12° Nicosia,
02 June, 2024


Displaying results 421-450 of 614 matches for query recovery.

421. Cyprus raises bar for sake of normality

The President’s Cabinet in the Republic of Cyprus has added a few finishing touches on its latest Safe Pass measures as daily COVID cases continue to rise, with the government allowing more flexibility for businesses willing to cater to people who are vaccinated...

422. EU chief visits Cyprus after deadly fire

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is on a visit to Cyprus to boost post-pandemic recovery efforts, but the EU chief also grabbed an opportunity to tell a local community affected by last weekend’s deadly fire that Europe was at their side...

423. Cyprus awaits endorsement during Ursula visit

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen flies to Cyprus Wednesday on a two day visit to deliver notes on the government’s recovery and resilience plan submitted two months ago...

424. Cyprus rolls out ‘jab discount’ for hotel stays‘jab-discount-for-hotel-stays

Lodging businesses in the Republic of Cyprus have until Friday to apply for a state subsidy that would partially fund hotel stays for vacationers who got the vaccine or the state has a record of their recovery from COVID...

425. Cyprus joins EU’s digital covid certificate

The Republic of Cyprus on Thursday joined other EU countries already accepting an EU-wide Covid certificate for easier travel, amid coordination challenges amongst members and a rampant Delta variant around the world...

426. Cyprus airports to accept EUDCC on July 1

The Cabinet that convened Wednesday, amended the Action Plan for the operation of airports to include the EU Digital COVID Certificate which will be issued by the EU Member States, as well as by the countries of the European Economic Area and by the Switzerland...

427. President focused on agenda after reshuffle

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades says this week reshuffle of his Cabinet will serve the government agenda, while blaming the opposition for his coalition-style approach falling flat...

428. Lute back at it again in Cyprus

UN envoy Jane Holl Lute is back on the island to hold separate discussions on Tuesday with the two Cypriot leaders, just days before the seasoned diplomat’s boss is expected to run shoulders with President Nicos Anastasiades in Brussels...

429. Minister urges COVID survivors to get jabbed

Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou is calling on COVID survivors in the Republic of Cyprus to get vaccinated, saying vaccines offer protection...

430. Legal departments face challenges in transformation efforts

Legal departments across the globe are facing a mounting list of operational challenges as they look to transform in the wake of complex digital and regulatory change, according to the 2021 EY Law Survey, which was conducted in collaboration with the Harvard Law School Center on the Legal Profession...

431. Family businesses in Europe fared better in response to COVID-19

For businesses of all types, the first impact on the pandemic was felt on revenues. 64% of European family businesses reported initial revenue losses compared to 69% of family businesses globally, 25% managed to maintain their revenue levels, and 11% experienced increases...

432. Cyprus jumps the gun on Sinopharm

Travelers who have been inoculated with Sinopharm can now visit freely the Republic of Cyprus, but it is up to other EU member states to accept the Chinese vaccine if the latest draft version for a COVID certificate is adopted in Strasburg next month...

433. EY: Liquidity-fueled IPO markets break records in Q1 2021

434. Cyprus unveils 'ambitious' stimulus plan

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades has called on the new parliament after elections as well as industry leaders to support an ambitious €4.4 billion economic stimulus plan, saying it will lead the country into a new era...

435. Cabinet under pressure to modify safe pass

There are reports of second thoughts over the scope of Cyprus’ safety pass with Kathimerini reporting that grievances within the hospitality industry have reached the Presidential Palace, putting enormous pressure on the health minister to water down rules pertaining to restaurants...

436. Cyprus ends lockdown with safe pass

A third lockdown in the Republic of Cyprus ended on Sunday as new measures went into effect Monday including a controversial safety pass, with the government betting on a slight improvement as it pushes for gradual return to normality...

437. CoronaPass tricky for some COVID survivors

People and businesses in the Republic of Cyprus were still waiting Friday for an official decree after Cabinet approval for a controversial CoronaPass, but COVID survivors with antibodies could have a hard time proving immunity after the health ministry said it would not accept self-test or home kits...

438. Minister warns House over crucial EU money

Cypriot Finance Minister Constantinos Petrides is calling on Parliament to approve structural reforms that come as a condition to the disbursement of over €1 billion from the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Fund...

439. Holy Moly ahead of Holy Week decision

The President’s Cabinet is expected on Thursday to announce a way forward ahead of Greek Orthodox Holy Week, with the health minister not favoring tougher pandemic measures but also warning a lockdown was not off the table...

440. 2021 KPMG CEO Outlook Pulse Survey

441. IMF: Withdrawal of support measures should be gradual

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission met virtually with the Cypriot authorities from March 8–29, 2021 to discuss recent economic developments and policy priorities on the island. In an interview with Kathimerini Cyprus, IMF mission chief for Cyprus, Anita Tuladhar, said the longer the recovery period in sectors related to tourism, the greater the chance that permanent scars will remain in the economy of Cyprus. Tuladhar also noted the importance of state-sponsored programs to support the economy....

442. Ioannou: Matter of time until health system brought to its knees

Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou warned Wednesday that if the current trend of rising new cases and hospital admissions continues, it will only be a matter of time until the healthcare system is brought to its knees....

443. The bet that Cyprus is winning

The decision taken yesterday by Germany’s Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) to allow the administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine to those aged over 65 years old was met with strong reactions domestically due to the bad reputation built up for the vaccine by the early statements of German officials on the efficacy of the specific jab....

444. Vaccinations 'main economic tool' in managing Covid crisis

Vaccinations have turned into the main economic tool for the management of the coronavirus crisis and the prospects for recovery, Minister of Finance Constantinos Petrides said, stating that he foresees a strong recovery in 2021 ranging from 3.5% to 4.5% of GDP, depending on the development of the pandemic....

445. Coordination for green digital transition needed, Kokkinos says

Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, Kyriakos Kokkinos stressed the need to coordinate actions and investments at national and European level to achieve the EU's goals "for a sustainable, digital and green transition, empowering businesses with an emphasis on the SME and start-up ecosystem, and ensuring EU technological dominance", during his intervention at the informal teleconference of the Competitiveness Council for Research, under the Portuguese Presidency....

446. Anastasiades joins EUCO summit prep with EU leaders

President Nicos Anastasiades participated on Tuesday in a teleconference with the President of the European Council and EU heads of state and government, in preparation for the extraordinary European Council summit to take place online on February 25-26. ...

447. Oktay: Forget any bargaining over Varosha

448. When the lights of the Palace begin to dim

The testimonies of 2013, say that in those critical days of the savings levy, there was a crowd of people on the hill of the presidential palace....

449. Policy priorities unaffected by pandemic, FinMin says

Despite the crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic Cyprus’ economic policies remain the same, targeting macroeconomic and financial stability, prudent fiscal policies, and establishing a competitive, business-friendly regulatory environment of high standards, Minister of Finance Constantinos Petrides said on Thursday....

450. COVID-19 is adding new impetus to finance transformation