12° Nicosia,
14 June, 2024


Displaying results 211-240 of 515 matches for query troops.

211. Russia deploys trained dolphins at Black Sea naval base, according to satellite images

Russia has deployed trained military dolphins at its naval base in the Black Sea – possibly to protect its fleet from an underwater attack – according to a new analysis of satellite images....

212. Pelted Russian convoy video in Limassol goes viral

Cyprus Police say no complaint was filed regarding a video from Limassol that went viral this week, showing cars with Russian flags being pelted with heavy items at the southern town's seafront...

213. Putin warns West of lightning retaliation

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned of lightning-fast retaliation if countries interfere in Ukraine as European leaders accused Russia of 'blackmail' over its cuts to gas supplies...

214. UN chief and Putin concur on Azovstal evacuation

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Russian President Vladimir Putin have reportedly agreed on arranging evacuations from a besieged steel plant in the battered city of Mariupol...

215. Diner in Cyprus hates on ‘Russian’ tourists‘russian-tourists

A group of Latvian tourists in Cyprus posted a disturbing video on social media showing fellow diners at a hotel hating on them after mistaking them for Russians...

216. Putin orders troops at Azovstal to hold fire

President Vladimir Putin called off plans for the Russian military to storm the sprawling Azovstal steel plant in the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol and said on Thursday he wanted Ukrainian forces there to be hermetically sealed in instead...

217. Clock ticking for Mariupol on Holy Thursday

A top ally of President Vladimir Putin said Russian forces will seize the last main stronghold of resistance in the besieged city of Mariupol on Thursday, after Ukraine proposed talks on evacuating troops and civilians there...

218. Russia renews surrender deadline at Azovstal

Russian troops gave Ukrainian fighters holding out in the basements of Azovstal a fresh ultimatum to surrender on Wednesday, as conflicting reports made it unclear whether unarmed civilians could also be inside in Mariupol’s steel plant...

219. Surrender window to 'spare lives' in Mariupol closes

The Russian Armed Forces offered Ukraine’s militants in Mariupol a way out on Sunday but there was no response, while the wife of the war-torn country’s pro-Russia opposition leader has called for his release in exchange of two British combatants...

220. Homeless dog who comforted troops in Kosovo being re-homed in US

A homeless dog that brought comfort to U.S. soldiers overseas will now get a chance to live a cozy life in America with one of those soldiers....

221. Russian chemical weapons in Ukraine could see NATO troops deployed

The UK's under-secretary for the armed forces, James Heappey, has revealed that "all possible options are on the table in terms of how the west might respond" if it is confirmed Russia used chemical weapons on Ukraine....

222. A deal ‘everybody will hate’ to end the war in Ukraine‘everybody-will-hate-to-end-the-war-in-ukraine

The most likely solution that will bring an end to the war in Ukraine is an agreement that “everybody will hate,” James Stavridis, NATO’s Greek-American former commander for Europe tells Kathimerini....

223. Zelensky wants Cyprus to get tough on island’s Russians

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is urging the Republic of Cyprus to strip Russians of their golden passports 'without exception' and only ease up on dual citizens if they condemn what he called 'war crimes of their military' in Ukraine....

224. Lavrov: Ukraine has presented an 'unacceptable' draft agreement

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said today that Kyiv had presented Moscow with a draft peace agreement containing "unacceptable" elements, but that Russia would nevertheless continue the talks and try to secure its own demands....

225. Ukrainian soldiers adopt freezing puppy (video)

It’s not all doom and gloom in the trenches in Ukraine—sometimes it’s head pats and belly rubs of gratitude....

226. Bucha atrocities bring about fresh sanctions and deportations

Following the revelations about the atrocities against civilians that took place in Bucha and other areas near Kyiv, the EU is preparing fresh sanctions against Russia to "hit them where it hurts". ...

227. Russia imposes visa restrictions on citizens of 'unfriendly countries'

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on Monday introducing visa restrictions for citizens of countries that Moscow deems "unfriendly" in response to sanctions over Ukraine....

228. The US asks Cyprus to transfer its Russian made weapons to Ukraine

In a significant move, US representatives in Cyprus have asked the government whether they would be willing to transfer the country's Russian-made weapons to Ukraine....

229. World horrified over Bucha death footage

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he was “deeply shocked” by images of civilian deaths in Ukraine posted online over the weekend, with Kiev blaming Moscow and Russia rejecting the accusations and calling for a special Security Council meeting on Monday...

230. Greek foreign minister visits Ukraine port city

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias arrived in Ukraine on Sunday, keeping a recent promise to head a humanitarian aid mission into the war-torn country where many ethnic Greeks have been trapped...

231. UN official gets ‘donkeyed’ Cyprus-style‘donkeyed-cyprus-style

UN official Colin Stewart was amused over two gag gifts he received at a bicommunal gathering in north Nicosia, with one elder of the group presenting him with a donkey ornament to remind him he would 'need a lot of patience' on the island...

232. Russian troops not withdrawing but regrouping in Ukraine, NATO says

Russian forces in Ukraine are not withdrawing but regrouping, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday, commenting on Moscow's announcements about a scaling down of military operations around Kyiv....

233. Op-ed: Let's imagine Putin didn't miscalculate

The conventional wisdom is that Vladimir Putin catastrophically miscalculated. He thought Russian-speaking Ukrainians would welcome his troops. They didn’t. ...

234. US says Putin being misled by fearful advisers

Russian President Vladimir Putin is being misled by advisers who are too scared to tell him how badly the war in Ukraine is going, the White House says....

235. Russian troops begin moving away from positions around Kyiv

Some Russian units suffering heavy losses in Ukraine had been forced to return home and to neighboring Belarus, British military intelligence said a day after Russia promised to scale down military operations around Kyiv and another city....

236. Russia to reduce military activity in Kyiv and Chernihiv, Ukraine to adopt neutral status

Russia promised at peace talks on Tuesday to scale down its military operations around Kyiv and northern Ukraine, while Ukraine proposed adopting a neutral status but with international guarantees that it would be protected from attack....

237. Russia to bar entry for people from growing list of 'unfriendly' nations

Russia said on Monday it was preparing to restrict entry into Russia for nationals of "unfriendly" countries, which include Britain, all European Union states and the United States. ...

238. Putin not seen ready to compromise ahead of peacetalks

Ukraine and Russia were preparing on Monday for the first face-to-face peace talks in more than two weeks, but a senior U.S. official said Russian President Vladimir Putin did not appear ready to make compromises to end the war....

239. Russians pile into property in Istanbul and Dubai to shelter from sanctions

Wealthy Russians are pouring money into real estate in Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, seeking a financial haven in the wake of Moscow's invasion of Ukraine and Western sanctions, according to many property companies....

240. Ukraine pleads for help, says Russia wants to split nation

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy accused the West of cowardice Sunday while another top official said Russia was trying to split the nation in two, like North and South Korea...