12° Nicosia,
27 July, 2024


Displaying results 91-120 of 495 matches for query natural gas.

91. FinMin underlines the importance of disciplined policy

The contact circle with the banks has not been completed, and there will be a new one to adopt measures that will provide relief to borrowers regarding the increased interest rates....

92. California: Electricity bills based on your paycheck

Most of the time, what you pay for electricity or water or gas depends on how much you use. Leave the air conditioner and the lights on all night, and your electricity bill will spike. Take long, relaxing bubble baths every day, and your water bill will climb....

93. One step for East Med gas but no giant leap

An Israeli gas company with Greek interests wants to lay a subsea pipeline from Aphrodite natural gas field to a facility in Egypt, a proposal potentially seeking to reduce time and cost but also bypassing the issue of Turkey...

94. Aphrodite emerges from sea but behind closed doors

NewMed Energy, one of the partners in 'Aphrodite' hydrocarbons field, listed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, will officially announce the delivery of the modified development and production plan of the block on Wednesday, Cyprus Energy Minister George Papanastasiou told the Cyprus News Agency...

95. Natural gas a priority for affordable electricity generation

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) agrees with the government's priority to bring natural gas το Cyprus, in order to produce cheap electricity, said CCCI President Christodoulos Angastiniotis, after a meeting held between CCCI and President of the Republic, Nikos Christodoulides, on Tuesday....

96. Is there an energy plan, or isn't there?

When in 2011 Cyprus discovered natural gas in "Aphrodite," the discussion about geopolitical upgrading was so intense that it led to the creation... of a movie titled "Block 12" and the establishment of specialized studies in oil & gas....

97. A glimmer of hope as Christodoulides looks to the future after Turkish elections

Cyprus President Nikos Christodoulides expressed hope for imminent developments in the Cyprus problem following the completion of elections in Turkey....

98. Nicosia gathers oil companies for sales pitch

Τhe main points of the government's energy strategy will be presented to representatives of companies involved internationally in the natural gas and electricity supply chain, during a two-day workshop titled 'The Cyprus Gateway: Natural Gas to Power and Liquefaction' taking place on Monday and Tuesday, in Nicosia...

99. Cyprus resolute on natural gas plans despite geopolitical reactions

Minister of Energy, George Papanastasiou, affirmed Cyprus' commitment to proceed with its plans for transporting natural gas from the region, both for domestic electricity generation and for liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports, despite geopolitical reactions....

100. Italian lawmakers call for gas ‘pipeline of democracies’‘pipeline-of-democracies

The Foreign Affairs Committee in Italy has called on the government to work with east Mediterranean countries to assess the prospects of an EastMed gas project, while taking note of energy diversification as well as geopolitical balances in the region...

101. In search of an energy strategy

After President Christodoulides' visit to Israel and his meeting with Netanyahu, two key issues have emerged regarding Nicosia's energy strategy:...

102. Nicosia begs to differ with ENI boss on EastMed

The Cypriot government says it does not share views on EastMed gas made by ENI boss Claudio Descalzi, who told Italian lawmakers an eastern Mediterranean gas project cannot go forward without Turkey, with Nicosia begging to differ and pointing to other companies willing to take the risk...

103. Italians come clean on EastMed gas

Turkey cannot be left out of the natural gas game in the eastern Mediterranean according to ENI’s newly re-elected CEO Claudio Descalzi, whose recent comments during a parliamentary hearing committee echoed latest developments but also gave credence to Rome’s previous doubts over Cypriot endeavors that bypass Ankara...

104. Energean unveils ambitious plans for Israeli gas exploitation

Energean announced on Thursday that by September 2023 it will submit to the Israeli government for approval a comprehensive program for the exploitation of the deposits of the "Olympus Area" of the Israeli Exclusive Economic Zone, so as to begin its implementation in early 2024....

105. Cyprus on verge of becoming LNG hub as talks of Israel pipeline intensify

The announcements made by the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, regarding a pipeline that will transport natural gas from Israel's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to Cyprus for liquefaction (LNG) and export to European markets...

