12° Nicosia,
01 June, 2024


Displaying results 331-360 of 515 matches for query troops.

331. Greek-US relations take on a new level

The renewal of the defense pact last week with the US further shields Greece from threats,...

332. ‘A Dark Room’: excerpts from Alexis Papachelas’ forthcoming book‘a-dark-room-excerpts-from-alexis-papachelas-forthcoming-book

“The nut, he went and did what we didn’t,” said Greek dictator Georgios Papadopoulos the morning of July 15, 1974 after he found out that Dimitris Ioannidis, the junta’s military police chief, had orchestrated a coup to overthrow Cyprus President Archbishop Makarios....

333. Turkey renews call for demilitarization of islands in letter to UN

With yet another round of exploratory low-level talks set to start between Greece and Turkey on Wednesday, Ankara has renewed calls for the demilitarization of the eastern Aegean islands....

334. Cyprus’ top diplomat: Turkey is creating new Ottoman empire

The foreign minister of the divided island of Cyprus is accusing Turkey’s president of attempting to promote a new Ottoman empire in the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East...

335. Fuel crisis deepens in the UK

The Association of Oil Retailers warned on Sunday night that now 50% to 85% of service stations in the UK (excluding motorways and supermarkets) have run out of fuel....

336. President Anastasiades addresses the 76th UN General Assembly

The President of the Republic, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades, today addressed members of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly in New York....

337. UK citizens rush to fill up amid shortages

The British government on Thursday night urged citizens not to panic over the closure of dozens of gas stations across the country, which was due to the significant shortage of drivers of tankers, trucks and other heavy goods vehicles....

338. Foreign Press: How Erdogan uses Cyprus to send migrants to the EU

On the occasion of the visit of the Austrian Minister of European Affairs Caroline Edstadler to Nicosia, the Austrian newspaper Kurier focuses on the possible new increase of migration flows in Cyprus after the developments in Afghanistan and the role of Turkey. ...

339. UK's Stephen Lillie met with President Nicos Anastasiades this morning (update)

Mr. Nicos Anastasiades stressed that any proposals or ideas concerning the Cyprus issue should not go beyond the framework of the UN Security Council resolutions...

340. NATO must 'stand together' in Afghanistan

The political and military leadership of the Afghan Army must shoulder a significant part of the blame for its swift collapse...

341. Chaos as Biden defends withdrawal

Thousands of people desperate to flee Afghanistan thronged Kabul's airport on Monday after the Taliban seized the capital, prompting the United States to pause evacuations, as President Joe Biden confronted mounting criticism over the US withdrawal...

342. Nicosia okay with latest UNSC draft on Varosha

Nicosia appeared to be at ease on Thursday night after a draft statement on Varosha, expected to be adopted by UN Security Council members on Friday afternoon, was said to 'condemn' recent announcements by Turkish and Turkish Cypriot leaders regarding the island’s ghost town...

343. Turks set Varosha plan in motion

Greek Cypriots are preparing a response to Turkish Cypriot plans to reopen part of Varosha, a risky proposition made official following an announcement by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar on Tuesday in the northern part of the island...

344. Greek Cypriots mount cancel Varosha campaign

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades declared on Tuesday that no Greek Cypriot from Famagusta 'would become an accomplice to Turkish plans' in Varosha, while also rejecting accusations that he was against Turkish Cypriots sharing power on the island...

345. Erdogan Cyprus visit redraws lines of division

The lines of division on the island of Cyprus are expanding beyond the traditional split along ethnic lines, with a visit by the Turkish president this week expected to cause friction within the Greek Cypriot community over the fate of Varosha but also within the Turkish Cypriot community over political values...

346. Cyprus against the clock to stop Erdogan

Cypriot Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides has been going all out on a preemptive diplomatic strike aimed at garnering support in Brussels, Washington, and the international community to stop the Turkish President from revealing ‘surprises to the world’ during a scheduled visit to the island on July 20...

347. Fact sheet puts US-Cyprus ties at historic high

The US State Department’s latest fact sheet on the Republic of Cyprus heralds a bright future of cooperation between the countries, with relations between the superpower and the island nation described as being at a historic high...

348. Religious event in Israel turns deadly

At least 44 people were crushed to death at an over-crowded religious bonfire festival in Israel on Friday, medics said, in what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described as a 'heavy disaster'...

349. Anastasiades: Cyprus won't hesitate to veto EU-Turkey customs union

350. Cyprus, Greece mount pressure for revision of EUCO conclusions

Cyprus and Greece mounted pressure on Wednesday for a revision of the draft European Council conclusions on Turkey, arguing that they should better reflect the stance taken by the EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell in his recent report....

351. TRT delves into Cyprus’ dark past

A new series about ethnic warfare in Cyprus is hitting the airwaves soon, with the Turkish Cypriot leader paying a visit on set in Famagusta during the filming by Turkish state broadcaster TRT1...

352. Borrell: Cyprob solution must come from Cypriots

"The European Union fully supports the resumption of a settlement process under UN auspices, as soon as possible," and stands ready to provide whatever assistance both parties and the UN would find most useful, the EU’s Foreign Policy chief Josep Borrell said Thursday....

353. Analysis: The Cyprus issue today

Over the past 30 years, Turkey, and its friends in the society of nations, sought, and partially succeeded, in obscuring the importance of the Cyprus issue’s international dimension, that is the Turkish invasion and the illegal occupation of the island. The aim was to present the Cyprus issue as a one-dimensional, internal affair that exclusively concerns the relations and the rights of the two communities, Greek- and Turkish-Cypriots....

354. Erdogan wishes to improve testy relations with US

Turkey’s president says mutual interests with the United States outweigh their differences and has called for more cooperation with President Joe Biden’s new US administration....

355. Turkey's expansionist policies unacceptable, Cyprus govt says

Turkey must realize that we do not accept its expansionist policies, government spokesman Kyriakos said Thursday in response to statements issued by Turkish officials. ...

356. President Biden urges Americans to turn page

Democrat Joe Biden was sworn in as president of the United States on Wednesday, vowing to end the ‘uncivil war’ in a deeply divided country reeling from a battered economy and a raging coronavirus pandemic that has killed more than 400,000 Americans...

357. Washington not taking any chances

Presidential inaugurations are normally high-security events, with metal detectors at key entry points, restricted ID-only zones and National Guard supplementing local and federal law enforcement, but the level of precautions this year is unprecedented...

358. New Chinese Ambassador hails deepening relations with Cyprus

China opposes any unilateral provocations and actions that undermine the peace and stability of Cyprus and the region and as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, it will continue to play a constructive and coordinating role in facilitating the settlement of the Cyprus problem, UNFICYP’s mandate renewal, and the implementation of relevant UN resolutions, to uphold fairness and justice for Cypriots, China's new Ambassador to Cyprus, Liu Yantao said, presenting on Thursday his credentials to Cyrpus President, Nicos Anastasiades....

359. 15 days of hell in Varosha in the summer of '74

Varosha. August 19, 1974. Appartments, Block 10, apartment 2. There lived Michalakis Hadjipavlou, 30 years old, with his wife, Xenia Hadipavlou, aged 25, and two of their three children. Their firstborn, four-year-old Thomas, and two-year-old Marios, while their three-year-old daughter Maria was at a friend’s house in Larnaca....

360. Erdogan sets foot on Cyprus’ Varosha

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Cyprus on Sunday during Turkish Cypriot celebrations in the north, prompting strong reactions from Greek Cypriots in the south at a time when the divided island’s political future hangs in the balance...