12° Nicosia,
03 June, 2024


Displaying results 151-180 of 243 matches for query victory.

151. Double geopolitical poker

Geopolitics is a game that is much like poker. This means that you have to keep your cards close to your chest and, most importantly, keep the other players guessing....

152. EU: A charger for all mobile phones - A blow to Apple

The European Commission is pushing for a common charging port for mobile phones, tablets and headphones, ...

153. Nicosia scores points on UNFICYP draft

Nicosia scored a diplomatic victory on Wednesday on an UNFICYP draft resolution, after members of the Security Council asked to retain narrow language on a federal solution and remove references suggesting a federal framework could be room for finding common ground...

154. Erdogan Cyprus visit redraws lines of division

The lines of division on the island of Cyprus are expanding beyond the traditional split along ethnic lines, with a visit by the Turkish president this week expected to cause friction within the Greek Cypriot community over the fate of Varosha but also within the Turkish Cypriot community over political values...

155. Cyprus parliament elects first madam speaker

The newly-elected House in the Republic of Cyprus voted for the first woman ever to preside over the assembly on Thursday afternoon, with ruling party MP Annita Demetriou receiving the majority of the votes after an intense procedure...

156. Defiant Italy scores rocking victory in Eurovision

Italy has won the 2021 Eurovision song contest with a rock tune in defiance of European music stereotypes, with the United Kingdom being the only country that received absolutely zero points from both the jury and viewers at home...

157. Cyprus’ baddie 'opens up' Euro contest

After last year’s hiatus due to the pandemic, Eurovision fans around the world are hours away from enjoying the biggest live music event, with Cyprus’ entry opening the popular competition where love of music is mixed with high emotions and decisive computations to declare a winner...

158. Cyprus celebrates Greek Independence

City officials in Nicosia are joining celebrations around the world to mark 200 years from the start of the Greek War of Independence, with a light show and a flag display set to adorn the southern part of the divided capital for the next three days...

159. Big if as Cyprus set to deliberate on measures

The Cypriot government is taking stock of recent restrictions against a further rapid spread of COVID-19, with reports pointing to plans being discussed to lift measures next month but also amid concerns over mutation fears and unknowns...

160. Cyprus shocked over chaos in Washington

The will of the people as freely expressed in elections must be respected, Cypriot Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides said in the light of the siege of the Capitol Hill in Washington...

161. One shot dead after rioters storm US capitol

Trump supporters breached one of the most iconic American buildings on Wednesday, engulfing the nation's capital in chaos as electoral votes were being counted to confirm President-elect Joe Biden's win...

162. Electors pick Biden

President-elect Joe Biden delivered a forceful rebuke on Monday to President Donald Trump’s attacks on the legitimacy of his victory, hours after winning the state-by-state Electoral College vote that officially determines the US presidency...

163. Trump okays Biden transition

After weeks of waiting, President Donald Trump’s administration on Monday cleared the way for President-elect Joe Biden to transition to the White House, giving him access to briefings and funding even as Trump vowed to continue fighting the election results...

164. Ankara focused on getting recognition of north Cyprus

Well-informed sources in the Turkish capital and in the Turkish Cypriot community insist on the fact that the messages relayed during Sunday’s celebrations in the north are of particular importance for the future course of the Cyprus Problem. Returning to the well-known rhetoric of the division, Turkey once again brought to the fore strategies and moves for the Cyprus Problem that had been forgotten for several years....

165. Nagorno-Karabakh peace deal signed

Russian peacekeeping troops deployed to the war-ravaged enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh in the early hours of Tuesday as part of a ceasefire deal President Vladimir Putin said should pave the way for a lasting political settlement of the conflict there...

166. Pfizer, BioNTech say their Covid-19 vaccine is more than 90% effective

Pfizer Inc on Monday said its experimental vaccine was more than 90% effective in preventing Covid-19 based on initial data from a large study, a major victory in the fight against a pandemic that has killed over 1 million people, roiled the world’s economy and upended daily life....

167. Biden plans ahead as Trump refuses to concede

Democrat Joe Biden began preparing on Sunday to deal with the coronavirus and other problems that will confront him as president of a divided America, while President Donald Trump planned campaign-style rallies to contest the election...

168. Biden trumps Trump

Major television networks pointed to Democrat Joe Biden as capturing enough votes to rebuff his opponent, Republican incumbent Donald Trump, in what has been described as a time of deep divisions in the Land of the Free...

169. Tatar goes to Ankara with clean slate

Newly-elected Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar is visiting Ankara on Monday, following his first tell-all interview with Turkish media after being sworn into office...

170. Cyprus, Greece, Egypt present united front

Cooperation between Cyprus, Greece and Egypt aims to safeguard peace and stability in the region on the basis of international law, Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades said during a trilateral summit in Nicosia Wednesday....

171. Anastasiades and Tatar to meet in Nicosia UN premises

The new Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar on Monday accepted President Anastasiades’ proposal for a get together, that is set to take place in UN premises in Nicosia....

172. Tatar challenges Akinci in runoff election

The top two contenders for the leadership in the north will face each other in a runoff election, after Turkish Cypriot voters went to the polls Sunday with the roadmap to peace on the divided island hanging in the balance...

173. A historic verdict and a more united Greece

The Greek justice system rose to the occasion and delivered a historic verdict that also confirms Greece’s image as a free democracy governed by the rule of law. Behind the voters’ rejection of Golden Dawn and the party’s condemnation by the institutions lies a good deal of human suffering – the agony of a mother whose child was murdered, but also of so many others who suffered violence and humiliation at the hands of the criminal organization....

174. Chaos reigns in first Trump-Biden debate

President Donald Trump and Democratic rival Joe Biden battled fiercely over Trump’s record on the coronavirus pandemic, healthcare and the economy in a chaotic and bad-tempered first debate marked by personal insults and Trump’s repeated interruptions...

175. NATO keeps France-Turkey probe under wraps as tempers flare

A NATO investigation into a naval standoff between French and Turkish ships in June has been rated too sensitive to discuss in public and does not apportion blame, as Paris and Ankara wage a war of words, diplomats have told Reuters....

176. Omonoia fans take win to the streets

Police went on high alert Wednesday night after Omonoia Nicosia reached the Champions League playoffs, with reports saying supporters from rival clubs were throwing rocks at cars with fans who were celebrating the team’s achievemen...

177. Old rivalries continue in eastern Mediterranean

Greece has issued a competing navigational telex after Turkey extended seismic surveys in the eastern Mediterranean, with no signs between the two NATO allies of burying the hatchet over old rivalries that continue to this day...

178. Sir Stelios wages battle against board

EasyJet founder Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou had some harsh words to say about the company’s finance director, with the Greek Cypriot billionaire renewing his call to whistleblowers to help with useful information to scrap an Airbus deal...

179. V-E Day marked the turning point towards a democratic, prosperous, and peaceful future

Today is the 75th anniversary of the Allied Victory in Europe in World War II - “V-E Day.” This is a day to remember and honor the shared sacrifice, enduring commitment, and unflinching bravery of the Allied forces and the underground movements in defeating Fascism in Europe. We also remember the immense sorrow and misery suffered by so many, and we recognize the bravery and sacrifice of tens of millions of civilians in the Second World War....

180. Harvey Weinstein found guilty at rape trial

Harvey Weinstein, the fallen titan of Hollywood whose sexual abuse of aspiring young female actors sparked the #MeToo movement, has finally been brought to justice after a New York jury found him guilty....