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades and Greece’s President Katerina Sakellaropoulou held their first meeting in Athens on Tuesday, focusing the discussion on Turkey’s actions in the region and the close ties between the two countries....

1082. Anastasiades lauds France as a pillar of stability in EastMed region

In a period of immense challenges and illegal actions, the presence of the French naval force in the broader geographical region tangibly proves the readiness and determination of France to act as a pillar of stability in the region, while it sends a clear message to those who aim at escalating tensions by acting in an unacceptable way, Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades said Monday....

1083. As EU mulls sanctions, Turkey defiant

The European Union is seeking ways of imposing sanctions on Turkey in the event that its transgressions in the East Mediterranean are scaled up, and in the wake of its decision to convert Hagia Sophia into a mosque. ...

1084. EU to discuss new names for further sanctions against Turkey

EU Foreign Ministers agreed at the Foreign Affairs Council held Monday in Brussels that the Working Party of Foreign Relations Counsellors (RELEX) that convenes on Thursday should discuss imposing further sanctions against Turkey in view of its provocations in the Cyprus EEZ....

1085. UNSG report on his good offices in Cyprus obtained by Kathimerini Cyprus

The 39-page advance copy of the Report of the UN Secretary-General on his mission of good offices in Cyprus was obtained by Kathimerini Cyprus....

1086. Christodoulides, Dendias discuss Turkey with Borrell on sidelines of EU meeting

Relations between the European Union and Turkey were at the center of talks Monday between the bloc’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias and his Cypriot counterpart Nikos Christodoulides....

1087. Only through dialogue can the Mediterranean regain stability, Borrell says

The Mediterranean can be a more secure and stable zone only through dialogue, the EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said at the European Parliament’s plenary session on Turkey in Brussels. ...

1088. Turkey reacts to US plan for military education, training for Cyprus

Turkey expressed its disagreement over a US government plan to make International Military Education and Training (IMET) available to Cyprus, saying it does not help resolve the island’s division....

1089. US to include Cyprus in army programme

The American Embassy in Nicosia says the United States are looking forward to expanding their military education and training programmes to include Cyprus, with plans to introduce professional and technical courses in 2021...

1090. Anastasiades fires back at Turkish FM's 'insolent' comments

Our task is to achieve the suspension of Turkey’s unbridled ambition to impose its own version of international law in order to serve its expansionist policies, President Nicos Anastasiades said Tuesday in response to what he described as “insolent” statements issued by the Turkish Foreign Minister on Monday....

1091. Turkey warns it will respond if EU takes fresh measures against it

Turkey will respond with its own steps if the European Union imposes further sanctions on Ankara, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Monday after meeting the EU’s top diplomat....

1092. Berlin to press Ankara over drilling plans for East Med

Berlin plans to play an active role, in the context of Germany's presidency of the European Council, in easing tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean where Turkey plans to expand its exploration for oil and gas in contravention of Greek and Cypriot exclusive economic zones...

1093. Anastasiades: Patriotic realism dictates solution through diplomacy, not weapons

Instead of a catastrophic scenario, we opt for diplomacy, the weapons of international law and Cyprus’ status as an EU member state. This is what is dictated by patriotic realism and rationalism, and not a rhetoric of empty slogans. The coming days are crucial as regards initiatives taken by the EU and the US in view of preventing a potential crisis through targeted measures towards Turkey....

1094. Cyprus and Greece FMs discuss ways of dealing with Turkey

Cyprus Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides paid an official visit to Greece on Friday to meet with his Greek counterpart Nikos Dendias....

1095. Aegean tension fueling Berlin concern

With Germany assuming the European Union presidency on Wednesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed concern over developments in the Eastern Mediterranean and Greek-Turkish relations in response to questions from MPs in the Bundestag....

1096. Greece reopens regional airports, says Covid-19 risk calculated

Greece reopened its regional airports to international flights on Wednesday, pinning its hopes on a recovery in tourism after a three-month lockdown....

1097. Cyprus slams Turkey over fish wars

Republic of Cyprus Agriculture Minister Costas Kadis issued an indicting statement against Turkey this week, when he accused that country of illegal activities in Cypriot waters during a fisheries control teleconference...

1098. Anastasiades: Cyprus wants escalation of EU action against Turkey

“Cyprus is asking for an escalation of EU action against Turkey’s provocativeness,” President Nicos Anastasiades stated in an interview with the Greek television network Open....

1099. EPP head calls for more EU support for Greece, Cyprus vis-a-vis Turkey

The chairman of the European People’s Party (EPP) and German MEP on Tuesday urged the European Union’s high representative for foreign affairs, Josep Borrell, to call for debate on “ongoing and repeated Turkish aggressions” against Greece and Cyprus....

1100. EU top official and Cyprus defence minister fly over Cyprus' EEZ by helicopter

The EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell joined the Cyprus defence minister Savvas Angelides on a helicopter ride over the Republic’s exclusive economic zone to observe the sea areas that are increasingly emerging as zones of contention....

1101. Hungarian FM expresses unreserved solidarity with Republic of Cyprus

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó, during his meeting with President Nicos Anastasiades in Nicosia on Friday, expressed his country's solidarity with the Republic of Cyprus and its complete support for the Council of Europe's conclusions....

1102. Turkey says Greek FM’s comments on EastMed 'detached from reality'

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry said on Thursday that Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias’ statements on the situation in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean “are entirely detached from reality.” ...

1103. Cyprus tourism gearing up for ‘British invasion’‘british-invasion

The tourism industry in the Republic of Cyprus is fighting tooth and nail to minimize losses this year, with the tourism minister hinting at British arrivals in mid-July and hoteliers asking for specific dates to get ready...

1104. Israeli FM asks Cyprus to serve as moderator in its talks with EU countries

Israeli Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi requested that Cyprus serves as a moderating voice in Israel’s talks with European countries, the Isreaeli Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson said Wednesday....

1105. Borrell says EU ‘determined’ to protect external borders‘determined-to-protect-external-borders

The European Union is “determined” to protect its external borders and Greece’s territory, the bloc’s high representative for foreign affairs, Josep Borrell, said during a visit at Greece’s northeastern border on Wednesday....

1106. Cyprus to host next trilateral meeting of Greek, Cyprus, Israel FMs

Cyprus will host the next trilateral meeting of the foreign ministers of Cyprus, Israel and Greece, the Cyprus foreign minister Nicos Christodoulides agreed with his Israeli counterpart during a visit to Israel on Tuesday....

1107. Cyprus FM on 'short but important' visit to Israel

The “short but important” visit of Cyprus foreign minister Nikos Christodoulides to Israel on Tuesday, as his Isreali counterpart Gabi Ashkenazi described it in a tweet, is set to focus on ways to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries. ...

1108. Turkish FM accuses Athens of shirking dialogue

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu dismissed accusations that Ankara is unwilling to seek a solution through talks with Greece, saying that the Greek prime minister needs to “look in the mirror and ask himself where he went wrong.” ...

1109. Egyptian president stresses importance of strategic relations with Greece

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has stressed the importance of strategic relations with Greece, while expressing Cairo’s desire to strengthen cooperation with Athens in a wide range of areas, according to a statement by the Egyptian presidency published in the country’s flagship state newspaper Al-Ahram....

1110. Turkey spells out position on Greek islands

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has reiterated Ankara’s contentious claim that islands that lie far from the Greek mainland, including Kastellorizo in the southeastern Aegean, are not entitled to generate continental shelves...