106. Powering Europe through Cyprus

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announces major energy collaboration with Cyprus to supply Europe with natural gas via new pipeline...

107. Nicosia revises language on EastMed gas

Cyprus and Israel are in talks over the construction of a pipeline linking their offshore gas fields, Cyprus's energy minister said on Monday...

108. Cyprus shifts energy policy towards natural gas for power generation

Cyprus' Minister of Energy, George Papanastasiou, announced that the country's strategy regarding the exploitation of natural gas in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and other fields in the region will be decided after a workshop at the end of the month with the participation of energy companies in the Eastern Mediterranean. ...

109. Chevron pushes forward with Cyprus tricky move

Chevron has reportedly started drilling a key appraisal well offshore Cyprus, a development mired in geopolitical controversy over the ethnically-split island as well as neighbor relations...

110. Household electricity and gas prices surge across EU in 2022

In the second half of 2022, average household electricity prices in the EU continued to show a sharp increase compared with the same period in 2021, from 23.5 euros per 100 kWh to 28.4 euros per 100 kWh in the EU, and from 23.0 euros per 100 kWh to 32.6 euro per 100 kWh in Cyprus, according to data released by Eurostat, the statistical service of the EU....

111. Energy Minister puts forth Cyprus' natural gas to cut costs for consumers

Cyprus' Energy Minister George Papanastasiou said that, during his discussions with consortiums operating in the Cypriot Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), he suggested the option of importing natural gas quantities from the EEZ for power generation, in combination with LNG exports via a small LNG plant....

112. From troublesome youth to social responsibility

In my youth, I was what you would call a troublesome young man who loved firecrackers. It wasn't just because of where I grew up in my mother's village in Greece, where military history was celebrated, and almost all of my family's ancestors had died for faith and country, from Orlofika to the Korean Expeditionary Force....

113. Cypriot President wraps up Cairo visit

Cyprus President, Nikos Christodoulides, concludes on Thursday his visit to Egypt, with a meeting with the Arab League Secretary General, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, at the League's seat. After the meeting Christodoulides will depart for Cyprus...

114. BP and ADNOC's bold bid for the Leviathan field

Last Tuesday, British multinational oil giant BP and Emirati Abu Dhabi National Oil (Adnoc, the UAE's state oil company) announced a joint bid to buy 50% of Israel's NewMed Energy in a $2 billion deal. ...

115. Italy weighs in as Cypriot fund goes after Lukoil plant

An Israeli-backed Cypriot fund’s deal to buy a Lukoil-owned refinery in Italy is hanging in the balance ahead of a Cabinet meeting in Rome possibly this week, when veto powers would be weighed against energy hub aspirations that could replace Russian gas and put the final nail in the coffin of a proposed EastMed pipeline...

116. EAC maintains dominant position in Cyprus' energy production market

The highest electricity market share in the EU was recorded in Cyprus (88%), reflecting the dominance of the Electricity Authority of Cyprus in the country’s energy market, Eurostat data published on Tuesday show....

117. Protesters want an end to EastMed pipeline project

Environmental activists gathered outside the EU Commission in Brussels on Wednesday warning that in addition to financial and geopolitical arguments against the construction of an EastMed natural gas pipeline, sabotage similar to NordStream last year was also a possible risk...

118. Reduction of electricity costs a priority, says new Energy Minister

One of the first priorities of the new administration will be to reduce the cost of electricity, in order to help the industry and the economy reach the potential “they deserve”, new Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry Giorgos Papanastasiou said on Wednesday....

119. The who's who of the Christodoulides government

On Monday afternoon (27/02), Nikos Christodoulides, the country's new leader, unveiled his new administration. Read the detailed biographies of the individuals who make up the new government....

120. Work begins on jetty for mooring FSRU in Cyprus

Work for the construction of a jetty, as part of the LNG Receiving and Regasification Terminal in the Vasilikos area in Cyprus, has recently begun...