12° Nicosia,
28 September, 2024


Displaying results 1351-1380 of 1533 matches for query team.

1351. French CNP buys BOC stake in Cyprus subsidiary for $97.5 million$97-5-million

1352. Germany signs new warrant for Kurdish activist

A Kurdish man wanted by German authorities on terrorism-related charges has been re-arrested in the Republic of Cyprus on a new extradition warrant, following a back-and-forth on legal issues...

1353. Cyprus Tax Webcast May 2019

1354. Argonaut 2019: Over 20 countries participated in the exercise

1355. Israel to hold new elections after Netanyahu fails to form coalition

1356. The election results and ND’s next challenge

1357. Teen injured by rock thrown at car in Limassol

A teenage girl was injured Wednesday night in Limassol when an unidentified person threw a rock at a vehicle following a football match that rallied the southern town...

1358. Israeli divers to join red lake search

Israeli experts and divers are expected to join the search efforts for two slain victims in the serial killer case, as prosecutors prepare to file their case in court...

1359. Old Greece is waiting around the corner

1360. K. Treppides & Co Ltd: Income Tax Law Amendments

The House of Representatives voted on 5 April 2019, a series of provisions amending the Income Tax Law which were published in the Official Gazette of the Republic on 25 April 2019...

1361. WhatsApp urges users to upgrade app after security breach

1362. Turkey to send second drillship

1363. Orestis back in court

A month has gone by with police still searching for two more slain victims of alleged serial killer Orestis, while a crucial autopsy on Monday is expected to show the cause of death of eight-year-old Elena Natalia...

1364. Doubts raised over Mitseros autopsies

A well-known private forensic pathologist, who has raised doubts over the Mitseros autopsies in the serial killer investigation, says he also has reservations over the decision by local authorities to call on five UK experts...

1365. Justice minister to step down over Mitseros case

Justice Minister Ionas Nicolaou tendered his resignation on Thursday over criticism aimed at the police for failing to investigate cases of foreign missing women, some of whom were murdered...

1366. Police double down in serial killer case

Police are crosschecking names of female foreign workers to see if there could be more victims in the Mitseros murders, while foreign experts try to get inside the suspected serial killer’s head...

1367. Suspense in search for bodies in Mitseros

A recovery operation is taking place at the red lake at the old abandoned mine in Mitseros, where a confessed serial killer said he dumped three bodies in suitcases...

1368. Another body turns up in the Filipina murders

Another dead body turned up in the investigation of the Filipina murders, with media sources saying the suspected serial killer reportedly gave another confession but could not remember if the victim was from India or Nepal...

1369. Police make headway in Filipina murders

The suspected serial killer in the Filipina murders is facing an additional charge of felony murder with intent, after police found solid proof linking him to the kidnapping and killing of a third victim...

1370. MAPFinTech and oneZero announce partnership

MAP Fin Tech and one Zero announce partnership to collaborate in research and development for integration of their systems...

1371. Fifteen rounded up in Nicosia late night sweep

Immigration police conducted multiple raids in Nicosia on Thursday night, detaining over a dozen foreign nationals in the city and suburbs...

1372. May to ask Merkel and Macron for Brexit delay

The British Parliament passed a law designed to prevent the government from pursing a no-deal Brexit late Monday, while Theresa May heads to Berlin and Paris Tuesday as part of her efforts to win a short delay to Britain’s departure from the European Union...

1373. F35 flying to Cyprus this summer

The first overseas flight for the Lightning Force’s F35 stealth fighters will take place in the eastern Mediterranean when they are expected to touch down in Akrotiri this summer...

1374. New Greek Cypriot CMP representative named

There is a new Greek Cypriot representative on the Committee on Missing Persons, with media reports saying his predecessor had raised a number of questions prior to his departure...

1375. K. Treppides & Co Ltd: Cryptocurrencies/Digital Assets and Regulation

Following the latest trend with the VFA's or Cryptocurrencies or Digital Assets and the Blockchain technology behind them, a booming and contagious effect is spreading between Continents since they are considered to be the ‘golden key’ to a new age...

1376. Women Fit for Business

1377. Death toll at New Zealand mosques rises to 49

1378. Turkey expects delivery of F-35s in November

1379. ExxonMobil eyes Israel gas bid

1380. K. Treppides & Co Ltd - Cyprus in the new International Tax Reality

In the years 2019-2020, Cyprus will transpose into its national law the provisions of the EU Anti Avoidance Directive, with three measures of the Directive being effective from 1st of January 2019...